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B : Historical research notes and drafts

Some records of Great Swanport and the Municipality of Glamorgan 1820-1920 by G. Musgrave Parker' c.1950 . Typed draft, corrected ms., with ms notes and illustrations (snapshots or newspaper cuttings) in 16 chapters and 3 appendices. The draft is in an unfinished state; many gaps have been left for dates or other information to be added, and numerous ms. notes, clippings, etc. have been inserted or left loose in the folders.
Chapter 1 -Early history 1642-1821
Chapter 2 The pioneers 1821-1826
Chapter 3 Under military control 1826-1840
Chapter 4 The native problem in Great Swanport.
Chapter 5 Bushrangers in the district.
Chapter 6 Whaling sealing and some early exports.
Chapter 7 Civilian administration 1841-1859
Chapter 8 The Rural Municipal Council 1860-1920 (police, medical men, coroners, Registrar of Births, Deaths, Marriages).
Chapter 9 Sheep and wool, wattle bark and agriculture
Chapter 10 Coal, tin, gold and lime.
Chapter 11 Roads, bridges, jetties.
Chapter 12 Shipping on the coast.
Chapter 13 The story of the churches
Chapter 14 Parliament and the local representatives
Chapter 15 Education, postal history, societies & clubs.
Chapter 16 Growth of district and township, notable visitors, wars, other notable events and weather.
Appendix A Grants and location orders [Land].
Appendix B Local persons of note (brief biographical notes in alphabetical order)
Appendix C Diary of Adam Amos 1822-1825.
Illustrations included:
Ch. 1. J.A. Graham, first Warden 1860
Ch 2. Pompey's Pillar, Alexandria, Creek Hut (G. Meredith's first residence), Cambria, Cranbrook House, Glen Gala
Ch 3. Red Banks ~ 1890 and later, Apsley, Apslawn, Milton (J. Allen's residence), Swanwick, 'The White Hut' Little Swanport, Kebreden, Kelvedon Rocky Hills Station (including stereoscopic photos of the ruins of the tread mill and lime kiln.
Ch 4. Aborigines, Muirlands Little Swanport (residence of John Radford) , Waubadebar’s grave Bicheno.
Ch 6. Wineglass Bay, Trumpeter Bay, Schouten Island, Meredith's Fishery, a trypot.
Ch 7. Waterloo Point 1852 (watercolour sketch on grey card copied from original at Cambria by Mary Ann Walker 1928
Ch 8. Wardens (J.A. Graham, F. Shaw, Carmichael Lyne, F.C. Shaw, W.F.G. Calvert (news clippings), Council Chambers, Alfred W. Smith, Robert Gould, F. Lyne, G.F. Storey (Beattie's Studio), Dr. E.W. Pilgrim, Dr. E.C. McCarthy, Dr. G.S. Rundle (c. 1860-70)
Ch 9. Sheep, wool press, Picnic Place from Apsley, Mayfield Mill and outhouses (late 19th cent.), Oyster Bay pine.
Ch 10. Bicheno
Ch 11. Rocky Hills culvert, Spiky Bridge Swansea, Swansea jetty.
Ch 12. Cutter 'Thames', ketches 'Good Intent' - 'Foam'.
Ch 13. All Saints Church, Swansea, Bernard Shaw, Shaw memorial window, Bishops Nixon, Bromby, Sandford, Montgomery, Mercer (news clippings), Frank Morris Gill, Tomb of Rev. Thomas Dove Swansea, Swansea (including Catholic Church), Gala Kirk, Fr. Thomas Kelsh (news clipping).
Ch 14. E.T. Miles, John Lyne, F. Lyne, W.H. Bennett, James White, H. Lamb, W.W. Perkins, J. Murdoch, James Lord, J. Mitchell, J. Meredith, C. Meredith, W.J. McWilliams, A. Hearn.
Ch 16. Swansea views Appendix B Graveyard at Llandaff.

C : Press cuttings and pamphlets

Cuttings of historical interest from newspapers, chiefly Mercury, Australasian & Argus and The Critic, stuck in albums made from old catalogues (e.g. Army & Navy Stores) or old medical diaries. There are rough indexes to each volume except the first two. The volumes were originally numbered 16 - 42; no volumes 1 - 15 were received, possibly the numbers were left for the cuttings still loose in envelopes (see P.l/20) or they may refer to other notebooks and files. -1 - Indexes to newspaper cutting volumes 18 - 42
16 -1883 - 1907 Australasian, Argus & Mercury, including obituaries of Louisa Meredith (1895), Sir William Clarke (1897), James Bonwick, photos of Port Arthur by Dr. Fox, 1895; peal of bells from Port Arthur transferred to New Norfolk, 1897; visit of Duke and Duchess of Cornwall , 1901, including photographs of welcoming arches.)
17 - 1921 - 1924 'Notes by the Way' & 'historic land grants' by 'Historicus' in The Critic.
18 - c 1914 - 1924 'Notes by the Way' especially on aborigines and bushrangers. (partly indexed - see above)
19 – c. 1914 - 1924. As above, including extracts from Knopwood's journal. (Rough index)
20 - c 1914 - 1924 As above
21 - 1903 - 4, 1907, 1923 Miscellaneous cuttings (rough index) (Including centenary celebrations)
22 - 1924 - 1928 (includes Lyne family centenary 1926)
23 - 1928 Also includes some early cuttings including a description of Hobart, 1846
24 - 1929 - 1930
25 - 1930 - 1933
26 - 1933 to 1935
27 - 1935 to 1938
28 1942 to 1945
29 - 1945 to 1947
30 - 1948 to 1950
31 - 1950 to 1952 (including Buckland window mystery)
32 - 1952 to 1954
33 1954 to 1955
34 - 1955 - 1956
35 - 1957
36 - 1957 to 1958
37 - 1958 to 1959
38 1959 to 1960
39 - 1960 to 1961
40 - 1962
41 - 1962 to 1963
42 - 1963 to 1965

D : Photographs, Prints and Drawings

Photographs of Swansea and the East Coast of Tasmania and other parts of Tasmania, etc., including some photographs taken by Dr. G.M. Parker, himself, between 1915 and 1950 (some with negatives) and others, including some earlier 19th century photographs and picture postcards, collected by Dr Parker from friends etc. There are also one or two drawings or news cuttings.

George Musgrave Parker


The Development of the Labor Movement in the Sydney District of New South Wales by L. Thomas, 1962.

Robert Cosgrove

Francis Cotton : Appointments held : 134 to 150

Francis Cotton's correspondence and papers relating to the Society of Friends. He paid many visits of concern to Friends in South Australia, Victoria and N.S.W. See also (Series C) general correspondence for letters from and relating to Friends.

Francis Cotton

Diary, pocketbooks and letters

Diary and other material relating to Edwin Charles Fuller (1885-1921) father of W.E. Fuller
Diary dated 1888. Probably kept by E. C. Fuller. Occasional entries only. Refers to "Mother and Marion (e.g. took Mother & Marion to Black Bush), Charley, Bessie, Ada, Margaret and Mary (Margaret plans Mary disposes"); also to mining shares and mine claim especially "Castle Carey", and to council meetings ('.'attended council meeting in morning going through assessment roll").

William Edwin Fuller

George and Mary Ann Meredith

Consist of George and Mary Meredith's family correspondence, correspondence with their children, children's schooling, friends and neighbours, household and servants, and George Meredith's business and magistracy correspondence

George Meredith

Hugh Synnot Hull

The papers consist of letters to Hugh from his fiancee, family and friends, bills and papers relating to debts and some papers relating to the sale of a plot of land in Glenorchy. There are three items only of Hugh's father - all relating to the Southern Tasmanian Rifle Association.

Hugh Synnot Hull


Papers concerning xxx

John Leake


Miscellaneous documents , shipping consignments and records relating to various vessels owned by McGregor

Alexander McGregor


Miscellaneous documents regarding estates where McGregor was executor and trustee.

Alexander McGregor

Newspaper cuttings

Newspaper cuttings in volumes and in bundles relating to the University and other projects with which Edmund MorrilsMiller was connected. Also reviews of Australian publications and some booksellers' catalogues and a collection of articles by Amy Rowntree.

Edmund Morris Miller

Robert James Morris

Robert James Morris (1880-1963), youngest son of William Knibb and Sarah Morris, became a bookseller in Hobart. On a visit to his relatives in England 1905-7 he corresponded with his brothers and sisters in Hobart.

William Knibb Morris

Walker Photographs

Photograph collection consists of Walker family photographs and photographs of local Tasmanian scenes. Some unidentified portraits by unknown photographers. Daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, carte de visite, cabinet portraits, stereoscopic views, Hobart streetscapes and Tasmanian scenes

James Backhouse Walker

Property : 1 to 21

Documents relating to the Cotton Family property including, plans, rents, leases and gants

Cotton Family


Scrapbook of theatre programmes, account of the whaling and sealing industies and a taped interview with John Reynolds

John Reynolds


4 items: autograph album; personal book of inspirational quotations; notebook of Minutes; biographical notes compiled by Eileen Barnard-Kettle

Margaret Sturge Watts


File contains miscellaneous objects

George Thomas Jamieson Wilson

Religious Society of Friends, Religious writing

Correspondence with the Religious Society of Friends and various lectures on religion. Note: Clive Sansom also collected many cuttings of articles on religious topics, prayers, sayings etc., but these have not been retained in Archives.

Clive Sansom


Drawings and sketches, family photo albums, and correspondence regarding conservation.

Clive Sansom

Press Cuttings

Miscellaneous personal papers including character references, First Communion card, newspaper cutting relating to introduction of Fair Rents Bill, , House of Assembly notice of regret at his retirement,
1958, House of Assembly and Legislative Council notices of regret at his death 1969, funeral card 1969.

Robert Cosgrove

Photographs of rifle teams

Group photographs of T.U.R.C. teams: Inver-varsity match at Adelaide 1930, Tasmanian and Sydney teams at the Australian Universities match Melbourne 1932, Hobart and Suburban Cup (T.U.R.C. winners) 1933, Inter-varsity 1933, Australian Universities match 1934 (2 photos, one with winners’ shield), group at Springs 1934. Photos mounted, named and signed.

McDonell Watkyn Woods

Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) documents

  • Series
  • 1959-1998

Documents generated in connection with Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM). Includes papers generated for discussion at the ATCM and reports of the meetings. Many of the documents are reproduced in, or referred to in, W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).

University of Tasmania

News clippings

Collection of miscellaneous news clippings, history, animals, obituaries and reminiscences in notebooks and binder

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Notes on genealogy

Notes on genealogy: Including families of Luttrell (ancestors of Mrs. A.L. (Winifred) Meston; Rockwell, including typed copy of letter written by J. Rockwell, an officer on H.M.S. Dreadnought, describing the battle of Trafalgar, photograph of Captain Rockwell, Master of P.S. "Kangaroo"; Churchill and Crocker families.

Archibald Lawrence Meston

Burnie : postcards

Eight small captioned black and white postcards in proprietary envelope. From envelope - For your Album, Murray's Snapshots - Series No. 2. produced by Murray Views Gympie, Queensland. Photographs like these allowed tourists to send many images of their holiday destination or hometown in the one small package.

Murray Views

Ulverstone : postcards

Eight small captioned black and white postcards in proprietary envelope. From envelope - Beauty Spots in Australia, 8 Real Photographs for your Snapshot Album, Published by the Rose Stereographic Co. Armadale, Victoria

St Helens : postcard

Eight small captioned black and white fold out images in proprietary post-able envelope. From envelope - Join us in a trip around St. Helens Tasmania. Southern series Registered. On reverse - Postage rates within the British Empire. Without correspondence, in an unsealed envelope, will be 3d. If correspondence is added, postage will be 3 1/2d whether envelope is sealed or unsealed. Foreign rate, 7 1/2 d

Hounville : postcard

Ten captioned fold out colour images in unidentified proprietary post-able envelope. Showing views of Huonville on one side and Hobart on the other.
From envelope : A Colorful Souvenir of Huonville and Hobart, Tas.. Natural views.

Hobart : postcards

Seven captioned hand coloured images in proprietary envelope. Showing views of Hobart.
From envelope - Valentine's Snapshots. Eight real photographs. Hand Coloured Hobart, No. 1. Published by The Valentine Publishing Co. Melbourne and Sydney.

Valentine Publishing

Trusteeships : Miscellaneous

  • Series
  • 1826-1854
  • Part of Leake Papers

Papers and letters concerning Leake acting for friends and neighbours as executor of wills, trustee of settlements, or as charitable donor and adviser to friends or old neigbours from his Hamburg days fallen on bad times, as with the Graham family formerly of Hamburg.

John Leake

Sarah Elizabeth Clara (Bessie) Leake

Papers of Sarah Elizabeth Clara Leake (1869-1929) usually known as Bessie, daughter of C.H. & CJ. Leake
married John Dowbiggin (Jack) Foster on 23 March 1892

John Leake

Mary Rose Alice Leake

Papers of Mary Rose Alice Leake (1871-1931), second daughter of C.H. and C.J. Leake, married Wilfred Hudspeth.

John Leake


Minutes of the Management Committee (June 1862-February 1945) - The committee met monthly to deal with all aspects of the School's life. Their minutes contain information about the staff, meals, bedding, the girls' clothing, their activities (mostly needlework, laundry, and schooling), the circumstances of their parents, reasons for committal, behaviour, and illnesses or deaths, as well as destinations and progress after leaving the home. They name a number of girls. They also include the handover of the School to the Salvation Army in 1945. There are some newspaper clippings, mostly concerning Annual General Meetings.
Minutes of the Governors and Trustees (July-November 1882) - concern plans, estimates, and tenders for repairs to the roof of Kensington House, Davey Street.

Girls Industrial School Hobart

Personal papers

Miscellaneous personal papers including character references, First Communion card, newspaper cutting relating to introduction of Fair Rents Bill, , House of Assembly notice of regret at his retirement,
1958, House of Assembly and Legislative Council notices of regret at his death 1969, funeral card 1969.

Robert Cosgrove

Susanna Earle

Material belonging to Susanna Jane Earle nee Blackmore, wife of John Earle relating to vegetarianism and vivisection and other miscellaneous items

Susanna Jane Earle

Results 1 to 100 of 309