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Glossa Ordinaria - Fragment

One double sided folio leaf , containing glosses and extracts on legal matters from the Codex lustinianus. The sheets were pasted inside the covers of C. Plinius Secundus, 'Diuinum opus cui titulus historia mundi,' J. Froenius, Basle 1525. The book was formerly owned by Rev. F.R. Nixon who deposited it in the Diocesan Library in Hobart whence it passed at an unknown date to the Library of Christ College.

Codex lustinianus - Fragment

One double sided folio leaf , containing glosses and extracts on legal matters from the Codex lustinianus. The sheets were pasted inside the covers of C. Plinius Secundus, 'Diuinum opus cui titulus historia mundi,' J. Froenius, Basle 1525. The book was formerly owned by Bishop. F.R. Nixon who deposited it in the Diocesan Library in Hobart whence it passed at an unknown date to the Library of Christ College.

Theological text fragments

Thirteen mutilated bi-folia on a theological subject. Thought to be 14th century or early 15th probably northern Italy or Switzerland.
No foliation, pagination, catchwords, or quire signatures are visible. Each bi-folio has been cut vertically so that one half has only one column of text, and each double sheet has been cut horizontally so that either the upper lower portion of the column is missing.
The folios were removed from the binding of D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi Opera, printed at Basie by J. Frobenius, 10 vols as 7, 1542-1543. The set was formerly owned by Bishop F. R. Nixon who deposited it in the Diocesan Library in Hobart, whence it passed at an unknown date to the Library of Christ College.

Fragment from Psalter with Passion readings

Leaf from a Psalter transcribed by Pietro Ursuleo of Capua (d. 1483), an accomplished scribe and bishop of Satriano from 1474 to 1483 (appointed to the archbishopric of Santa Severina 22 Feb 1483 until his death in April).
The Gospel according to Luke 22: 62-71 to 23: 1-8. The text covers the plot to kill Jesus, and Peter’s denial.

Papal Bull Inter Caetera (extract)

Historical document relevant to territorial claims, sovereignty, Argentina, Chile, United Kingdom, UK. Provides document or extract with source information. [Published by Bush as AR04051493]

Bill Bush

Book of Hours - Fragment

Hours of the Virgin – Matins.1 The closing of Psalm 97 (v. 7-9), response and benediction of Lesson 6 said at the second nocturne. Lesson 7, recited at the third nocturne, begins with the opening verses of the hymn ‘O Beata Virgo Maria’ by Bishop Fulbert of Chartres, with the response and verse relating key moments in the Annunciation story.

Ameto : comedia delle ninfe Fiorentine

Boccaccio, Ameto, ed. Francesco Sansovino.
Pr. Gabriel Giolito de’ Ferrari, Venice, 1558.
Italic typeface; classicizing engraved initials.
On the title page is an old shelfmark 2940. From the Library of Christ College; given by Rev. R.R. Davies in 1852.
Cent Coll Rare PQ4270. A2 1558.

La villa : Dialogo

Bartolomeo Taegio, La Villa. Dialogo.
Pr. Francesco Moscheni, Milan, 30 May 1559.
Bound in its original limp vellum wrappers; remains of two ties of the same. Fine title page; on the verso the author’s portrait; woodcuts showing surveying at pp. 162 and 164.
Inside the front cover is written ‘1560 Francoforti I. A. à S’. On the verso of the last leaf of text (Cciii) and the following flyleaf are herbal remedies in German, signed ‘Frater Mercurius ordinis S. Basilii in Monte Sinai uel S. Catharina co(mmun)icabat Praga Anno 1570.’ The same hand has annotated the text. On the verso of the first flyleaf is ‘Duplum Bibliothecae regiae Monacensis’, 18th-cent. From the Library of Christ College; given by Rev. R.R. Davies in 1852.

Morris Miller-Christ College Rare-Book SB 471 .T34 1559

Comedies, with the commentary of Petrus Antesignanus Rapistagnensis

Terence, Comedies, with the commentary of Petrus Antesignanus Rapistagnensis.
Binding of blind-stamped pigskin over pasteboard. The pigskin presumably once extended over the whole of the boards, but has been cut back near the half-way point from the spine, and the remainder replaced with parts of leaves from a 15th-cent. manuscript liturgical book in gothic textura with red initials and rubric. That on the back is so rubbed as to be illegible.
Pr. Mathias Bonhome, Lyon, 1560. Heavily used, perhaps in a classroom.
Inside the front board are mottos in Greek and Latin with the monogram ‘CIC’. On the first flyleaf in carmine: ‘Iohannes Christianus Wes(?el) Magdeburgensis Saxo / Anno CID ID CCVII Symbol’/ Iesus Crucifixi Vulnera Me Salvant’. The date is 1707. A similar inscription appears to have been washed off the inside of the back board. Lower down, less formally, ‘Jo: Ch: Wapsa / Anno 1702 & 7 Aprilis’. Also, perhaps in the same hand, 22 gl. On the title page ‘Iohannes Christianus Wapsa / Anno 1702 / & 6 Aprilis.’ Below is ‘Henricus Sebast. Wapsa Iur. Pract. [blank] comp. sibi Halae Saxon. Prid. Cal. Maii anno CID IC CLXVIII’. Further down again is ‘[erased] gyl’. Near the head ‘F. 3’ and ‘Ch: Coll: Tasm:’; probably given by Rev. R. R. Davies in 1852. Inside the front board are penciled 2228 and No. 200.

Cent Coll Rare PA 6755 .A2 1560.

Verrius Flaccus (grammarian), fragments, and Sextus Pompeius Festus, De Verborum Significatione.

Verrius Flaccus (grammarian), fragments, and Sextus Pompeius Festus, De Verborum Significatione.
Pr. Iohannes Maria Bonellus, Venice, 1559 (the colophon has 1560).
The ‘series chartarum’ on the last page of the book (shown here) provides a guide for the binder to ensure that he sewed the book in the correct order. Each quire or section was assigned an alphabetical letter which, with the leaf number, appears at the foot of the leaves (usually four) in the first half of each quire: a1, a2, a3, a4. This system was already used in late medieval manuscripts.
On the last leaf, 16th-cent., ‘Thomas Plower His Book’. From the Library of Christ College; given by Rev. R. R. Davies in 1852.
Morris Miller-Christ College Rare-Book PA 6385 .F4 V477 1560

Geoffrey Chaucer, Works

Geoffrey Chaucer, Works.
Printed in London by John Kyngston for John Wyght, in 1561.
This is the fourth printed edition of Chaucer’s collected works, effectively a reprint of the 1532 edition, with fourteen leaves of additional verse, and the long poem The Siege of Thebes by John Lydgate, monk of Bury.
The text is in ‘black-letter’, i.e. gothic type, with many decorated initials and several engraved illustrations.
On the second flyleaf is pencilled ‘No. 68 in Arch’s Catalogue of 1814’. John and Arthur Arch (fl. 1792-1838) were London booksellers. Bookplate of Edgar Atheling Drummond (1825-1893). Acquired by the University Library from the bookseller Bernard Quaritch, London, in 1930.

Cent Rare Folio PR 1850 1561.

Opera, incl. Appendix Vergiliana, with the notes of Iohannes Frisius, Philip Melancthon et al.

Virgil, Opera, incl. Appendix Vergiliana, with the notes of Iohannes Frisius, Philip Melancthon et al.
Binding 16th- or 17th-cent., the leather lost, only the pasteboard, damaged by damp, remaining.
Pr. Weigand Han Erb., Sigmund Feierabent, Georg Rab, [Frankfurt], 1563.
Fine full-page engravings, verso of a8, c4, i8, l5, n4 verso, p2 verso, q8 verso, x3, z3, B1 verso, D1 verso, F3, H4 verso, K7.
Inside the front board ‘T. Blyth’s’. The first flyleaf is filled with pen-trials, the verso and following recto with a draft letter, 16th-cent., in English. The same hand writes more of the same on the innermost end flyleaf. At the head of the verso of the title page a 16th-cent. name, ‘Richardus Lath[?]nage’, has been cropped by the binder. The same name is written lower down, inked over. On the verso before b1 is ‘Thomas Tatham 1717’. On the verso of the last flyleaf ‘Mr William Radcliffe’, presumably the Derbyshire cotton weaver of this name (1761-1842). From the Library of Christ College.



Bede, Opera.

Pr. in 8 vols. by Ioannes Hervagius (Iohann Herwegen), Basel, 1563.

The first printed edition (editio princeps) of the works of the Venerable Bede (d. 734), and the last until the nineteenth century. The illustrations are from his works on chronology and from some of the many pieces wrongly ascribed to him by the editor.

On the title page of vols. 5 and 7 is ‘Conventus Leod’ fratrum minorum Recoll’’, on that of vol. 2 ‘Conventus PP Recollect Leod’’; i.e. withdrawn from the library of the Franciscan convent at Liège. From the Library of Christ College.

Christ College Rare PA 8260 .O64 1563

Anthologia Graeca

Anthologia Graeca.

Pr. Henricus Stephanus (Henri Estienne), ‘illustris uiri Huldrichi Fuggeri typographus’, [Geneva], 1566. Using a beautiful Greek typeface.

Inside the front board is the plate of Thornton & Son, Booksellers, 11 The Broad, Oxford. On the front flyleaf, in red ink, ‘E libris Marci Pattisonis, uiri doctissimi, Linc. Coll. Oxon. quondam rectoris – Univ. Oxon.’ Pattison (1813-1884) was rector of Lincoln College Oxford. Inside the front board is the bookplate of Mahinda College, Galle, Ceylon. On it is written, in the same red ink, ‘e libris F. L. Woodward Mahinda College, Galle, Ceylon’ and ‘e Sid. Coll. Cam. schol. 1890’. Given by his executors to the University Library in 1952.

Cent Rare PA 3458 .A2 1566.

The whole workes of W. Tyndall, Iohn Frith, and Doct. Barnes : three worthy martyrs and principall teachers of this Churche of England

Image extracts from the title 'The whole workes of W. Tyndall, Iohn Frith, and Doct. Barnes : three worthy martyrs and principall teachers of this Churche of England'.

Pr. John Daye, London, dated 1573 on the title page, 1572 at the end of the Index. The first edition of the complete works.

Contemporary London blind-stamped binding, rebacked. Centre and corner bosses on both boards, the lower one on the front board nearest the spine gone. Formerly two straps from the front board to catches at the rear. On the spine is a small paper label with typescript 174 B. Fine illustrations, including the title page, one of Tyndal’s burning on the unnumbered page before b1. Anti-papist illustration on the last page.

On the front flyleaf are a series of names. In apparent chronological order: ‘For Elizabeth Louther’, canc.; ‘Ann Tilley April 1844’; ‘For my Nephew’; ‘For John Tilley 21 May 1844’; ‘John Tilley’. All except the first appear to be in the same hand, presumably Ann Tilley’s. On the last flyleaf, upside down, ‘Ann Lowther’, ?18th cent. The Royal Society of Tasmania’s plate inside the front cover, its stamp on the first flyleaf.

Morris Miller RoySoc Rare BR 53 .T95.

Rariorum aliquot Stirpium per Hispanias Obseruatarum Historia

Charles de l’Ecluse (Clusius), Rariorum aliquot Stirpium per Hispanias Obseruatarum Historia.

Pr. Christopher Plantin, Antwerp, 1576. With numerous engravings by one of Plantin’s best artists, Pieter van der Borcht. The famous press founded by Plantin (c. 1520-1589) was to remain in business until 1867.

Charles de l’Ecluse (1526-1609), professor at the University of Leiden, established Europe’s first botanical garden there (still in existence), and laid the foundations of the Dutch bulb industry. This book is one of the earliest treatises on the flora of Spain.

Inside the front cover is ‘duplicato’, an old shelfmark C. 64, and 12/- in pencil. At the end is ‘Perlegi Tag ij 1580. mense Februario / Laus Deo.’ On the verso of the title page is ‘Will: Forsyth 1825’. From the Library of Christ College; given by Rev. R. R. Davies in 1852.

Morris Miller-Christ College Rare-Book QK 41 .C58 1576

Extracts of officers' logs: part 1

Extracts of the officers' logs of the French naval vessel Mascarin's voyage of exploration led by Captain Nicholas Marion Du Fresne -Tasmanian part of voyage, March 1772.
'Journal du voyage fait sur le vaisseau du Roy Le Mascarin, commande par Mr. Marion, Chevalier de l'Ordre Royal et Militaire de st.
Louis, Capitaine de Brulot, accompagne de la Flutte Le Margqis de Castries, pour faire le voyage de l'Isle Taity ou de Cythere, en faissant la decouverte des terrae Australae passant a la Nouvelle Hollande, a la Nouvelle Zelande etc.

Photographs of Archives Nationales, C 7 197, pp. 1, 7-14;

Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne

Extracts of officers' logs: part 2

Extracts of the officers' logs of the French naval vessel Mascarin's voyage of exploration led by Captain Nicholas Marion Du Fresne -Tasmanian part of voyage, March 1772.
'Journal du voyage fait sur le vaisseau du Roy Le Mascarin, commande par Mr. Marion, Chevalier de l'Ordre Royal et Militaire de st.
Louis, Capitaine de Brulot, accompagne de la Flutte Le Margqis de Castries, pour faire le voyage de l'Isle Taity ou de Cythere, en faissant la decouverte des terrae Australae passant a la Nouvelle Hollande, a la Nouvelle Zelande etc.

Photographs of Archives Nationales, Marine 4 JJ, 192, no. 19, pp. 1, 12-18

Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne

Baptism certificate

Certified extract of entry of baptism and birth of William, son of Murdo Downie, Master Royal Navy, and Anne Smith his wife, parish of Foot Dee, Aberdeen, Scotland. Dated 20 October 1801

William Downie

Memoranda book: 1801-1802

  • Item
  • 1801-1802
  • Part of Leake Papers

Memoranda book dated 1801 -1802 "Book of observations" or memoranda of shipping commission accounts from 1798, including olive oil,iron,lead,tinned plate,caviar from Russia, earthenware,flax,cotton, Italian marble etc. Also notes of current prices,freight charges,currency,goods wanted and available, port dues and captains' "privileges" at various ports, including Naples, Barcelona, Leghorn,Gallipoli. Journal notes of loading and transactions on voyage carrying tar and pitch from Hull to Gibraltar or Naples for Messrs. Knox and Hay February-July 1802.

John Leake

Journal of Mediterranean Voyage

John Leake's account of a voyage to Gibraltar and Gallipoli as super cargo for Messrs. Knox and Hay of Hull, shipping pitch and tar to sell in Gibraltar or Naples, returning with [olive] oil from Gallipoli. Journal of Mediterranean Voyage dated 1802

John Leake

On the love of our country

Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitles "On the love of our country"
Preached before the Honble Allen Hyde Gardner Cap HM ship Resolution of [illegible] – June 1801, Camp Sullivan Cove Van Diemen’s Land May 13 - 1804
137 Psalm – 5 verse If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.

Robert Knopwood

Letter : D. Gordon and Joseph Gordon to brother

Letter from D. Gordon and Joseph Gordon to brother, London dated 8 December 1805. Received letter from Jersey - reflected on dangers encountered, relatives - Aunt Jane, Brother Fortune's family, Fanny, Peggy Lakeland "a fine blooming girl", horses, family and servants, no hams available but could get legs of mutton and a few pieces of beef.

James Gordon

View of the brig 'Harriot'

  • Item
  • c1806
  • Part of Lane Papers

View of the brig 'Harriot', Benjamin Lane commander chased onshore near Calais at 6am by his BMS the 'Misqueter' of 18 guns on 30 January 1806. Water colour sketch showing two ships sailing; one carrying guns and flying the British blue ensign, and the other unarmed nearer the shore and some of the crew apparently about to land by rowing boat. Harbour and gun battery and houses in the background. Signed 'B. Lane, Great Yarmouth'. Note in corner: Verdun.

Benjamin Lane

Letter : James Gordon arbitrator in civil case, Sydney

Letter to James Gordon arbitrator in civil case, Sydney Order of Civil Court of N.S.W. for dispute between William Stewart and Robert Campbell to be referred to the arbitration of James Gordon (11 October 1810); accounts of "estimated proportion arising to Captain Stewart on the sale of seal skins, oil" etc.; valuation of sloop "George", brig Venus, etc.

James Gordon

Belbin pocket book

Small memorandum book in leather pocket book. In this James Belbin noted his departure from Norfolk Island arrival in Hobart on 3 October 1808, being victualled from the Government stores after having already received. blankets etc. in Norfolk Island. He then noted the arrival and departures of ships, their cargoes and sometimes what provisions, etc were issued from the stores. He noted the arrival of Governor Bligh in the 'Porpoise'. Interspersed a bit haphazardly amongst the regular entries were personal memoranda, such as his arrest for support of Governor Bligh: The first entries, recording his arrival in 1808, are written on the back page, the regular entries of arrivals and departures of ships begin at the front of the volume. A few miscellaneous memoranda appear to have been entered at the back of the notebook (including a note from The News of the trial of Governor Picton of Trinidad in the Court of Kings Bench 1806) or in any odd space, including the leather of the wallet (eg. a note that the Government cow shed built by Mr Lord had fallen down killing 12 cattle). Inside the cover Belbin entered the dates of birth of himself and children and the death of his wife and a daughter at Norfolk Island

James Belbin

Letter : T.W. Birch, Hobart, to James Gordon at Sydney

Letter from T.W. Birch, Hobart, to James Gordon at Sydney dated 8 February 1811. Stock well, some in calf, bull, a passenger in the "Cambell Macquarie" an inmate of Birch's house had seen them all and could inform J.G.'s brother in law, skins, land.

James Gordon

Captain Benjamin Lane's notebook of lessons

  • Item
  • 1807-1813
  • Part of Lane Papers

The volume was prepared while Lane was a prisoner of war of the French and apparently occupied himself in studying and teaching other prisoners. It contains French grammar (noted as completed 7 March 1812), exercises on Mr. Porney's grammar (noted as completed 29 February 1812), mathematical examples and problems, stocks and shares, chronology, navigational problems (with diagram and tables), book keeping with examples of business 'waste book', 'balancing journal' and ledger entries for 1807 and 1812-13 based on supposed voyages and trade dealings.
At the back of the volume is a rough pencil sketch of the 'privateer that chased Captain Lane'. Also entered on blank pages at the end of the volume is a copy of notes concerning Captain Benjamin Lane sent by James Arthur Lane to his daughter Mrs D.A. Lane, 20 June 1945 and notes by Lt. Col. D.A. Lane (descendent of James Christmas Lane, younger brother of Benjamin), 18 November 1945.

Benjamin Lane

Apprenticeship indenture

Apprenticeship indenture dated 28 November 1814. Andrew Downie, eldest son of John Downie, farmer of Bankend,
apprenticed to James Lucas of Stirling as writer, procurator, conveyancer, notary public for five years.

Andrew Downie

Copy of victualling order

Copy of victualling order dated 29 April 1814.
Victualling from Government stores for James Belbin "a new settler' and his wife and son, for 18 months.

James Belbin

Funeral of Princess Charlotte

Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitled "Funeral sermon on H.R.H the Princess Charlotte of Wales"

Robert Knopwood

Cash Book: 1813-1817

  • Item
  • 1813-1817
  • Part of Leake Papers

Cash book dated 1813-1817 noting expenses of travelling in Sweden, Prussia and Hull, including carriage, inn, servants, etc.; also accounts with various firms and receipts.

John Leake

Memoranda Book: 1818

Memoranda book dated 1818 detailing notes of orders, shipments, prices, names etc.

John Leake

Letter of appointment :September 1818

Draft of letter dated 24 September 1818 from John Terry, late of Redmire Mill, appointing his brother Ralph to receive money due on Lord Bolton's estate, with list of money laid out in expenses by John Terry 1809-1811. Note added in pencil of dates of birth of some members of the family, 1710-1878.

John Terry

Sarah Westall Meredith to Miss Evans

Letters from George Meredith's first wife, Sarah Westall Meredith , to governess Mary Ann Evans (later Mary Ann Meredith) dated 1818 . Letter from Sarah, to Mary Ann Evans, governess: the family, proposal to bring children to new home "here" written from New Hill Street
[?Birmingham] to Haverfordwest: conduct of Mr Bunt and his agent, Mrs Twamley.

Sarah Westall Meredith (nee Hicks)

Bills : June 1818

True copy of 2 bills for £100 each delivered to his brother Ralph Terry, now residing at Forcett Mill, by John Terry. True copy dated 6 June 1818 signed John Terry & Ralph Terry

John Terry

Account : October 1819

Account including various bills totalling ?1211.17.3, settling all demands between Samuel Terry and John Terry and signed by both parties. Dated 21 October 1819.

John Terry

Death of George III

Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitled "A sermon on the occasion of the death of his late majesty George the Third of blessed memory, preached at Hobart Town V.D. Land on Sunday the 17th September 1820"

Robert Knopwood

Mrs. M. A. Hobbes

Letter from Mrs. M. A. Hobbes, dated 26 July 1839. Sent a drake, unable to visit as difficult to find trustworthy woman to take charge of young children.

Mary Ann Meredith

3 Dec 1820 - Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith

Letter from Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith dated 3rd December 1820 expressing her lively interest in his well being, "Emerld" not calling at Madeira so no letter, Mr Dunn taking letters, news of Mr George Meredith's marriage, Mr and Mrs Pearce, Mr Anderson and Mr Johnston enquiring after you.

John Meredith

Account Book: 1820

Account book dated 1820 detailing cash received and expenses, including duty, postage, carriage, wages, brokerage,
warehouse rents, "drink money" on commodities such as oil, candles, whitelead, rapeseed, oats, turmeric. Also "subscription: Freemason". Rough draft of letter, 1838, partly illegible, at front.

John Leake

Journal of William Bell Leake : 1820

Journal of William Bell Leake dated November 1820. Detailing accounts for shipments handled by William Bell Leake in Hull, U.K. for various firms, carrying flax, whale oil, tallow, linseed cakes, etc. William Bell Leake was John Leake's eldest son, born 1806.

John Leake

2 Nov 1820 - Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith

Letters from Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith dated November 2nd 1820 and addressed to Post Office Vandiemans-Land. Stating her anxiety for his welfare, happiness and prosperity and urging him not to form an intimacy with any of the passengers until he knows them better as he is among a set of disappointed people whos fortunes have become desperate and and that self interest will be their and almost only thoughts. She urges him not enter into engagements lightly or hastily and not to let himself be influenced.

John Meredith

School book

Classics exercise book of William Henty when "near 12 years old", including notes in neat copybook handwriting on Roman history, Latin exercises, and Greek alphabet, declensions and exercises. At back printed tables of weights, measures etc. dated Sept. 1820.

William Henty

Accounts of money due & draft letter

Double page from a volume, containing:
a) Accounts of money due from John Terry to Samuel Terry for expenses while in N.S.W., including 10,000 shingles £6.13.4, wheat, meat, wine glasses, tea, boots, 5 yards gingham, boat hire, 'cash going to Parramatta 10 s', 'cash lent at Chapel 1 s'. 1819

(Note: Samuel Terry, a wealthy trader and property owner of N.S.W. (originally transported 1801 from Salford, Lancashire, England, does not appear to have been related to John Terry).

b) Draft of letter c1820, probably written by John Terry to his brother in England, gives his reason for leaving Port Jackson and coming to Van Diemen's Land - they could only have a twenty one year lease of their wind-mill at Sydney. He describes his property, mill, forge, stock yard, etc. close by the Derwent, 21 miles from Hobart, and a further 1400 acres 10 miles up the River which included good pasture.

John Terry

5 Mar 1821 - Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith

Letter from Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith dated 5th March 1821, letter from Teneriffe received - sorry he was so sea sick, visit to Birmingham, John's young brother Ben learning to sing, his mother Sarah, David and Joseph, dined at Henry Meredith's, respects to Mr and Mrs Meredith and love to their children

John Meredith

A "condemned" sermon

Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitled “ A Condemned Sermon, Repentance and Conversion” 27th April 1821

Robert Knopwood

Hamburg Militia: 1821

Hamburg Militia document dated 18 August 1821. Notice signed "Furst" Captain 3rd Company Citizens' Militia, reminding John Leake of his obligation to serve and requesting him to supply himself with uniform and arms. (written in German)

John Leake

Testimonial - Medical Studies

Testimonial certifying that W. Downie studied anatomy, surgery and medicine under A. Collie, Surgeon R.N., Aberdeen, for one year. Dated 4 June 1821.

William Downie

James and Sarah Meredith to son John

Letter from James Meredith and wife Sarah Meredith to their son John Meredith dated 1821. Sorry to hear he was ill on voyage, regards to Mr George Meredith and family - glad to hear they were well, sending letter with packet of newspapers by "Hope" and also letter in March by Mr Dunn, news of King, harvest, high rates and tithes, insurrection of Greeks against Turks.

John Meredith

No date - c.1821- Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith

Letter from Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith dated 5th March 1821, letter from Teneriffe received - sorry he was so sea sick, visit to Birmingham, John's young brother Ben learning to sing, his mother Sarah, David and Joseph, dined at Henry Meredith's, respects to Mr and Mrs Meredith and love to their children

John Meredith

Account with Schroder & Grossmann: 1821-1822

  • Item
  • 1821-1822
  • Part of Leake Papers

Account with Schroder & Grossmann dated November 1821 to August 1822. Small notebook: "Contra buch fur Sr. J. Leake mit Schroder & Grossmann A.1821", containing chronological entries of fairly large sums and personal names or figures.
The notebook was later used as a diary by Mrs E. Leake and some draft letters by W.B. Leake are noted in the back.

John Leake

Proposed voyage in ship 'Hope'

Proposed voyage to Van Diemen's Land in ship 'Hope' June 1821 - January 1822. Papers relating to the proposal of some members of the Wesleyan Methodist Society to proceed to V.D.L . and the decision at meetings of 29 June, 2 July, finalised on 4 July, to travel in the ship 'Hope' owned by Messrs Degraves and Macintosh, Captain Francis Allison. However the ship was held up by HM Customs at Ramsgate, being both unseaworthy and overloaded, and the owners failed to provide the provisions and accommodation promised. The Government eventually chartered another ship, 'Heroine', to continue the voyage.

Robert Mather

Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith

Letters from Ann Johnston to cousin John Meredith dated November 1820-1822. Warning against forming an intimacy with any of the passengers- "a set of disappointed people whose fortunes are become desperate", 20 "a dangerous but delightful age, his radical politics, "Emerld" not calling at Madeira so no letter, Mr Dunn taking letters, news of Mr George Meredith's marriage, letter from Teneriffe received - sorry he was so sea sick, visit to Birmingham, John's young brother Ben learning to sing, his mother Sarah, David and Joseph, dined at Henry Meredith's, respects to Mr and Mrs Meredith and love to their children, received copy of letter from the Cape- sorry he was suffering, glad to hear of beneficial effects of climate of V.D.L., hopes for future, times bad in England, especially for farmers, seen letters of G. Meredith to brothers and Sarah and Sabina's to Mrs Flaherty.

John Meredith

Letter Book: 1818-1822

  • Item
  • 1818-1822
  • Part of Leake Papers

Letter Book dated 1818 -1822. Copies of business letters written from Hamburg between 1818 and 1820 to English business firms such as Thomas Richardson & Son of Hull; John Beadle & Co. of London; Swallow & Laycock of Wakefield; Ledgard & Hopkinson of Mirfield; Thomas Bell of Hull; Henry Coates of Hull; and a few German firms (usually written in English but some in German) about purchases,sales and shipping of agricultural produce such as barley,rapeseed, wheat, onions, hides.
In 1822 some letters were written from Leith, Scotland, apparently concluding some business before departure for Australia.
Note: the volume was later used in V.D.L.(Tasmania) for letters 1837-1847.

John Leake

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