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Letters Patent of the University of Tasmania

Parchment document bound with green ribbon and sealed with red wax. Letters Patent of King George V granting recognition throughout the Kingdom, empire and Dominions of degrees conferred by the University of Tasmania in Arts, Science, Law, Medicine, Music and all branches of knowledge except Theology

University of Tasmania

University of Tasmania Charter

  • UT377
  • Collection
  • 1899-1915

Documents relating to the University of Tasmania Charter

University of Tasmania

Henry Hellyer Letter

Copy of a letter from Henry Hellyer to Edward Curr, dated 29 November 1828, describing a journey to Mt. Farrell, the Fury Gorge, Barn Bluff and Cradle Mountain, and the discovery of river Mackintosh and Eldon Range

Henry Hellyer

Ship Inn

Photograph of the Ship Inn on the corner of Elizabeth and Collins Streets, Hobart in about 1881. The photographer is Alfred Winter who had studios in Bathurst, Elizabeth and Liverpool Streets from 1869 until 1891.

Family reminiscences

" Whence my Family" - Family reminiscences by James Backhouse Walker (handwritten in block copy, New Testament cover) and compact disc containing scan of original and photographs of the Walker Family ( W9/Ph 153 - blue album)

James Backhouse Walker

Reminiscences of Sarah Benson Walker

Sarah Benson Walker's reminiscences of her life in Hobart Town as recorded by her son James Backhouse Walker. It includes narrative of the voyage out, and descriptions of Hobart in the very early period, information about Hobart personalities as well as the story of Sarah Benson Walker's life

James Backhouse Walker

Affectionate remembrance of Sarah Benson Mather

Mourning card and printed texts for Sarah Benson Mather, second daughter of R. Andrew and Ann Mather, who died in Hobart Town, on the 12th of 3rd month ,1875 aged 28 years and 10 months. Sarah Benson Mather passed away in the early morning, just as the cocks began to crow. The text which heads these verses was deeply impressed on the minds around her.

In memoriam Hannah Maria Benson

Folded memorial card with black margins. In loving memory of Hannah Maria, widow of the rev. Samuel Benson M.A. Chaplin of St. Saviour’s Southwark who died February 18th, 1882 aged 73 years. Interred at Norwood Cemetery, grave number 18495

Mourning card Isabella Mather

Mourning card constructed from heavy card-stock, and made up of an intricate formal design that is cut and embossed. Black margin surrounding card and envelope. Also black bordered printed insert “Lines on the death of Isabella, the beloved wife of Mr John Mather, and second daughter of Mr Abraham Biggs, who departed this life on the 14th June, 1863 aged 30 years and 9 monthe. Her end was peace.

Wedding cards in envelope

Two wedding cards with decorative scalloped edges attached together with metallic beaded clip, one smaller, inscribed Mrs D.F. Jobson and D.F. Jobson in a silver embossed envelope with decorative seal addressed Mr & Mrs G.W. Walker

Wedding cards

Two wedding cards, one smaller, inscribed Mr & Mrs W.E. Shoobridge in envelope addressed Mrs Walker. On verso of envelope flap written nee Annie B Mather.

Pin holder

Cloth and cardboard pin holder in envelope with note "Made by Sarah Benson Walker"

Memorial to the Honourable the Legislative Council of Van Diemen's Land

Petition detailing the large portion of human misery, inculding poverty, disease, and crime induced by the use of alcoholic or fermented liquors and asking that the Council enact a law similar to that now in operation in the State of Maine ; which must, by its natural effect, not only entirely banish intemperance and all its consequent evils from the community, but will remove the oppression with which it weighs upon the moral and physical energies of the people, and be the surest means of promoting their social and domestic happiness, and their advancement in wealth, knowledge, and religion.

George Washington Walker

Rules of the Society

Rough document detailing rules of the society. Some written upside down.

George Washington Walker

Unidentified document

Undated and unsigned document regarding excessive drinking in taverns, ale houses and gin palaces. May be a draft for a magazine.

George Washington Walker

Donation from Bicheno

Document dated Liverpool 1844, George Walker on behalf of the Total Abstinence Society for the donation of a pound towards funds from James Ebenezer Bicheno

George Washington Walker

Petition to the Legislative Council

Undated petition to the Legislative Council regarding the act to regulate the sale of liquors being the 38th Section of the Licensing Act, the Sunday Clause not be repealed

George Washington Walker


Undated complaint by the finance committee of the Hobart Town Total Abstinence Society addressed to Mr J.B. Mather and Mr Geo. Bell, of suffering grievous moral wrong and slander from Geo. W Walker

George Washington Walker


Account with Temperance Alliance rendered 20 May 1857 in account with Geo. W Walker

George Washington Walker


Copy of an uncompleted petition from the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity to the Honourable the Legislative Council of Van Diemen's Land. Petitioners therefore pray that the 38th Section of the Licensing Act, commonly known as the " Sunday Clause" may not be repealed.

George Washington Walker

Circular addressed to licenced victuallers

Copy of circular, dated 1855, Hobart Town, addressed to licenced victuallers and others interested in the sale of intoxicating drink advising them of the enclosed petition prepared by the Tasmanian Temperance and Total Abstinence Association to the Legislative Council prohibiting the Sunday traffic in intoxicating liquors.

George Washington Walker

Copy of circular addressed to candidates at elections

Copy of circular addressed to candidates at elections. Letter to Arthur Perry (Member of the Legislative Council) dated 5 March 1855 from the committee of the Tasmanian Temperance and Total Abstinence Association bringing to his consideration the very demoralising effect of treating Electors with intoxicating drinks and the vile system of supplying the means of drunkenness and debauchery at elections

George Washington Walker

Constitution and Laws of the Van Diemen’s Land Liquor Law League

Constitution and Laws of the Van Diemen’s Land Liquor Law League agreed upon at a meeting of the Members convened for that purpose, and for the confirmation of appointments to office held in the Temperance Hall, Bathurst Street on the 8th August 1854.

George Washington Walker

Minutes of meeting

Minutes of an overflow meeting held in promotion of National Temperance in the Infant School Room, Murray street on the evening of Thursday 6th July 1854. Address delivered by David Blair on the important subject of "National Temperance". George W Walker in the chair.

George Washington Walker


Memorandum regarding the location and the construction of the Temperance Hall at the end of Murry and Davey Street, Hobart dated 1854 and signed George Washington Walker

George Washington Walker

Plan for the advocacy of the Total Abstinence Society cause

List of gentleman and proposed dates for the plan for the advocacy of the Total Abstinence Society cause in connection with the V.D. Land T.A Society at the Prisoners Barracks, Hobart Town up to December 1851 on the second Friday evening in the month at 7 o’clock

George Washington Walker

Letter from Bicheno, Colonial Secretary's office

Letter dated 30th November 1850 from the Colonial Secretary's office signed by James Ebenezer Bicheno regarding a grant of land at the south end of Collins Street Hobart to the Total Abstinence Society.

George Washington Walker

Letter to Philip Smith

Letter to Philip Smith, Hobart Town, regarding the committee of the Temperance Society and the importation of intoxicating drink

George Washington Walker


Marriage certificate of George Washington Walker and Sarah Benson Mather, married at Friends Meeting House, Hobart. Dated 15th December 1840. Witnessed and signed by many of the respectable inhabitants of the colony

George Washington Walker

Correspondence : Walker to Denison

Copy of letter dated 17th December 1849 from George Washington Walker to Lt. Governor Sir William Thomas Denison which is a memorial to the prisoner Augustus Dalmas and his daughter Caroline, now Mrs. Adams.

George Washington Walker

School of Medicine

  • Collection
  • 1966-1988

Collection of School of Medicine files (1966-1981) containing newspaper clippings, class/graduation photographs (1984,1985,1987,1988), staff lists, job advertisements, seminar information, questionnaires.

University of Tasmania

Long Focal Length Photographic Objectives

Pamphlet produced by the Optics Research Group, Physics Department, University of Tasmania in May 1975, entitled Long Focal Length Photographic Objectives : Photographic Performance of 100 inch telephoto objective.

Alexander Leicester McAulay

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