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Magna Carta

  • Collection
  • 1215

Facsimile of the 'Magna Carta' of King John, dated 15 June 1215, Runnymede, from the original manuscript held in the British Museum, (Shelfmark :Cotton MS. Augustus II 106,) with transcription and translation.

John, King of England

Manuscript Fragment Collection

  • Collection
  • 1300-1500

Collection consists of fragments of manuscript. Information for some of the items taken from 'Descriptive catalogue of medieval and renaissance western manuscripts in Australia' by K. V. Sinclair Sydney University Press, 1969. Available at Morris Miller-Rare-Book Z 6620 .A8 S55

Manuscript to Print : images

  • Collection
  • 1300-1500

Collection consists of digital images taken from the book" From Manuscript to Print by Rodney M. Thomson", A description of all western manuscripts and early printed books to 1600 held in the University of Tasmania Library, the State Library of Tasmania and St David's Cathedral, Hobart. It is also the catalogue of an exhibition displaying many of these items held at the University Library, December 2008-January 2009.

Glossa Ordinaria - Fragment

One double sided folio leaf , containing glosses and extracts on legal matters from the Codex lustinianus. The sheets were pasted inside the covers of C. Plinius Secundus, 'Diuinum opus cui titulus historia mundi,' J. Froenius, Basle 1525. The book was formerly owned by Rev. F.R. Nixon who deposited it in the Diocesan Library in Hobart whence it passed at an unknown date to the Library of Christ College.

Codex lustinianus - Fragment

One double sided folio leaf , containing glosses and extracts on legal matters from the Codex lustinianus. The sheets were pasted inside the covers of C. Plinius Secundus, 'Diuinum opus cui titulus historia mundi,' J. Froenius, Basle 1525. The book was formerly owned by Bishop. F.R. Nixon who deposited it in the Diocesan Library in Hobart whence it passed at an unknown date to the Library of Christ College.

Theological text fragments

Thirteen mutilated bi-folia on a theological subject. Thought to be 14th century or early 15th probably northern Italy or Switzerland.
No foliation, pagination, catchwords, or quire signatures are visible. Each bi-folio has been cut vertically so that one half has only one column of text, and each double sheet has been cut horizontally so that either the upper lower portion of the column is missing.
The folios were removed from the binding of D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi Opera, printed at Basie by J. Frobenius, 10 vols as 7, 1542-1543. The set was formerly owned by Bishop F. R. Nixon who deposited it in the Diocesan Library in Hobart, whence it passed at an unknown date to the Library of Christ College.

Deeds relating to land in England

  • Collection
  • 1352-1830

Parchment relating to deeds for land in the counties of Buckinghamshire, Oxford & Somerset. Dated 1352-1560. Also certificates of public audit of the account of Samuel Smart, Acting Governor of Sierra Leone, 1829 & 1830

Fragment from Psalter with Passion readings

Leaf from a Psalter transcribed by Pietro Ursuleo of Capua (d. 1483), an accomplished scribe and bishop of Satriano from 1474 to 1483 (appointed to the archbishopric of Santa Severina 22 Feb 1483 until his death in April).
The Gospel according to Luke 22: 62-71 to 23: 1-8. The text covers the plot to kill Jesus, and Peter’s denial.

Book of Hours - Fragment

Hours of the Virgin – Matins.1 The closing of Psalm 97 (v. 7-9), response and benediction of Lesson 6 said at the second nocturne. Lesson 7, recited at the third nocturne, begins with the opening verses of the hymn ‘O Beata Virgo Maria’ by Bishop Fulbert of Chartres, with the response and verse relating key moments in the Annunciation story.

Miscellaneous information on Chile and Antarctica, 1480 to 1959

A collection of papers containing historical time-lines, geographical information, references to other documents, exploration and discovery, acts of possession, territories administration, recognition, includes Chilean interests in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic islands.

Bill Bush

National Antarctic documents

  • Série
  • 1480-2003

Documents concerning national governments active in Antarctic affairs. Documents relevant to national interests in Antarctica and the application of national law. Comprises of documents produced by a nation or about that nation. Many of the documents are reproduced or referred to in W M Bush, "Antarctic and International Law: a Collection of Inter-state and National Documents".

University of Tasmania

Papal Bull Inter Caetera (extract)

Historical document relevant to territorial claims, sovereignty, Argentina, Chile, United Kingdom, UK. Provides document or extract with source information. [Published by Bush as AR04051493]

Bill Bush

Ameto : comedia delle ninfe Fiorentine

Boccaccio, Ameto, ed. Francesco Sansovino.
Pr. Gabriel Giolito de’ Ferrari, Venice, 1558.
Italic typeface; classicizing engraved initials.
On the title page is an old shelfmark 2940. From the Library of Christ College; given by Rev. R.R. Davies in 1852.
Cent Coll Rare PQ4270. A2 1558.

La villa : Dialogo

Bartolomeo Taegio, La Villa. Dialogo.
Pr. Francesco Moscheni, Milan, 30 May 1559.
Bound in its original limp vellum wrappers; remains of two ties of the same. Fine title page; on the verso the author’s portrait; woodcuts showing surveying at pp. 162 and 164.
Inside the front cover is written ‘1560 Francoforti I. A. à S’. On the verso of the last leaf of text (Cciii) and the following flyleaf are herbal remedies in German, signed ‘Frater Mercurius ordinis S. Basilii in Monte Sinai uel S. Catharina co(mmun)icabat Praga Anno 1570.’ The same hand has annotated the text. On the verso of the first flyleaf is ‘Duplum Bibliothecae regiae Monacensis’, 18th-cent. From the Library of Christ College; given by Rev. R.R. Davies in 1852.

Morris Miller-Christ College Rare-Book SB 471 .T34 1559

Comedies, with the commentary of Petrus Antesignanus Rapistagnensis

Terence, Comedies, with the commentary of Petrus Antesignanus Rapistagnensis.
Binding of blind-stamped pigskin over pasteboard. The pigskin presumably once extended over the whole of the boards, but has been cut back near the half-way point from the spine, and the remainder replaced with parts of leaves from a 15th-cent. manuscript liturgical book in gothic textura with red initials and rubric. That on the back is so rubbed as to be illegible.
Pr. Mathias Bonhome, Lyon, 1560. Heavily used, perhaps in a classroom.
Inside the front board are mottos in Greek and Latin with the monogram ‘CIC’. On the first flyleaf in carmine: ‘Iohannes Christianus Wes(?el) Magdeburgensis Saxo / Anno CID ID CCVII Symbol’/ Iesus Crucifixi Vulnera Me Salvant’. The date is 1707. A similar inscription appears to have been washed off the inside of the back board. Lower down, less formally, ‘Jo: Ch: Wapsa / Anno 1702 & 7 Aprilis’. Also, perhaps in the same hand, 22 gl. On the title page ‘Iohannes Christianus Wapsa / Anno 1702 / & 6 Aprilis.’ Below is ‘Henricus Sebast. Wapsa Iur. Pract. [blank] comp. sibi Halae Saxon. Prid. Cal. Maii anno CID IC CLXVIII’. Further down again is ‘[erased] gyl’. Near the head ‘F. 3’ and ‘Ch: Coll: Tasm:’; probably given by Rev. R. R. Davies in 1852. Inside the front board are penciled 2228 and No. 200.

Cent Coll Rare PA 6755 .A2 1560.

Verrius Flaccus (grammarian), fragments, and Sextus Pompeius Festus, De Verborum Significatione.

Verrius Flaccus (grammarian), fragments, and Sextus Pompeius Festus, De Verborum Significatione.
Pr. Iohannes Maria Bonellus, Venice, 1559 (the colophon has 1560).
The ‘series chartarum’ on the last page of the book (shown here) provides a guide for the binder to ensure that he sewed the book in the correct order. Each quire or section was assigned an alphabetical letter which, with the leaf number, appears at the foot of the leaves (usually four) in the first half of each quire: a1, a2, a3, a4. This system was already used in late medieval manuscripts.
On the last leaf, 16th-cent., ‘Thomas Plower His Book’. From the Library of Christ College; given by Rev. R. R. Davies in 1852.
Morris Miller-Christ College Rare-Book PA 6385 .F4 V477 1560

Geoffrey Chaucer, Works

Geoffrey Chaucer, Works.
Printed in London by John Kyngston for John Wyght, in 1561.
This is the fourth printed edition of Chaucer’s collected works, effectively a reprint of the 1532 edition, with fourteen leaves of additional verse, and the long poem The Siege of Thebes by John Lydgate, monk of Bury.
The text is in ‘black-letter’, i.e. gothic type, with many decorated initials and several engraved illustrations.
On the second flyleaf is pencilled ‘No. 68 in Arch’s Catalogue of 1814’. John and Arthur Arch (fl. 1792-1838) were London booksellers. Bookplate of Edgar Atheling Drummond (1825-1893). Acquired by the University Library from the bookseller Bernard Quaritch, London, in 1930.

Cent Rare Folio PR 1850 1561.

Opera, incl. Appendix Vergiliana, with the notes of Iohannes Frisius, Philip Melancthon et al.

Virgil, Opera, incl. Appendix Vergiliana, with the notes of Iohannes Frisius, Philip Melancthon et al.
Binding 16th- or 17th-cent., the leather lost, only the pasteboard, damaged by damp, remaining.
Pr. Weigand Han Erb., Sigmund Feierabent, Georg Rab, [Frankfurt], 1563.
Fine full-page engravings, verso of a8, c4, i8, l5, n4 verso, p2 verso, q8 verso, x3, z3, B1 verso, D1 verso, F3, H4 verso, K7.
Inside the front board ‘T. Blyth’s’. The first flyleaf is filled with pen-trials, the verso and following recto with a draft letter, 16th-cent., in English. The same hand writes more of the same on the innermost end flyleaf. At the head of the verso of the title page a 16th-cent. name, ‘Richardus Lath[?]nage’, has been cropped by the binder. The same name is written lower down, inked over. On the verso before b1 is ‘Thomas Tatham 1717’. On the verso of the last flyleaf ‘Mr William Radcliffe’, presumably the Derbyshire cotton weaver of this name (1761-1842). From the Library of Christ College.



Bede, Opera.

Pr. in 8 vols. by Ioannes Hervagius (Iohann Herwegen), Basel, 1563.

The first printed edition (editio princeps) of the works of the Venerable Bede (d. 734), and the last until the nineteenth century. The illustrations are from his works on chronology and from some of the many pieces wrongly ascribed to him by the editor.

On the title page of vols. 5 and 7 is ‘Conventus Leod’ fratrum minorum Recoll’’, on that of vol. 2 ‘Conventus PP Recollect Leod’’; i.e. withdrawn from the library of the Franciscan convent at Liège. From the Library of Christ College.

Christ College Rare PA 8260 .O64 1563

Anthologia Graeca

Anthologia Graeca.

Pr. Henricus Stephanus (Henri Estienne), ‘illustris uiri Huldrichi Fuggeri typographus’, [Geneva], 1566. Using a beautiful Greek typeface.

Inside the front board is the plate of Thornton & Son, Booksellers, 11 The Broad, Oxford. On the front flyleaf, in red ink, ‘E libris Marci Pattisonis, uiri doctissimi, Linc. Coll. Oxon. quondam rectoris – Univ. Oxon.’ Pattison (1813-1884) was rector of Lincoln College Oxford. Inside the front board is the bookplate of Mahinda College, Galle, Ceylon. On it is written, in the same red ink, ‘e libris F. L. Woodward Mahinda College, Galle, Ceylon’ and ‘e Sid. Coll. Cam. schol. 1890’. Given by his executors to the University Library in 1952.

Cent Rare PA 3458 .A2 1566.

The whole workes of W. Tyndall, Iohn Frith, and Doct. Barnes : three worthy martyrs and principall teachers of this Churche of England

Image extracts from the title 'The whole workes of W. Tyndall, Iohn Frith, and Doct. Barnes : three worthy martyrs and principall teachers of this Churche of England'.

Pr. John Daye, London, dated 1573 on the title page, 1572 at the end of the Index. The first edition of the complete works.

Contemporary London blind-stamped binding, rebacked. Centre and corner bosses on both boards, the lower one on the front board nearest the spine gone. Formerly two straps from the front board to catches at the rear. On the spine is a small paper label with typescript 174 B. Fine illustrations, including the title page, one of Tyndal’s burning on the unnumbered page before b1. Anti-papist illustration on the last page.

On the front flyleaf are a series of names. In apparent chronological order: ‘For Elizabeth Louther’, canc.; ‘Ann Tilley April 1844’; ‘For my Nephew’; ‘For John Tilley 21 May 1844’; ‘John Tilley’. All except the first appear to be in the same hand, presumably Ann Tilley’s. On the last flyleaf, upside down, ‘Ann Lowther’, ?18th cent. The Royal Society of Tasmania’s plate inside the front cover, its stamp on the first flyleaf.

Morris Miller RoySoc Rare BR 53 .T95.

Rariorum aliquot Stirpium per Hispanias Obseruatarum Historia

Charles de l’Ecluse (Clusius), Rariorum aliquot Stirpium per Hispanias Obseruatarum Historia.

Pr. Christopher Plantin, Antwerp, 1576. With numerous engravings by one of Plantin’s best artists, Pieter van der Borcht. The famous press founded by Plantin (c. 1520-1589) was to remain in business until 1867.

Charles de l’Ecluse (1526-1609), professor at the University of Leiden, established Europe’s first botanical garden there (still in existence), and laid the foundations of the Dutch bulb industry. This book is one of the earliest treatises on the flora of Spain.

Inside the front cover is ‘duplicato’, an old shelfmark C. 64, and 12/- in pencil. At the end is ‘Perlegi Tag ij 1580. mense Februario / Laus Deo.’ On the verso of the title page is ‘Will: Forsyth 1825’. From the Library of Christ College; given by Rev. R. R. Davies in 1852.

Morris Miller-Christ College Rare-Book QK 41 .C58 1576

British journals, pamphlets and speeches

  • Collection
  • c1640-1800

Examples of historic British journals, pamphlets, speeches etc. The collection consists of miscellaneous examples and loose sheets, most in poor condition, torn and fragile. Includes, British Mercury, British Journal, London Journal, Flying Post, The Medley, Intelligencer, The Observator, Mercurius Caledonius, Mercator or Commerce Retrieved, The Weekly Journal of British Gazeteer, etc

Miscellaneous deed

  • Collection
  • 1681

Parchment document, photographic copy and transcription of the final concord made between (1) Francis Bent & Richard Philips, complainants & (2) Elitzur Stockton, Joseph Flude, Nicholas Smith and William Bishop, deforciants, confirming grant to the first parties of 20 acres of land, etc., in Cosby, Little Thorpe, Dunton Basset and Gilmorton [Co. Leicestershire, UK].
A fine of lands, also called a final concord, or simply a fine, was a species of property conveyance which existed in England (and later in Wales) from at least the 12th century until its abolition in 1833 by the Fines and Recoveries Act. The advantage of obtaining title to property through a fine (as opposed to, for example, a simple feoffment or deed of gift) was that it provided the transaction with the additional legal authority of a royal or court judgment and ensured that a record of the conveyance would be preserved among the court archives.

Francis Bent

John Walker's gravestone and biography

Image of the grave of John Walker in the cemetery of Pere-la-Chaise, Paris. Biographical information about John Walker, the father of George Washington Walker - the youngest of 22 children from John's two marriages. From Walker Family Scrapbook compiled by Peter Benson Walker. Private collection. Page 5

John Walker

Extracts of officers' logs - French naval vessel Mascarin

  • Collection
  • 1772

Extracts of the officers' logs of the French naval vessel Mascarin's voyage of exploration led by Captain Nicholas Marion Du Fresne -Tasmanian part of voyage to Australia and New Zealand under Marion-Dufresne, March 1772.
'Journal du voyage fait sur le vaisseau du Roy Le Mascarin, commande par Mr. Marion, Chevalier de l'Ordre Royal et Militaire de st.
Louis, Capitaine de Brulot, accompagne de la Flutte Le Margqis de Castries, pour faire le voyage de l'Isle Taity ou de Cythere, en faissant la decouverte des terrae Australae passant a la Nouvelle Hollande, a la Nouvelle Zelande etc.

Photographs of Archives Nationales, C 7 197, pp. 1, 7-14; Marine 4 JJ, 192, no. 19, pp. 1, 12-18
Extra copies of C 7 197, pp. 1,7-14 (3 sets); p. 1 (4 copies); p. 10 (4 copies)

Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne

Extracts of officers' logs: part 1

Extracts of the officers' logs of the French naval vessel Mascarin's voyage of exploration led by Captain Nicholas Marion Du Fresne -Tasmanian part of voyage, March 1772.
'Journal du voyage fait sur le vaisseau du Roy Le Mascarin, commande par Mr. Marion, Chevalier de l'Ordre Royal et Militaire de st.
Louis, Capitaine de Brulot, accompagne de la Flutte Le Margqis de Castries, pour faire le voyage de l'Isle Taity ou de Cythere, en faissant la decouverte des terrae Australae passant a la Nouvelle Hollande, a la Nouvelle Zelande etc.

Photographs of Archives Nationales, C 7 197, pp. 1, 7-14;

Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne

John Cockburn: Miscellaneous legal documents

  • Collection
  • 1772-1773

Collection consists of a collection of miscellaneous legal documents relating to the property of John Cockburn, Berwick on Tweed, United Kingdom

John Cockburn

Extracts of officers' logs: part 2

Extracts of the officers' logs of the French naval vessel Mascarin's voyage of exploration led by Captain Nicholas Marion Du Fresne -Tasmanian part of voyage, March 1772.
'Journal du voyage fait sur le vaisseau du Roy Le Mascarin, commande par Mr. Marion, Chevalier de l'Ordre Royal et Militaire de st.
Louis, Capitaine de Brulot, accompagne de la Flutte Le Margqis de Castries, pour faire le voyage de l'Isle Taity ou de Cythere, en faissant la decouverte des terrae Australae passant a la Nouvelle Hollande, a la Nouvelle Zelande etc.

Photographs of Archives Nationales, Marine 4 JJ, 192, no. 19, pp. 1, 12-18

Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne

Great Britain, Admiralty instructions to Captain James Cook RN

Government document relevant to HMS Resolution, HMS Adventure, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands, Bouvet Island, territorial claims, sovereignty, the sub-Antarctic. Provides document or extract, with source information and Bill Bush notes. [Published by Bush as UK25061772]

Bill Bush

Microfilm : Amos family papers

  1. Receipt book of half and quarter yearly rent paid by James Amos (father of Adam and John (1776-1848), as tenant of Heriot Mill, Galawater, including later editions (1779), of cash expenses of mill, 1774-1845.
  2. Account book of Amos Mill, Cranbrook, VDL, 1824-1836.
    1. Diary of Adam Amos (1807-1874), June 1839
    2. Letterbook (or minute book) of Trustees of estate of John Lord, 1829-1833, including correspondence of Derwent Steam Navigation Company

Amos Family

Alexander Cheyne Papers

  • Collection
  • 1777-1861

Collection contains a written diary of Alexander Cheyne and microfilms of diaries and papers belonging to the family

Alexander Cheyne

Thomas Chapman Papers

  • Collection
  • 1780-1855

Miscellaneous papers, including newspaper advertisements, relating to Thomas Chapman's claim to the annuity left to his first wife, Mary Ann (formerly Langhorne) by her aunt Lydia Hooley, and, The Craftsman or Say's Weekly Journal, relateing to the Gordon riots etc. dated 10 June 1780

Thomas Chapman

Mary Ann Cox

  • Collection
  • 1783-1950

Material relating to Mrs. Mary Ann Cox who ran a coach service between Hobart and Launceston

Mary Ann Cox

Historic English newspapers

  • Collection
  • 1788-1827

English eighteenth and nineteenth century newspapers: The Times, Exeter and Plymouth Gazette, Whitehall Evening Post, London Gazette, Observer and Edinburgh Courant. Covering the death and funeral of Lord Nelson 1805, the battle of Waterloo 1815 (reprint), Coronation of Victoria 1838 and the Coronation of George IV.

Knopwoods Sermons

  • Collection
  • 1789-1838

Collection consists of sermons, written by the Reverend Robert Knopwood from 1789 to 1838 in a large clear hand, each in a thin paper booklet.

Robert Knopwood

Knopwood Miscellaneous Papers

  • Collection
  • 1789-1837

Miscellaneous papers of the Rev. Robert Knopwood including sermon "This is the condemnation", prayers, minutes, marriage register and a copy of Knopwoods diary kept by Knopwood from January 1801 to 22nd July 1802 aboard the H.M.S. Resolution

Robert Knopwood


Collection of miscellaneous photographs and reproductions

Donald Davie

Map of Friends' Meetings in Ireland

  • Collection
  • 1794

Large map of Friends' Meetings in Ireland, 1794, including a list of Meetings for Discipline and dates of Meetings.

The story of the Parramore family

The story of the Parramore family by E. M. Cooper, The Morrows, Yankalilla, S.A. 1953.
Pamphlet, including extracts from letters of William Parramore (1797-1854, m. Thirza Cooper), who settled in V.D.L. in 1823, and reminiscences of Beaufront.

William Thomas Parramore

Birth certificate : Anna Maria Tilney

Birth certificate of Anna Maria, daughter of John Shelton Tilney of Moulsham, Chelmsford, County of Essex, shopkeeper and Susanna 21/3/1800.

Anna Maria Cotton

Personal Papers

Personal papers of Francis Cotton including birth certificates

Francis Cotton

Francis Cotton : Appointments held : 134 to 150

Francis Cotton's correspondence and papers relating to the Society of Friends. He paid many visits of concern to Friends in South Australia, Victoria and N.S.W. See also (Series C) general correspondence for letters from and relating to Friends.

Francis Cotton

Society of Friends

Francis Cotton's correspondence and papers relating to the Society of Friends. He paid many visits of concern to Friends in South Australia, Victoria and N.S.W. See also (Series C) general correspondence for letters from and relating to Friends.

Francis Cotton

Memoranda book: 1801-1802

  • Pièce
  • 1801-1802
  • Fait partie de Leake Papers

Memoranda book dated 1801 -1802 "Book of observations" or memoranda of shipping commission accounts from 1798, including olive oil,iron,lead,tinned plate,caviar from Russia, earthenware,flax,cotton, Italian marble etc. Also notes of current prices,freight charges,currency,goods wanted and available, port dues and captains' "privileges" at various ports, including Naples, Barcelona, Leghorn,Gallipoli. Journal notes of loading and transactions on voyage carrying tar and pitch from Hull to Gibraltar or Naples for Messrs. Knox and Hay February-July 1802.

John Leake

Baptism certificate

Certified extract of entry of baptism and birth of William, son of Murdo Downie, Master Royal Navy, and Anne Smith his wife, parish of Foot Dee, Aberdeen, Scotland. Dated 20 October 1801

William Downie

J.W. Story's Estate : 151 to 183

Papers relating to Joseph William Story of Eastern Marshes, Oatlands, farmer (died 1864), by his will dated 9 March 1855, appointed his cousin G.F. Story and Francis Cotton his trustees and executors. Includes papers relating to Ponsonby Vale and Stone House Farms 1868-1874.

Francis Cotton

Knopwood Sermons

  • Collection
  • 1801-1829

Manuscripts of sermons preached by Rev. Knopwood in Tasmania dated 1801 - 1829

Robert Knopwood

Leake Papers

  • Collection
  • 1801-1932

Collection consists of some of the papers of John Leake (1780-1865) of Rosedale, near Campbell Town, pastoralist, justice of the peace, member of the Legislative Council and a former merchant of Hull and Hamburg, who settled with his family near Campbell Town, Tasmania, in 1823, and of his family, including his youngest son Charles Henry Leake (1819-1889) whose heirs inherited Rosedale.

John Leake

William Downie Papers

  • Collection
  • 1801-1824

Papers and certificates relating to medical studies

William Downie

Letter from Joseph Benson to his sister

Letter dated 29th April 1802 from Joseph Benson 1780-1853, eldest son of the Reverend Joseph Benson, to his sisters. Joseph Benson entered the medical profession and became a surgeon. From Walker Family Scrapbook compiled by Peter Benson Walker. Private collection. Page 8

Joseph Benson

Journal of Mediterranean Voyage

  • Pièce
  • 1802
  • Fait partie de Leake Papers

John Leake's account of a voyage to Gibraltar and Gallipoli as super cargo for Messrs. Knox and Hay of Hull, shipping pitch and tar to sell in Gibraltar or Naples, returning with [olive] oil from Gallipoli. Journal of Mediterranean Voyage dated 1802

John Leake

Miscellaneous Cheyne family papers

Microfilm copy of papers relating to the Cheyne and Wilkinson families including:
1 ) Family of John Cheyne, surgeon, Leith (father of Alexander) and his wife, the daughter of Wm. Edmonston
2) Extract from the life of Dr. John Cheyne (1777-1836) physician general to the forces in Ireland and brother of Alexander
3) 'Royal descent of Colonel Humphry Graham' claimant to the earldom of Monteith, and Elizabeth (Farquhar) , his wife.
4) Printed Pedigree of Colonel Humphrey Graham, claimant to the earldom of Monteith, showing the double descent of his descendants from the Douglases.
5) Marriage certificate of Captain William Wilkinson and Elizabeth Cheyne, 1803, witnessed by Alexander Cheyne her brother.
6) Letter from J.D. Thomson, Admiralty, to Dr John Cheyne, Leith, 28 August- ,1805 informing him of the appointment of Captain W. Wilkinson as commander of the 'Nightingale'.
7) Alexander Cheyne's commissions as: 2nd Lieutenant 1 May 1806; 1st Lieutenant 1 July 1806; 2nd Captain Royal Engineers' Corps, 1 May 1811.
8) Letter from Lt. Col. B. Cheyne to William Cheyne (brothers of Alexander) 28 March 1828
9) Letter from Alexander Cheyne to his niece Cecilia Wilkinson, 9 October 1852
10) Copy of will of Alexander Cheyne 22 April 1858
11) Copy of letter from Westbrook and Butler, solicitors, Hobart, to Mrs W.N.D. Sheppard, Dublin, about Cheyne's will, 18 August 1858.
12) Letter from S. W. Westbrook of the late firm of Westbrook and Butler to Mrs Sheppard, Dublin, 15 July 1861
13) Directions to the cook (? in the residence of John Cheyne, Leith) nd.
14) Copies of letters from Captain W. Wilkinson to his brother John from 'Goliath' off mouth of Nile, Egypt, 13 August 1798 and from 'Elephant', Copenhagen, 4 April 1801.
15) Copy of letter from Lord Nelson to Captain W. Wilkinson, from H.M.S 'Victory', 1805.
16) Letters from Captain W. Wilkinson to his wife Elizabeth (nee Cheyne) 21 March 1805, 20 Jan. 10 Oct. 22 Nov. 1814.
17) Letter from T. Wilkinson to Captain W. Wilkinson 28 Dec. 1830.

Alexander Cheyne

On the love of our country

Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitles "On the love of our country"
Preached before the Honble Allen Hyde Gardner Cap HM ship Resolution of [illegible] – June 1801, Camp Sullivan Cove Van Diemen’s Land May 13 - 1804
137 Psalm – 5 verse If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.

Robert Knopwood

Knopwood Diaries 1804-1836

  • Collection
  • 1804-1836

Collection consists of photographic copies of the diaries held by the Mitchell Library

Robert Knopwood

Plan of early Hobart Town

Lantern Slide of plan of early Hobart Town, from a survey done in 1804-1805, showing later alterations. The plan also appears in James Backhouse Walker's paper 'The Founding of Hobart, by Lieut.-Governor Collins' read to the Royal Society of Tasmania 14/10/1889. In this he describes the plan, "I am indebted to my friend Mr. Mault for a beautifully executed plan, which shows very clearly the original features of the ground, and the position of the first camp, and also indicates the alterations which have since taken place. It is taken from a survey made by Surveyor-General Harris in 1804-5. The original plan was discovered many years ago in the Lands Office at Sydney, and was presented by the New South Wales Government to our Lands Department. The Deputy- Commissioner of Crown Lands, Mr. Albert Reid, kindly presented me with a tracing of it."
Lantern slide thought to have been prepared by J.W. Beattie (1859-1930) whose studio locations were in Elizabeth Street, Hobart from 1891-1920, Murray Street from 1921-40 and Cat and Fiddle Arcade, Hobart, until 1994.

John Watt Beattie

Henry Hayes: land grant

  • Collection
  • 1805

Land grant, dated 1805 and signed by Philip Gidley King, of 100 acres on the river Derwent, V.D.L. to Henry Hayes, reserving a road one chain broad communicating with Mill Farm. Endorsed with record of transfers of the property, 1811 - 1825. Final transfer: Joshua Ferguson to Edward Foord Bromley.

Henry Hayes

James Gordon

Various letters, 1 memorandum of appointment, Executor papers and letters concerning the marriage of the widow of John Lakeland to T.H. White, transcripts of letters and draft of letter.

William Gunn

Letter : D. Gordon and Joseph Gordon to brother

Letter from D. Gordon and Joseph Gordon to brother, London dated 8 December 1805. Received letter from Jersey - reflected on dangers encountered, relatives - Aunt Jane, Brother Fortune's family, Fanny, Peggy Lakeland "a fine blooming girl", horses, family and servants, no hams available but could get legs of mutton and a few pieces of beef.

James Gordon

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