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Journal : 1847

Journal of William Archer for the period March to December 1847. Entries for most days, sometimes including much detail, referring to his daily work (both farm work on his property and later his architectural work), also his travels, visits to and from neighbours, elections and political activities etc.

William Archer

North Tasman Gold Mining Company

One scrip certificate issued by the North Tasman Gold Mining Company Registered, North Mount Cameron, Tasmania. Registered under "The mining Companies Limited Liability Act", 1869. The certificate certified that Edward le Rossignold is a member of the above named company and hold ten shares on each of which the sum of eleven shillings and threepence has been paid. Progressive number of shares 15242-15251. Number of issue 1014 . Three stamp duty stamps affixed. Blue one penny, red threepence and purple sixpence. All with an image of a platypus.

City Prospecting Association

Scrip certificate for ten one pound shares for the sum of seventeen shillings each, issued to Edward Le Rossignol of New Town by The City Prospecting Association. Registered under "The Mining Companies' Act" 1884. Issue number 149. Share numbers 611 to 620. Dated 14th April 1888. Signed by two Directors and the Manager of the company.

Sunrise Prospecting Association

Scrip certificate for ten five shilling shares for the sum of two shillings and sixpence, issued to E. Le Rossignol of Hobart by The Sunrise Prospecting Association. Registered as a No Liability Company under "The Mining Companies Act, 1884". Issue number 399. Share numbers 2401/10. Dated 5th April 1888. Signed by the Director and the Manager of the company.

Thomas Judd's diary

Diary of Thomas Judd (1822-1915) son of Thomas Judd (1794-1887) and Elizabeth (Cane) on a voyage from England to Tasmania on the "Sir Charles Napier" with his family: "Father and Mother, Elizabeth, myself, John, Ann, Rebecca, Susan, Martha and Henry (we have left William behind - being deaf and dumb - to receive his education in the asylum)". The diary consists mainly of the voyage: weather, activities on board, prayer meetings in their cabin. On arrival they took a house in Macquarie Street and looked for jobs. Ann and Elizabeth were offered posts as governesses but Elizabeth died on 30 December, at the age of 22, and was buried in the Scotch burial ground.
Typed typescript made by D. Little 2 July 1953 - spelling and punctuation altered.

Thomas Judd

Funeral of Princess Charlotte

Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitled "Funeral sermon on H.R.H the Princess Charlotte of Wales"

Robert Knopwood

The state of the departed

Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitles "The state of the departed", 6th December 1829

Robert Knopwood

Transcript of B5

Transcript of Item B5 - Letter of introduction from Alex McLaren. Transcribed by Felicity Allan-Eames, 28th August 2014

Letter: 5th November 1833

Letter written by William Wood from Snake Banks dated 5th November 1833 to John Leake regarding volumes of the New Monthy and wifes health

John Leake

Letter: 24 February 1834

Letter written by William Wood dated 24 February 1834 regarding tickets of leave

John Leake

Letter: 10 September 1836

Letter written by William Wood dated 10 September 1836 regarding 41 bushels of wheat, newspapers and Mrs Woods kind regards

John Leake

Letter: 16 March

Letter written by William Wood from Hawkridge, dated Friday 16 March 18?? regarding the price that the sheep fetched at Spencers Gulf

John Leake

Letter: 15 December 1838

Letter written by William Wood from Hawkridge, dated Friday 15 December 1838 regarding a loan of three hundred pounds for wheat

John Leake

Letter: 13 June 1841

Letter written by William Wood from Hawkridge dated 13 june 1841 requesting subscriptions to the school in Hobart town to be called the Archdeacon Hutchins school for the instruction (as I have been informed) of the lower classes, and under the control of the chief minister of the English church in this colony: The subscriptions range from £10.10 downwards if you or others incline to subscribe

John Leake

Letter: 2 October 1842

Letter written by William Wood to Leake from Hawkridge dated (?) 2 October 1842 regarding morgage interest repayment on the 20th of month and request for loan of £300

John Leake

Letter: 13 October 1842

Letter written by William Wood to Leake from Hawkridge dated 13 October 1842 regarding the request for loan of £300, interest payment due in 10 days and can offer collateral of 600 ewes and their accompanying lambs

John Leake

Letter: 14 November 1842

Letter written by William Wood to Leake dated 14 November 1842 regarding sale of Hawkridge

John Leake

Letter from Matt Seal: August 26 1893

Humorous illustrated letter to Miss Dolly from a young friend, Matt. Seal, from Hobart, dated August 26, 1893 regarding meeting Mr Les Gatenby and George Mercer near Morningside and another Mr Gatenby and Rod O'Connor at Cressy.

John Leake

Letter from Matt Seal: October 29 1893

Humorous illustrated letter to Miss Dolly from a young friend, Matt. Seal, from Hobart, dated October 29, 1893 asking for a photograph.

John Leake

Letter from Matt Seal: January 6 1896

Humorous illustrated letter to Miss Dolly from a young friend, Matt. Seal, written from Dunrobin, Casterton, Victoria, dated January 6, 1896, thanks for the almanack, busy with parties and races, request for photo of her in jacket and sailors hat.

John Leake

Bills : June 1818

True copy of 2 bills for £100 each delivered to his brother Ralph Terry, now residing at Forcett Mill, by John Terry. True copy dated 6 June 1818 signed John Terry & Ralph Terry

John Terry

Photograph of gentleman

Photograph of elderly bearded gentleman, wearing coat and waistcoat with watch chain, sitting in chair. This is a photographic copy of a photograph which had written at the bottom on a piece of white paper, attached: 'Yours sincerely James J. Terry, 10 December 1846'. However the photograph probably dates form the late 19th century and James John Terry son of Ralph Terry was probably born in 1846. (Possibly the apparent signature and date was faked as a joke?).

John Terry

Captain Archibald Milne

Copy of a letter about the family of the late Captain Archibald Milne (d. c1852) from D. Macmillan, who as a child lived next door to Milne in Hampden Road, Battery Point, Hobart.

Alexander McGregor

Extract : June 1862 - March 1869

Extract from G3/1(1) for the period June 1862 to December 1869 : Minutes of monthly meetings of the Ladies' Committee of Management dealing with maintenance, welfare, accounts, etc. These records are the committee records only. There are no personal records of the girls or their background or committal orders. The minutes of the monthly committee meetings dealt with bills, expenses, staff matters and the welfare of the children, and note briefly admissions and decisions on discharge of girls to service or to relatives, if any

Howard Gurney Cotton and Edith Consulia Cotton

Letters from sons and daughters: Howard Gurney Cotton and Edith Consulia Cotton, children of John Cotton, to grandfather (presumably Francis Cotton senior) dated 27 August 1878 : thanks for presents of stirrups and bit

Francis Cotton

Letter from Thomas C. Sharp

A letter from Thomas Sharp, doctor, to Francis Cotton, containing medical advice for Cotton who was too ill to travel to Hobart to see Sharp. Dated 1883

Francis Cotton

Prospective buyers : Ponsonby Vale

Authority of executor G.F. Story to sell and notes on auctioneers etc (28/3/68); inquiry from Thomas Hamilton; note of minimum price acceptable to the family; G.F. Story to F. Cotton: place not sold and so advertised to be let, rough draft plan and notes of terms of lease; solicitors Allport & Roberts' account respecting sale (1867-1868).
A letter from GF Story to Francis Cotton, from Kelvedon 20 June 1868. The letter concerns the sale of a property at Ponsonby Vale and its prospective buyers.

Joseph William Story

Letter from Mrs Webb

Letter from Mrs. Webb to Mrs. Cotton dated 21 October 1973 about George Cotton of George's River (Pyengana)

Letter to JB Cotton from Alma Rachel Cotton

Letter to James Backhouse Cotton from Alma Rachel Cotton daughter of Francis and Helen (McLeod) Cotton, 'Belmont' to her uncle James Cotton, Tasmania 1877 thanking him for a desk and talking about herself and Ethel taking dinner to Arthur and Ernest who are clearing the gorse.

United States note in reply to the Norwegian note concerning grounds for a claim to priority over the areas claimed or discovered during Amundsen's Antarctic expedition

Diplomatic communication relevant to territorial claims, sovereignty, Norway, South Pole, Dronning Maud Land, exploration, discovery and recognition of territory. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information and Bill Bush notes. (Published by Bush at NW07121929)

Bill Bush

British memorandum to Norway concerning the activities of the "Norvegia" in the Australian Antarctic sector

Diplomatic communication relevant to Norwegian territorial claims, sovereignty, the Australian Antarctic Territory, Dronning Maud Land, whaling, exploration and discovery. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information and Bill Bush notes. (Published by Bush at NW20011930)

Bill Bush

British aide-memoire to Norway confirming the assurance concerning British intentions as regards the region lying between the Australian Antarctic Territory and Coats Land

Diplomatic communication relevant to Norwegian territorial claims, sovereignty, United Kingdom and Dronning Maud Land. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information and Bill Bush notes. (Published by Bush at NW16111934)

Bill Bush

Norwegian note to the United Kingdom agreeing to the western boundary of the Norwegian claim proposed by the United Kingdom

Diplomatic communication relevant to territorial claims, sovereignty, the United Kingdom, Coats Land, British Antarctic Territory, Dronning Maud Land, Falkland Island Dependencies, boundaries and recognition of territory. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information. (Published by Bush at NW03101939)

Bill Bush

Long Focal Length Photographic Objectives

Pamphlet produced by the Optics Research Group, Physics Department, University of Tasmania in May 1975, entitled Long Focal Length Photographic Objectives : Photographic Performance of 100 inch telephoto objective.

Alexander Leicester McAulay

Letter: Henry Meredith to my dear parents

Letter dated June 17,1833 from Henry Meredith to his parents George and Mary Ann. Written from Mr. Giblin's Academy in New Town. Regarding Mr Giblin giving them a few days to recreate after the last six months of application and hoping that it will prove satisfactory and obtain the pleasure of your approval. Letter signed your dutiful and affectionate son.

Henry Meredith

William Sorell : Journal

  • Collection
  • 1823-1825

Collection consists of type written transcript of original diary of William Sorell Jnr. for the years 1823-1825.
In his journal Sorell made brief daily entries of his voyage out, his reception at Government House, the arrival of Lt. Governor Arthur, his new post as Registrar of the Supreme Court. The entries are brief but of particular interest are his references to the arrival of ships and his meeting officers and other people of note landing at Hobart. He makes occasional references to his work and cases in court and to Judge Pedder and his wife. Apart from his work Sorell's chief activities, as noted, were riding, walking, reading and dining with 'friends and officers of the Barracks and Convict Department. He attended church regularly on Sunday and mentions the arrival of an organ subscribed for by the in habitants (13, 14 April 1825). He took occasional shooting trips, mainly to the Coal River (Richmond). Most of the entries are, however, brief and lacking in detail or descriptive accounts as may be illustrated by his reference to a proposal to transfer the capital to Brighton: 'Meeting at Government House. Removal to Brighton in a large Meeting. I attended. I think the Lt. Governor has made up his mind upon the removal.' (19 May 1825)
Transcript of original diary of William Sorell Jnr. made by L. Rodda and P.S. King. ( 83 pages) Photocopy only now held. Also a typed name index to diary to diary - on catalogue cards made by L. Rodda.

William Sorell

Big log

Illustration from Henry Hellyers diary - entry for Saturday August 11th "had some enormous logs to roll out of the way"

Fern Tree

Illustration from Henry Hellyers diary - " Fern Tree - I measured today the largest fern tree I have yet seen, a vast umbrella 30ft in diameter, leaves 14ft long by 4ft wide, the trunk is a beautiful column covered with moss ".


Illustration from Henry Hellyers diary - " Sassafras - creeper found today leaves dark green tough ".

University of Tasmania Charter

  • UT377
  • Collection
  • 1899-1915

Documents relating to the University of Tasmania Charter

University of Tasmania

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