Combined index to The Royal Society Collection
- Collection
- 2022
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Combined index to The Royal Society Collection
Wolfhagen : a forgotten pioneer
Photocopy of and article written by Davis Willis regarding Ernest Henry Waldemar Wolfhagen and the cultivation in Tasmania of the first commercially available reverse bicolor daffodil "Binkie".
I had just completed my prediction that the ancestors of the reverse bicolor trait, as seen in 'Binkie' were unlikely to be determined any time soon when an offer to look into its background was received via Caroline Thomson, Director and owner of the National Heritage and Scientific Collection of Backhouse daffodils. The offer was made to Caroline by the University of Dundee/James Hutton Institute, to look into the background of some of the old Backhouse cultivars, but when Caroline mentioned my work on Wolfhagen and 'Binkie' the offer was extended to include 'Binkie'. This is a tremendous opportunity to finally solve the mystery of the origin of the reverse bicolor characteristic and work will begin in April 2023, when leaf tips of 'Binkie' will be taken to the University. (The James Hutton Institute is a globally recognised organisation delivering fundamental and applied research and is situated at Invergowrie, Dundee).
Since the emergence of 'Binkie' as the first commercial reverse bicolor daffodil and its later extensive use in breeding, particularly by Guy Wilson in Northern Ireland and Grant Mitsch in the USA, this type of daffodil has become increasingly important and sought after, an outstanding modern example, 'Altun Ha' having 'Binkie' in its background. 'Binkie' itself has stood the test of time, still being commercially obtainable, some 80 years after its first appearance at the Hobart Show.
David Willis
Collection of photographs, lantern slides, glass plate negatives and other material relating to Tasmanian History collected by Colin Dennison over a number of years
Colin Dennison (Curator)
Fait partie de Horton Bequest
Fait partie de Beattie Collection
Transcript of original document - "Correspondence from James Boyd" (RS30/11) made by Susan Hood - Port Arthur Historic Site - March, 2021
Australian Quaker Narrative Embroidery Project - Friends in Stitches
Collection consists of archival documents of the Australian Quaker Narrative Embroidery Project - Friends in Stitches. The documents begin at the start of the project in 2009. They include minutes of meetings, early sketches and designs, samples of woven material, quotes, early newsletters and photographs.
The Friends in Stitches - Australian Quaker Narrative Embroidery Project seeks to provide a history of Australian Quakers. It is inspired by the British Kendal Quaker Tapestry. At the time of the donation there are 24 completed panels. This project will continue.
Australian Quaker Narrative Embroidery Project
Collection consists of an article entitled Memories of Physics in the army huts at Sandy Bay that was written by Bruce Scott in 2018. It documents the early days of the Physics Department on the Sandy Bay Campus of the University of Tasmania and is accompanied by some negatives of the site and of people.
Bruce Scott
Fait partie de George Wilson Collection
Album sleeves contain various colour wedding photographs - many lacking names and dates. Plus 7 loose photos and 6 'thank you' cards
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Fait partie de George Wilson Collection
File contains 1 letter dated May 22nd [1933], black and white photo of Notre Dame on letterhead, possibly from Otto?
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Davies double surface condenser
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Davies double surface condenser. Increased surface area and effectiveness compared with a corresponding Liebig condenser. Description from
Graham condenser (Inland Revenue)
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Graham condenser (Inland Revenue). Used for standard Inland Revenue test and control methods by brewers etc, the Inland Revenue condenser employs the use of coolant flow outside the coil. This condenser is very efficient but must not be used for fast rates of distillation. It is particularly useful for removing condensable vapours from non-condensable gases. Description from
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Liebig condenser. Designed to give turbulent flow in the water jacket with a comparatively slow rate of flow of coolant water by use of a small annular space. Description from
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Jacketed coil condenser. A double surface condenser having a coil as an inner cooling surface. This type has approximately twice the surface of a plain double surface condenser of the same effective length.
Description from
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
A thistle tube is a piece of laboratory glassware consisting of a shaft of tube, with a reservoir and funnel-like section at the top. Thistle tubes are typically used by chemists to add liquid to an existing system or apparatus. Thistle funnels are used to add small volumes of liquids to an exact position.
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Specific gravity bottles determine liquid densities by measuring the difference between an empty and filled bottle and dividing by an equal volume of water to find the specific gravity of the substance. These bottles are also known as a density bottle or relative-density bottles.
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
12 colour digital photographs 72dpi JPG
Ralph Middenway
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Hobart penitentiary exhibit - paper scrolls
Fait partie de Hobart penitentiary exhibit
Paper scrolls displayed on the walls of the Hobart penitentiary depicting the average face of 19th century convict created from archival records.
Hamish Maxwell-Stewart
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Allihn condenser or "bulb condenser" or "reflux condenser" named after Felix Richard Allihn (1854–1915).
An inexpensive condenser, giving greater surface area than the corresponding Liebig type due to the bulb sections. This type is normally used under reflux. Description from
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Glass coiled condenser is used to cool and condense a gas back to a liquid, often as part of the process of chemical distillation
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Soxhlet extraction condenser
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
A Soxhlet extractor is laboratory equipment made of glass. Invented by Franz von Soxhlet in 1879. It has a flask, an extraction chamber, and a condenser. It can be used for solid-liquid extractions.
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
A thistle tube is a piece of laboratory glassware consisting of a shaft of tube, with a reservoir and funnel-like section at the top. Thistle tubes are typically used by chemists to add liquid to an existing system or apparatus. Thistle funnels are used to add small volumes of liquids to an exact position.
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Used when liquids have to be introduced into vessels under vacuum. Also known as a dropping funnel which is a type of laboratory glassware used to transfer fluids. They are fitted with a stopcock which allows the flow to be controlled. Dropping funnels are useful for adding reagents slowly, i.e. drop-wise. This may be desirable when the quick addition of the reagent may result in side reactions, or if the reaction is too vigorous
Peter Jones, Quaker and lifelong peace and human rights activist interviewed by Ben Ross of the . In two parts: Part 1: February 21st 2019. & Part 2: March 7th 2019
Peter D Jones
Fait partie de Peter D Jones : Interview
Part one of an interview with Peter Jones by Ben Ross from the . Recorded February 21st 2019
Peter D Jones
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Collection consists of a pdf of the paper scrolls and a ABC radio interview regarding the Hobart penitentiary exhibit of the average face of 19th century convicts created from archival records.
Hamish Maxwell-Stewart
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Dufton fractionating column condenser
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Dufton fractionating column condenser. Dufton columns have an accurately fitted Dufton glass spiral which can be removed for cleaning purposes etc. This type of column has proved exceedingly successful in gas analysis. Description from
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Liebig condenser. Designed to give turbulent flow in the water jacket with a comparatively slow rate of flow of coolant water by use of a small annular space. Description from
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
A retort is a device used for distillation or dry distillation of substances. It consists of a spherical vessel with a long downward-pointing neck. The liquid to be distilled is placed in the vessel and heated. The neck acts as a condenser, allowing the vapors to condense and flow along the neck to a collection vessel placed underneath
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Graham condenser - coiled type
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
Graham condenser - coiled type. The surface area is considerably greater than the corresponding Liebig condenser of similar dimensions. The coil condenser is extremely efficient in the reflux mode where counter-current cooling is possible. Description from
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
A Soxhlet extractor is laboratory equipment made of glass. Invented by Franz von Soxhlet in 1879. It has a flask, an extraction chamber, and a condenser. It can be used for solid-liquid extractions.
Fait partie de Chemistry Collection
A laboratory fractionating column is a piece of glassware used to separate vaporized mixtures of liquid compounds with close volatility.
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Ralph Middenway Collection
Fait partie de Flood event May 2018
Digital footage from University CCTV camera during the flood event of May 2018
University of Tasmania
Interview with Colin Dennison dated 25th August 2018. Interview conducted by Ben Ross ( concerning Colin’s lifetime of collecting photographs, postcards, stamps and other historical resources. Colin donated the collection to the University of Tasmania Library Special & Rare Collections.
Ben Ross
Collection consists of 12 unaccessioned boxes
Ralph Middenway
Fait partie de Flood event May 2018
Digital footage from University CCTV camera during the flood event of May 2018
University of Tasmania
Fait partie de Flood event May 2018
Digital footage from University CCTV camera during the flood event of May 2018
University of Tasmania
Fait partie de Lindsay Crawford Collection
Material concerning Olive Pink includes :
• Letter 11.5.63 to Lindsay from Olive Pink at Home Hut, Native Flora Reserve, Alice Springs
• Christmas card 3.1 .66 to Lindsay from Olive Pink
• Article 'She of the Never-Never' in HQ, November/December 1966
• Article 'Miss Pink's garden' in Australian Garden History, Vol 10 No 3, November/December 1998
• Newspaper article 'Tribute to desert trailblazer' in The Age, Saturday 26th May, 2018
• Newspaper article 'Where they rest in peace' in The Senior, undated
• Pamphlet: Olive Pink: Arid Zone Botanic Garden, undated
• Genealogy (3 pages). Olive Pink believed she and Lindsay were 3rd cousins
Lindsay Crawford
Greg Dickens Photographic Collection
Photographs taken by Greg Dickens, many depicting railway lines and sidings, ships, historical buildings, rural scenes, churches and infrastructure throughout Tasmania.
Greg Dickens
University of Tasmania : Framed Newspaper Headlines
Framed newspaper headlines relating to UTAS, its staff, students, activities and proposed expansion to Launceston, Burnie and Hobart. Headlines from the The Examiner, The Advocate and The Mercury.
University of Tasmania
Domain House Archeological Collection
Collection consists of over xxxx objects found on site as floors were excavated in Domain House from 2011 - 2015. Objects include many personal items ranging from paper and letter fragments, nibs, stylus, china fragments and toys
Marjorie Bligh Photograph Collection
Collection consists of a series of digital photographs taken for an exhibition of Marjorie Bligh's work held at the University of Tasmania, Morris Miller Library in 2011. They include photographs of Marjorie's personal photograph collection and photographs of her handcrafts.
Marjorie Bligh
Mole Creek Caving Club Newsletter
Collection consists of the newsletters of the Mole Creek Caving Club entitled 'Carbonate Capers'. Nos 1-155, November 1991 to August 2008.
Mole Creek Caving Club
Carbonate Capers : Nos. 117 - 151
Fait partie de Mole Creek Caving Club Newsletter
Copies of 'Carbonate Capers' - the newsletter of the Mole Creek Caving Club, Nos. 117 - 151, March 2004 - August 2008
Mole Creek Caving Club
The papers consist mainly of family correspondence of G.W. Walker and his children and complements the collection held at
George Washington Walker
Fait partie de Satellite Learning Hub Photographs
Fait partie de Satellite Learning Hub Photographs
Fait partie de Satellite Learning Hub Photographs
Fait partie de Satellite Learning Hub Photographs
Fait partie de Satellite Learning Hub Photographs
Fait partie de Satellite Learning Hub Photographs
Publication -University leaders by Alexander, Alison. Includes photographs and biographies of the University of Tasmania’s Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors from the University's formation in 1890 to 2006.
Morris Miller-Rare-Book LG 715 .H6 A853 2006
Alison Alexander
Fait partie de Satellite Learning Hub Photographs
Satellite Learning Hub Photographs
Collection of photocopied images of satellite Learning Hubs located at the Art Library, Hunter Street and the Life Sciences building Sandy Bay campus. Taken August 2006
University of Tasmania
Fait partie de Satellite Learning Hub Photographs
Collection consists of ephemeral material collected by Jim Bacon during his time as Premier of Tasmania
James Alexander Bacon
Carbonate Capers : Nos. 81 - 116
Fait partie de Mole Creek Caving Club Newsletter
Copies of 'Carbonate Capers' - the newsletter of the Mole Creek Caving Club, Nos. 81 - 116, July 1999 - February 2004
Mole Creek Caving Club
Documents concerning national governments active in Antarctic affairs. Documents relevant to national interests in Antarctica and the application of national law. Comprises of documents produced by a nation or about that nation. Many of the documents are reproduced or referred to in W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents".
University of Tasmania
Documents comprise PDF images of the document collections compiled by W M Bush and as published by Oceana between 1982 and 2003 in "Antarctica and International Law: A Collection of Inter-State and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV). The volumes provide the text (or extracts) of relevant documents, along with annotations, cross references and indexes. These are reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press, USA. Images of the originals of documents are provided in other series.
University of Tasmania
Press article "Aust pilot back in the air" Canberra Times
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Press article relevant to Antarctic tourism, private adventure expeditions, aviation, Jon Johansen, Polly Varcher, Alexander Downer, New Zealand Antarctic program, Scott Base, United States, McMurdo. Provides document and source information.
Bill Bush
Bill Bush published collection (loose-leaf volumes), Binder IV ©
Fait partie de W M Bush published volumes
"Antarctica and international law: a collection of inter-state and national documents" Binder 4, compiled by W M Bush (Oceana Publications, 2003). Comprises 35 booklets containing materials relevant to the Antarctic Treaty regime, Australia, Antarctic program operations, territories administration, etc, and a supplementary bibliography. By permission Oxford University Press, USA.
Bill Bush
Bill Bush published collection (loose-leaf volumes), Binder I ©
Fait partie de W M Bush published volumes
"Antarctica and international law: a collection of inter-state and national documents" Binder 1, compiled by W M Bush (Oceana Publications, 2003). Comprises booklets containing materials relevant to the Antarctic Treaty regime. By permission Oxford University Press, USA.
Bill Bush
Bill Bush published collection (loose-leaf volumes), Binder II ©
Fait partie de W M Bush published volumes
"Antarctica and international law: a collection of inter-state and national documents" Binder 2, compiled by W M Bush (Oceana Publications, 2003). Comprises booklets containing materials relevant to the Antarctic Treaty regime. By permission Oxford University Press, USA.
Bill Bush
Bill Bush published collection (loose-leaf volumes), Binder III ©
Fait partie de W M Bush published volumes
"Antarctica and international law: a collection of inter-state and national documents" Binder 3, compiled by W M Bush (Oceana Publications, 2003). Comprises 28 booklets containing materials relevant to the Antarctic Treaty regime, environment protection, mining and minerals, CRAMRA, fisheries and fishing, CCAMLR, and Australia. By permission Oxford University Press, USA.
Bill Bush
"Captured boat arrives in WA" The Canberra Times and two subsequent letters to the editor
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Press articles relevant to Heard Island, the sub-Antarctic, Patagonian toothfish, illegal fishing, poaching, IUU, CCAMLR, Viarsa, fisheries patrols, hot pursuit. Provides copy of document and source information.
Bill Bush
University of Tasmania Library Collection
Collection consists of material relating to the University of Tasmania Library and its branch libraries. Includes, staff bulletins, publications, newsletters, annual reports, photographs and newspaper clippings
University of Tasmania Library
Information Technology Services
Collection consists of UTAS publications :
• 1994 communications directory
• 1995-96 communications directory
• 1997 telephone directory
• August 2002 telephone directory
• Restructuring of Information Technology Services. 13 December 1995 1998 Australian Awards for University Teaching , awarded to Arthur Sale
• Service level definitions. 12 May 1998
• The service of IT. August 1998
• Networking. 1991
University of Tasmania
Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices : Honour Board
Three photographs of the Honour Board of Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices, located in hallway (Elizabeth Street entrance) Hobart Town Hall. Honour Board presented to Society by Mr F. G. Shepherd, QPM, JP. Historical notes : 1922 - 1994 dates/names confirmed by joint Society and University of Tasmania (History Department) research of available public records.
Photo credit. Mr. P. Baker. 12 December, 2000.
Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices
Fierce: The story of Olive Pink
Fait partie de Olive Pink Collection
Fierce: The story of Olive Pink. An artistic adaptation of the life of the anthropologist and botanist Olive Pink who was once labelled "the fiercest white woman in captivity". It was inspired by historical and fictitious elements relating to an encounter between Miss Pink and the Warlpiri people of Lajamanu.
(Tracks Dance Theatre Performance. (DVD), Darwin 2001.)
Olive Pink
Fait partie de George Wilson Collection
File contains 13 items:
Wilcox, Smith & Co.'s 1935-36 Postage & stamp album price list
Small red pass to Government House, Shillong, Assam dated 28.3.50
Newspaper cutting (undated) Uni. lecturer in L'ton tonight ... as part of the 1973 winter series of lectures
ANZAAS Conference, Hobart, 10-14 May, 1976 - name card 26
2 photocopied sheets - University of NZ BA, MA and newspaper cutting from Wellington Evening Post 1/11/49
Black & white photo of Wilson standing beside Max Angus portrait commissioned by Hytten Hall Old Scholars' Association 1974; purchased by University and hung in the Malcolm McRae tutorial room, Dept. of History, Humanities Building for many years; now hanging in the research room of Special & Rare Collections
CD of memorial service, Stanley Burbury Theatre on 6/6/91
Photocopy of cutting 4/3/91 - Asian Studies Assoc of Tasmania inviting nominations for inaugural George Wilson Prize
Invitation to George Wilson Presentation Dinner on Friday 22/5/92
Article 'George Wilson was here' by Madeline Milford in Alumni News June 2001
Typescript 'George Wilson, University of Tasmania, 1945-1974' by Elaine McKay (undated)
Black notebook 17 x 10 cm - empty except for entry on back page: Dr N.H. Rutledge, 22 Douglas St. New Town
Undated Christmas card from Mrs Hatsell (housekeeper at Hytten Hall)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Marine living resources documents
Documents relevant to the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources, such as krill and fish. Includes documents relevant to the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources 1980, including negotiation of the Convention through the Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. Some of the documents are reproduced in, or referred to in, W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
Fait partie de Marine living resources documents
Government documents relevant to CCAMLR, acceding states. Provides document extracts.
Bill Bush
University Studio Theatre - scrapbook
Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and theatre programs and posters from performances held in the Studio Theatre between 1982 and 1999. Some of the companies and organistions who featured at the theatre were: Salamaca Theatre Company,The Mummers Theatre Company, The Cygnet Peforming Arts group, Round Earth Company, The University's Conservatorium of Music, Breadline Theatre Company, Forum Music Theatre, The Performance Laboratory, The Old Nick Company, Apprentice Theatre, The Classics Society, The Hobart Raja Yoga Centre, the H.C Theatre Company, Misterioso Productions, Polygon Theatre & Launceston Repertory Society.
University Studio Theatre
Fait partie de Mole Creek Caving Club Newsletter
Copies of 'Carbonate Capers' - the newsletter of the Mole Creek Caving Club, Nos. 1 - 80, November 1991 to June 1999
Mole Creek Caving Club
Collection consists of material produced and collected by Oates. Included are personal and professional papers , diaries, letters, research notes for publications and material relating to the "Singing Ship"
William Nicolle Oates
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Government announcement relevant to proposed Macquarie Island marine park, protected areas, environment protection. Provides copy of document only.
Bill Bush
Environment Australia "Public comments sought!"
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Government announcement relevant to proposed Macquarie Island marine park, protected areas, environment protection. Provides copy of document only.
Bill Bush
Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) documents
Documents generated in connection with Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM). Includes papers generated for discussion at the ATCM and reports of the meetings. Many of the documents are reproduced in, or referred to in, W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
Miscellaneous Antarctic documents
Documents relevant to Antarctic affairs and related matters. Documents include consideration of Antarctic matters by non-governmental or inter-governmental bodies, including in the United Nations. Some of the material may have been generated by organisations interested in Antarctica, but not formally associated with the Antarctic Treaty System. May also include relevant press commentary. Some of the documents are reproduced in, or referred to in, W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents" (volumes I-IV, and binders I-IV).
University of Tasmania
The Royal Society of Tasmania: Art Collection
Draft report and list of works in the Royal Society Art Collection. Including information on acquisition.
The Royal Society of Tasmania: Miscellaneous administration files
Miscellaneous collection of files. Includes annual reports, administration, financial affairs, library, medals and some Northern Branch files.
Tasmania University Union Collection
The collection consists of student publications, university publications, posters & cartoons, commemoration programs and photographs collected by the Tasmania University Union (TUU).
Tasmania University Union