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University of Tasmania -- Students
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12 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Chemistry I
Chemistry I
Practical work notes
Practical work notes
Introductory course in differential equations for students in classical and engineering colleges
Introductory course in differential equations for students in classical and engineering colleges
Photographs of University of Tasmania Staff
Photographs of University of Tasmania Staff
Box 1
Box 1
Junior Technical School
Junior Technical School
A textbook of physics
A textbook of physics
Chemistry exam
Chemistry exam
Practical plane and solid geometry
Practical plane and solid geometry
Reference Data for Radio Engineers
Reference Data for Radio Engineers
A new trigonometry for schools
A new trigonometry for schools
A new algebra
A new algebra
Interview with Roy Fagan
Interview with Roy Fagan
Interview with Tom Henderson
Interview with Tom Henderson
Practical physics for the use of students of natural philosophy
Practical physics for the use of students of natural philosophy
The science of light
The science of light
Sarah Dunbabin
Sarah Dunbabin
A School Geometry
A School Geometry
Five figure logarithmic and other tables
Five figure logarithmic and other tables
Why smash atoms
Why smash atoms
Wien Bridge Oscillator
Wien Bridge Oscillator
Launceston Technical College
Launceston Technical College
Box 2
Box 2
An elementary treatise on coordinate geometry of three dimensions
An elementary treatise on coordinate geometry of three dimensions
Hytten Hall Crockery
Hytten Hall Crockery
Interview with Mr Ralph Harry
Interview with Mr Ralph Harry
Interview with Sir George Crawford
Interview with Sir George Crawford
Interview with Peter McManus
Interview with Peter McManus
University Staff & Students 1908
University Staff & Students 1908
Students outside Trinity House, Hobart
Students outside Trinity House, Hobart
Staff and students of the Political Science III class
Staff and students of the Political Science III class
Uni Revue programs
Uni Revue programs
Elementary algebra
Elementary algebra
Schedule for University of Tasmania
Schedule for University of Tasmania
Box 3
Box 3
Interview with Prof E.J.G Pitman
Interview with Prof E.J.G Pitman
The Workers' Educational Association Newsletter
The Workers' Educational Association Newsletter
Exam preparation notes.
Exam preparation notes.
An introductory course of chemistry
An introductory course of chemistry
Box 4
Box 4
Students Representative Council photograph
Students Representative Council photograph
Annual Commemoration 1896
Annual Commemoration 1896
Senior Public Examination Prize-takers
Senior Public Examination Prize-takers
Councils funeral
Councils funeral
Recipients of Degrees at Commemoration
Recipients of Degrees at Commemoration
Tasmanian University Graduates 1929
Tasmanian University Graduates 1929
Professors and candidates for degrees 1923
Professors and candidates for degrees 1923
A text-book of heat
A text-book of heat
Box 5
Box 5
Applications and correspondence
Applications and correspondence
Tasmania University Rugby Club
Tasmania University Rugby Club
Interview with Charlotte Wilmot & Canon John May
Interview with Charlotte Wilmot & Canon John May
Interview with Sir Roland Wilson
Interview with Sir Roland Wilson
An introduction to the infinitesimal calculus
An introduction to the infinitesimal calculus
Interview with Mrs Barbara Ostberg
Interview with Mrs Barbara Ostberg
How to Write an Essay
How to Write an Essay
Periodic table
Periodic table
Elementary dynamics of the particle and rigid body
Elementary dynamics of the particle and rigid body
Interview with Sir William Crowther
Interview with Sir William Crowther
A school geometry
A school geometry
Record of enrollment
Record of enrollment
Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Ronald Turner Ralph Collection
Records of the Australian Federation of University Women - Tasmania
Records of the Australian Federation of University Women - Tasmania
Tasmania University Union Collection
Tasmania University Union Collection
McKay : lecture notes for geology
McKay : lecture notes for geology
University Centenary Committee Oral History Project
University Centenary Committee Oral History Project
University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
Mattingley Collection
Mattingley Collection
Medical Sciences Photographs
Medical Sciences Photographs
25 June 1890 to 23 April 1959: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
25 June 1890 to 23 April 1959: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
07 May 1959 to 11 December 1970: University of Tasmania Roll Book of Graduates
Interview with A. Porteous
Interview with A. Porteous