- Item
- 1960
Part of Fuller Papers
Obituary notice for W. E. Fuller from Booksellers' Association, also from the Mercury newspaper
William Edwin Fuller
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Part of Fuller Papers
Obituary notice for W. E. Fuller from Booksellers' Association, also from the Mercury newspaper
William Edwin Fuller
Correspondence - Hilda Bridges to Frances Fuller 1958 - 1964
Part of Fuller Papers
Letters from Hilda Bridges (d. 1971 aged 89, sister of Roy Bridges) to Mrs. W. E. Fuller on personal and family affairs, daily life,
occasional references to her writing and publications.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Bank book belonging to W. E. Fuller with transactions dated 1958 to 1960
William Edwin Fuller
Youth Triumphant" by Roy Bridges
Part of Fuller Papers
Cuttings of Roy Bridges serial published in the Saturday Evening Mercury 14 August 1954 to 13 November 1954 entitled ''Youth
William Edwin Fuller
Moonaba - story of a family by Nellie M. Buckley
Part of Fuller Papers
Photocopy of a script of story by Nellie M. Buckley. entitled 'Moonaba -story of a family", dated 1965.
Typescript in file folder with photograph of elderly woman, neatly dressed in black silk suit, also younger woman.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
One scrapbook dated 1950 - 1954, includes advertisements and cuttings mainly relating to Fuller's Bookshop.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Newspaper cuttings collected by Mrs. F. R. Fuller, including Mercury photograph of W. E. Fuller and visitors at the Royal Tennis Court, Hobart on its 75th anniversary in 1950.
William Edwin Fuller
Painting's and prints - Tasmanian scenes
Part of Fuller Papers
Paintings and prints - Tasmanian scenes by Roy Cox, crayon and wash drawings, 1945: Salamanca Place, Hobart - Kelly's Steps, Hobart - Old Signal Station, Hobart - G.P.O., Hobart - Government House , Hobart. Also post-card reproductions of the above, plus Hobart Bridge and Ross Bridge.
Coloured engraved, reproduction from the original painting held in the Allport Library Tasmania of Joseph Lycett's View from top of Mount Nelson with Hobart Town in the distance, V.D.L. Published by J. Souter, 1825, printed. J. Walch & Sons, 1974.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Three items belonging to W. E. Fuller -Identity card, 1941; visiting cards (Collins Street) and Passport, 1954.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Loose in file. Notes, cuttings, etc. relating mainly to Fuller's Bookshop; also banquet menu, 1954. National Booksellers' League cricket dinner; poem: "24 hour leave" by H.B. from Punch 8 October 1941; account; of the wreck of the George III (Govt. House, 1939)
William Edwin Fuller
"Bookshelf Library" catalogues
Part of Fuller Papers
File consists of multiple items including Fullers "Bookshelf Library" catalogues, sale notes 1936 etc., publishers' lists, notes of trip abroad, 1954; also cards, bookmarks, labels and small jig-saw puzzle and library notice.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection of newspapers and magazines
• The Mercury, 1 May 1935 (Royal Jubilee supplement), 1 June 1935 and 20 February 1954 (Queen's visit).
• Illustrated Tasmanian Mail - 6 November 1929.
• Clemes College Souvenir Magazine December 1945 (including tribute to W. H. Clemes with photograph and history of the school)
• Cutting of 'Memories of Queenstown No.1" by C. R. Pearce.
• ''The Lover's Correspondent", London, N.D. [18--]
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
One tourist map of Tasmania dated 1934. Inset map of Hobart. Produced by the Government Printer Tasmania. Scale 1 in: 10 mls , - Linen backed map, folded
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection of newspaper cuttings : Collected by Mrs. W. E. Fuller, mainly relating to the bookshop, also to Repertory Theatre,
broadcasting, building of Hobart Bridge (Examiner 13 August 1963). Includes copy of the Illustrated Tasmanian Mail dated 13 December 1934.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Personal correspondence with friends, but including some letters from booksellers and publishers, etc. referring to bookselling business, broadcasting, etc. Also letters concerning Repertory Theatre Society.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Correspondence with A.B.C. letters concerning broadcasts, also scripts (including scripts by George Evans - pseudonym for W.E. Fuller as bookseller).
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection of Christmas cards
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Correspondence dated 1929 - 1942. Including letters from Solicitor and agreement with Oldham & Morris, notice of opening of W. E. Fuller's "The Bookshelf" 48 Elizabeth Street, (underneath Goodwill Store), plan of basement of 48 Elizabeth Street; letters from Joan McLennan, Governor's private secretary, Government House; correspondence with A.B.C. and 7HO relation to broadcasts, plays submitted, etc. (including A.B.C. contracts).
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Miscellaneous materials including newspapers, newspaper cuttings, Christmas cards, W.E. Fuller's obituary and souvenir magazine
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection of buttons and badges, map, and books
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Originally four books. Two catalogued and taken into the Rare Collection.
(1) "Samuel Clemes 1845-1922" by I. M. Shoobridge, Hobart (Cox &
Kay) c 1923
(2) (Transferred to the Rare Book Collection -Morris Rare PR 9619.3 .B52 M98 1913)
"The Mysterious Stranger", Marie Bjelke Petersen, Walch & Sons, Hobart, 1913 (reprint, 1914) 30 pp
Inscribed: "to dear Mrs. Fuller in memory of our little talks at Swansea, March 1915, from the writer".
(3) (Transferred to the Rare Book Collection - Morris Rare PR 9619.3 .B52 M93 1914)
"Muffled Drums ", Marie Bjelke Petersen, Hobart, 1914 paper 49 pp
Inscribed, ms.: "To dear Mrs. Fuller [Mrs E. C. Fuller] with much love and earnest prayer for His best and richest gift -Himself.
From the writer, Swansea, March 1915".
• Includes copy of obituary notice, Mercury, 1969.
(4) A Century of Banking, The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Sydney, 1934, 89 pp. illustrated.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Material relating to the Hobart Legacy Club. Includes, papers rules and photographs
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Material relating to the Hobart Legacy Club. Originally founded as "Remembrance Club" 1923, Hobart Legacy - 1944, includes printed papers, rules, Barnett photograph of delegates to Legacy conference 1949.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection consists of material created by W.E. Fuller including articles, talks, thoughts, plays and poems
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection consists of material relating to Fullers bookshop : accounts, catalogues card and bookmarks, newspaper cuttings and book proofs
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection consists of theatre programs and reviews
William Edwin Fuller
Theatre programmes and reviews
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection consists of:
(1) Theatre programmes and reviews etc.
(2) Theatre programmes, cutting of review of Passers By from the Illustrated Tasmanian Mail, dated 7 July 1921, copy of licence and articles of Hobart Repertory Theatre, copy of Amateur Theatre with label: "Bookshelf Library", copies of Theatre News, cutting of obituary of Miss Olive Wilton of Hobart Repertory Co.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Bookshop account journal dated July 1921 - March 1927 including wages, furniture, stock.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Proof copy of
(1) Pink Magic by :Margaret Lee Runbeck, London, (Peter Davis, 1951)
(2) 'My little book by Dora Hookey' , W. E. Fuller & James Boa, The Bookshelf, 1920. (photocopy)
William Edwin Fuller
Scripts of articles, talks and plays
Part of Fuller Papers
Scripts of articles, broadcast talks, plays, etc.
(a) talks: "50 years of bookselling", "Trollope in Tasmania", ''Marie Corelli", "Roy Bridges", "Travellers Tales" and other talks on books and bookselling.
(b) stories, including: "Over the footlights:, "My tongue is my Undoing", "Doff & Jan", "Quoth the Raven".
(c) plays (10 -20 minutes) including: - ''Murder premeditated", "The 2nd Stool", "Decree Nice Eye", "The Spanish Armada".
(d) W.E. Fuller, " Love London & Lynette", London, 1919.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Letters to children (including letter to Margaret for her birthday enclosing cigarette card), certificate that Sapper W. Fuller was employed in the ordnance department, A.I.F.
William Edwin Fuller
Collection consists of personal and business correspondence, financial records, scrapbook and cuttings scripts of broadcasts, stories and plays. Theatre programs, photographs and pins and badges. There is also material collected by Francis Ruby Fuller and Edwin Charles Fuller
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Family photographs including portraits and snapshots of W. E. Fuller and family including: Early photographs of W. E. Fuller as a boy, groups, 2 girls (1 reading, 1 preparing veg.) Margaret and Mary (daughters of W.E.F.) as babies and toddlers, family groups (including family group Xmas 1918 including grandparents). Snapshots of army days (1916-18), enlarged photo of army ordnance office at work. Formal portraits, various dates, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fuller broadcasting for A.B.C. c. 1932.
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Picture Postcards dated between c. 1916 - 1919 Most addressed to Mrs. W. Fuller and children, including views of
France, U.K., "patriotic" cards and humourous cards, including view of County of London War Hospital, Epsom, showing W.E.F's ward 1916, and picture of T.SS. Star of Victoria covered by signatures (troops). Also views of Tasmania (probably later).
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Series consists of personal correspondence and with the ABC , picture postcards, and the opening of the Bookshelf . One file of correspondence between Hilda Bridges to Frances Fuller, dated 1958 - 1964
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Commemorative button c 1914 -1947, Appeal buttons (mainly World War
I) including Red Cross, Wattle Day, child welfare,0 A S.,Tin Hat Appeal, Musical Day 1917.
Also uniform badges and buttons, Australian Commonwealth Forces, A I F badge issued to women of Australia for duty done.
Also Franklin and Tasman Centenary Regatta 1938
William Edwin Fuller
Photographs, paintings and prints
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection of family and other photographs, drawings, paintings and prints
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Three photographs of friends:
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection of photographs including Group in musical entertainment, including W. E. and Frances Fuller, c. 1912, with programme of "Entertainment by the Mountebanks", Moonah Mission Hall, 1912. W. E. Fuller portraying various parts (especially a rural character) for Hobart Repertory c. 1921 - 1940. Mary Fuller as Little Peter Saunders "Passers By", Theatre Royal 19~(part photograph, part
drawing by Jack Cato, framed.) Photos of broadcast for A.B.C. of "Mari.e Celeste" made on board "Lenna" in Derwent (1930s).
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Receipt book for hire of piano from Walch & Co. 1911 - 1917
William Edwin Fuller
Financial and Personal records
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection consists receipt book, bank book Identity card, visiting cards and passport
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Book shop photographs. Library, probably Angus & Robertson, Sydney c. 1909 including Miss Frances Ruby Evans (later Mrs. W. E. Fuller) Collins Street, Arcade, W. E. and Mrs. Fuller and Miss C. Parker standing in front of opening in brickwork, 1930 (also cutting of Illustrated Tasmanian Mail, 3 December 1930). Snapshots of books being loaded on truck outside house and unloading outside
"Goodwill Store", Elizabeth Street (Fullers was in basement under "Goodwill") with negatives. c. 1932 - 1935 Tasmanian Book Club display, J. Walch &Sons. N.D. W. E. Fuller in Bookshelf Gallery.- Views in bookshop c. 1940 - 50. Booksellers' Conference
N.D. (c. 1930): Photo C. J. Frazer, Melbourne Photo (framed N.D. (?1930-40) Also snapshots of Booksellers' Conference,Hobart, (with negatives.)
William Edwin Fuller
Diary, pocketbooks and letters
Part of Fuller Papers
Diary and other material relating to Edwin Charles Fuller (1885-1921) father of W.E. Fuller
Diary dated 1888. Probably kept by E. C. Fuller. Occasional entries only. Refers to "Mother and Marion (e.g. took Mother & Marion to Black Bush), Charley, Bessie, Ada, Margaret and Mary (Margaret plans Mary disposes"); also to mining shares and mine claim especially "Castle Carey", and to council meetings ('.'attended council meeting in morning going through assessment roll").
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Diary and other material relating to Edwin Charles Fuller (1885-1921) father of W.E. Fuller
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Script of a play entitled "Africa calling" written by M Gibson and W E Fuller
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection of photographs of Tasmanian scenes. Panoramic view of Derwent River; Mount Wellington; Derwent river, yachts racing; Fitzpatrick' s Hotel at Westbury. Also postcard views of Hobart, New Norfolk, Miena Dam, Burnie, ships, N.S.W., prints of Hobart's early colonial houses, Russell Falls, Shot Tower and Swansea
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Collection consists of two files of postcards, cuttings, photographs and brochures
William Edwin Fuller
The very commonplace book of one W. E. Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Scrapbook of poems and thoughts entitled ''The very commonplace book of one W. E. Fuller"
William Edwin Fuller
Part of Fuller Papers
Two caricatures of W. E. Fuller drawn by by Kingsley Fairweather (crayon and poster colour) . One framed
William Edwin Fuller