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National Antarctic documents
National Antarctic documents
Argentina "Respuesta de la Argentina a la solicitud del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas Sobre la Cuestion de la Antartida"
Chile, Decree no 363 creating the National Committee of the Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR) and establishing its functions
United States Congress, Senate Commerce Committee "Statement of James N Barnes to the Committee on Science, Technology and Space". Includes incomplete copy of memorandum to R Tucker Scully of the State Department.
South Africa, Department of Foreign Affairs "Marine and Antarctic Conservation in South Africa: challenges and achievements"
United States Congress, House of Representatives "Antarctica World Park and Protection Act of 1990" Amendment
United States Congress, House of Representatives "Antarctic Environmental Protection Act of 1990" Report from the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
United States Congress, House of Representatives "Antarctic Protection Act of 1990" Report from the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries
United States Congress, Senate Committee of Foreign Relations "Statement of Dr Peter Wilkniss" Director, Division of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation"
United States Congress, Senate, Committee on Foreign Relations "Testimony of Curtis Bohlen, Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs"
Press article concerning Polish press reporting of the Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Viña del Mar
Poland, application for consideration as an Antarctic Treaty Consultative Party. Includes a similar document dated 1977-07-21.
Press article concerning New Zealand and Argentine relations during the Falklands/Malvinas dispute. Includes a related document reporting an article in the Buenos Aires Herald.
Press articles concerning the Falkland Islands after conclusion of hostilities, comprising articles between 1986 and 1995
United Kingdom, cablegrams relating to the Canada and United States attitudes to the Falklands dispute
Germany "Draft of law implementing the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty"
United States "Code of Federal Regulations", including Office of the Secretary of Defense, Part 197, Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Department of Defense Actions
United States Antarctic Research Program, National Science Foundation "The development and application of American law to the Antarctic program and to expeditionary forces" Chuck Stovitz
United States Congress, House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space and Technology "Hearing on Antarctic Minerals Policy announced". Includes witness lists and transcripts of their statements.
United States Senate, Foreign Relations Committee "Legislation to protect the environment of Antarctica"
United States Congress, Horse of Representatives, Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation, Hearing on the Environment of Antarctic
Slovak Republic, Minister of Foreign Affairs letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, confirming the dissolution of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republics
United Nations Charter—Original membership, communication to the Secretary-General that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is now under the designation Russian Federation
Federal Republic of Germany, Deutscher Bundestag "Entschliessung zu den gefrahen einer zerstorung des okosystems in der antarktis" (Drucksache 11/4227)
Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs cablegram "Antarctica: Soviet comment on Chinese intentions". Includes reporting of two press articles concerning China's activity in Antarctica.
Czech Republic, Minister of Foreign Affairs letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, confirming the dissolution of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republics
United Nations Charter—Admission of new Members, Communication to the Secretary-General that the Federal Republic of Germany is now under the designation Germany
Radio Australia, International Report "DFAT Secretary Richard Woolcott, Comments on Antarctica" transcript
Press article "Les Belges votent blanc: les autorites belges veulent que l'Antarctique demeure un continent vierge"
Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Antarctica - Land of peace and science" DFATnews
"US-Argentina Bahia Paraiso cooperative program" Report of a Meeting and Status Report, Buenos Aires. Includes related reports and a press article.
Aquiles D Ygobone "Soberanía Argentina de las Islas Malvinas - Antártida Argentina: cuestiones fronterizas entre Argentina y Chile"
Law no. 20,489 concerning foreign scientific and technical research in Argentine territorial waters. Includes related Decree no. 4,915.s
Law no. 20,136 amending law no 17,500 prohibiting fishing by foreign vessels in Argentine territorial waters
Argentina, Resolution no. 265 limiting the activities of foreign fishing vessels in Argentine territorial waters. Includes amending Resolution no. 556.
Argentina, Law no. 17,500 promoting the exploration of the resources of the Argentine territorial sea
Argentina, Decree no. 10,367 and Decree no. 1,717 concerning air navigation and Argentine territorial sea
Argentina, Decree no. 14,708 declaring rights of national sovereignty over Argentine epi-continental sea and continental shelf
US Department of State, correspondence from the National Science Foundation concerning a rule-making proposal
United States, Office of Technology Assessment "The Future of Mineral Resource Development in Antarctica"
United States Senate, Resolution SJ Res 206. Includes related document concerning House of Representative Resolution HJ Res 418.
Australia, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Bill Hayden, press release "Visit of Australian inspection team to Antarctica"
Australia, House of Representatives, Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, inquiry into the legal regimes of Australia's external territories, submissions
Australia, Minister for Resources, Alan Griffiths, press release "Antarctic decision in perspective"
United Kingdom, Oil Spill Contingency Plan, British Antarctic Survey, Rothera, and related plan for Signy
United States Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, press release concerning hearing on protecting Antarctica's environment by the Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee, and associated transcripts
United States Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, hearing on protecting Antarctica's environment by the Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee, witness list and prepared statements
United States, Environmental Impact Statement on the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals, includes report of the US delegation to the London Conference, 1972
Chile, Decree 6,378 authorising the issue of Chilean Antarctic postage stamps, and related Decree 2,996 of 1947-05-28
Press article "Nautical boundary extended: call for investment so Australia can benefit" The Mercury, and related article
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