Colour photograph depicts red C Class steam locomotive, steaming on line approaching Relbia Station railway platform, near Launceston, between Western Junction and Inveresk. The words: ?CENTENARY TRAIN 1871-1971? emblazoned on front of boiler.
Colour photograph of A5 Garratt steam locomotive on tracks at Conara Junction. Graffiti visible on side of locomotive. Small boy wearing blue in foreground.
Colour photograph shows two C Class steam locomotives with red livery, at Western Junction station, figures on platform, people in background taking photographs
Colour photograph of Mount Lyell No. 2 Abt railway locomotive, two people walking beside tracks, Evans groceries and general store visible in background.
Colour photograph shows C Class steam locomotive with green livery, pulling red and cream carriages, at Hobart Station. Child looking out driver/engineer cabin window.