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Archivistische beschrijving2816 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
French notification to the United Kingdom of the decree regulating the economic exploitation of the Crozet Islands and Adélie Land
Report of the Minister of Colonies concerning the establishment of a national park for the protection of certain species of birds and mammals
French memorandum notifying the United Kingdom of its intention to assign 136°E and 142°E longitude as the limits to Adélie Land and concerning rights of overflight
Order granting the Société de Péche Congolaise de Baleines permission to take and process sea elephants in the territorial waters of the Kerguelen Islands
Decree appointing the leader of the French expedition in Adélie Land representative of the French Government
Parliamentary report on the steps to be taken to consolidate French title to French southern Islands (extracts)
Law no. 49-1805 relating to the organisation and operation of a research expedition to Iles Kerguelen and Iles Crozet
Law no. 55-1052 establishing the territory of French Southern and Antarctic Lands and endowing it with administrative and financial autonomy
French note to the United States accepting the United States' invitation to attend a conference on Antarctica
Decree no. 69-408 regulating public administration in connection with the application of law no. 66-400 of 18 June 1966 concerning marine fishing and the exploitation of the produce of the sea in French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Order no. 07 re-enacting regulations concerning marine fishing and the exploitation of the produce of the sea in French Southern and Antarctic Lands
French memorandum to the United Kingdom offering to renounce any French claims to the Crozet Islands in return for the neutrality of the Minquiers Islands
Law no. 11,846 placing the Chilean Antarctic Territory under the administration of the Intendent of Magallanes
Chilean note to the United States accepting the United States' invitation to attend a conference on Antarctica
Chilean note to Australia informing Australia of the extent of the Chilean Antarctic Territory in connection with a map in an official Australian publication showing the South American Antarctic as British
Law no. 16,592 establishing the Directorate of State Frontiers and Boundaries as a dependency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (extract)
Report on the reorganisation and operation of the National Directorate of Frontiers and Boundaries of the State
Supreme decree no. 260 granting a concession for sealing and other purposes to Enrique Fabry and Domingo de Toro Herrera
Letter from the Chilean Minister for Foreign Affairs concerning steps necessary to strengthen Chilean claims to Antarctica
Memorial of the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs reporting discussions with Argentina on Antarctic territories
Chilean declaration reserving its rights to Antarctica at the Second Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, Havana
British note to Chile pointing out that the Chilean claim included part of the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Dependencies
British note informing Chile of British claims to certain places and offering assistance to a Chilean expedition
Speech concerning the grounds of Chile's claim to Antarctica delivered to the Senate by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Raúl Juliet Gómez
Treaty of peace and friendship and recognition between the Republic of Chile and Her Majesty the Queen of Spain (extract)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands fishery proposal for waters outside the Australian fishing zone, Advice and Recommendations
Media release reporting the seizure of two foreign fishing vessels operating illegally off Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Regulations applying the Fisheries Management Act 1991 to some areas outside the Australian Fishing Zone around Heard Island and McDonald Islands and the Australian Antarctic Territory
Chile, Decree no. 2,905 of the Ministry of Finance incorporating the Sociedad Ballenara de Magallanes
Chile, Decree no. 1,314 of the Governor of the Magallanes concerning the establishment of a whaling station on the South Shetland Islands
Chile, Decree no. 70 of the Ministry of Finance authorising the existence of the company denominated "Sociedad Ballanera de Magallanes"
Chilean note to Norway acknowledging receipt of the Norwegian invitation to attend the International Exhibition in Bergen
British note to Australia concerning an error in describing the boundaries of Chile's Antarctic claim
Chile, Supreme decree no. 1,340 for the order, safety and discipline on the vessels and along coastal waters of the Republic
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