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National Antarctic documents
National Antarctic documents

Note of the United States chargé d'affaires to Buenos Aires Chargé d'affaires concerning the seizure and detention of American fishing vessels in the Malvinas (extract)

Argentina, Decree no. 7,713 M. 361 concerning the composition operations of Boundary Demarcation Commissioners

Argentine report on the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of Argentine radio station on the South Orkney Islands

Argentina, Resolution of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and War approving regulations of the operation of certain Boundary Demarcation Commissions

Note of the Governor of the Falkland Islands handed to the official in charge of the Argentine post on Gamma Island

American note to the Foreign Minister of the province of Buenos Aires giving details of the seizure and detention of American fishing vessels and crews

Argentina, Account of the National Antarctic Commission of the work of the Argentine expedition of the summer of 1946-47

Argentina, Account of meeting of the National Antarctic Commission followed by a speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs at a luncheon in honour of the commander of the Argentine National Antarctic Expedition

Argentina, Decree no. 12,412 authorising the publication of a book on Argentine sovereignty over the Antarctic

Argentine press statement concerning the British proposal to submit the dispute over Antarctica to the International Court of Justice

Argentina, Decree no. 3,901 M.130 granting full powers to Dr. Pascal La Rose to initiate discussions with Chile on Antarctica

Press article concerning Argentine declarations concerning the British proposal to submit the dispute over Antarctica to the International Court of Justice

Speech of the Argentine representative at the signing of the joint declaration of Chile and Argentina concerning the South American Antarctic

Argentina, Statement by the Foreign Affairs Minister concerning Antarctica in a press conference (transcript)

Note of the United States chargé d'affaires giving detail of American objections to the seizure of American sealing ships in the Falkland Islands

Statement by Argentina in the sixth committee of the Ninth Conference of Inter-American states at Bogota

Report of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the question of the delimitation of Argentine Antarctic sectors

Argentina, Decree no. 13,863 M.464 replacing the representative of the Department of the Navy on the sub-commission of the Malvinas and the South Georgia Islands

Argentina, Decree no. 13,864 M. 465 replacing the representative of the Department of the Navy on the National Antarctic Commission

Argentina, Decree no. 25,984 M.869 approving the actions of the Argentine ambassador which led to the Joint Declaration with Chile of 4 March 1948

Account of the Argentine note in reply to the United States proposals for the discussions on the possible internationalization of Antarctica

Argentina, Decree no. 36,962 M.1160 replacing the representative of the Department of Agriculture on the National Antarctic Commission

United States statement welcoming the Tripartite Naval Declaration between Argentina, Chile and the United Kingdom

Province of Buenos Aires note to the United States Chargé d'affaires asserting the province's right to detain American fishing vessels in the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands

Chilean note to Argentina protesting Argentine maps and atlas which show the Chilean Antarctic and other territories as Argentine

Argentine reservation concerning recognition of frequencies designated for Argentine Antarctic territories

Argentina, Decree no. 10,900 M.440 replacing a representative of the Ministry of the Navy on the National Antarctic Commission

Argentina, Decree no. 10,901 M.441 replacing a representative of the Ministry of the Navy on the National Antarctic Commission

Argentina, Decree no. 22,588 accepting the resignation of Dr. Pascual La Rosa as president of the National Antarctic Commission

United States note to the members of the World Meteorological Organization notifying them of the Argentine reservation to the British notification regarding Falkland (Malvinas) Islands

Argentina, Decree no. 23,703 appointing Dr. Carlos Zamboni as president of the National Antarctic Commission

Argentina, Decree no. 26,407 accepting the resignation of Sr. D José Manuel Moneta as secretary of the National Antarctic Commission

Report of the political and military Commandant of the Malvinas following on Buenos Aires note of 20/6/1832 to American chargé

Argentina, Decree no. 29,610 replacing the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture on the National Antarctic Commission

Argentina. Decree No. 9905 establishing the administrative unit of the Argentine Antarctic Sector of the Governor of the National Territory of Tierra del Fuego

Report of a United Nations committee defining the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands as including territories such as South Georgia Island, South Sandwich Islands and the British Antarctic Territories

Decree no. 8325 establishing the mission and functions of the Director General of the Antarctic and Malvinas

Argentine message declining to countenance the removal of Argentine workers from South Georgia Island

British parliamentary statement on developments in the dispute concerning a party of Argentines on South Georgia Island

Statement of the Argentine position regarding the South Georgia dispute and the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and rejecting the British proposal to send an envoy to Buenos Aires

Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council drawing attention to the situation of tension arising from British action concerning South Georgia Island (S/14940)

Statement of the President of the United Nations Security Council calling on Argentina and the United Kingdom to exercise restraint and refrain from the threat or use of force in the region of the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands (S/14944)

Press articles concerning Presidential message announcing the re-integration of the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, South Georgia Islands and South Sandwich Island into the Argentine National Territory (extract)

United Nations Security Council resolution 502 (1982) concerning the armed intervention in the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands

Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council setting out reasons for military action in relation to South Georgia Island and the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands

British note to the United Nations Security Council replying to arguments in favour of Argentine intervention in the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, South Georgia Island and the Sandwich Islands

Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council informing of a British armed attack upon South Georgia Island (S/14999)

British note to the United Nations Security Council reporting the re-establishment of British authority on South Georgia Island (S/15002)

Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council asserting that the United Kingdom is not permitted to rely upon the right of self-defence with regard to the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, South Georgia Islands and the South Sandwich Islands (S/15009)

Argentine announcement of an exclusion zone around the Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands

British note to the United Nations Security Council replying to the Argentine assertion that the United Kingdom is not permitted to rely upon the right of self-defence with regard to the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands, South Georgia Islands and the South Sandwich Islands (S/15016)

Argentine draft of an agreement with the United Kingdom providing for an end to hostilities (extract)

British account of the negotiations through the United Nations Secretary-General for a cease fire with Argentina

Argentine statement criticising the British exclusion of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands from settlement proposals regarding the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands

Argentine diplomatic note to the United States concerning settlement of the dispute with the United Kingdom

United Nations Security Council resolution 505 (1982) authorising the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to bring about and end to the conflict in and around the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands

Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council concerning the Argentine base "Corbeta Uruguay" on the South Sandwich Islands (S/15230)

Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council reporting of further British military action against the Argentine scientific base on the South Sandwich Islands and accusing the United Kingdom of violations of the cessation of hostilities (S/15241)

British note to the United Nations Security Council notifying the recovery by the United Kingdom of possession of the South Sandwich Islands (S/15246)

Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council contesting arguments in favour of the British claim to the South Sandwich Islands (S/15253)

Specific Additional Protocol on Environmental Protection Between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile

Treaty between Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and John of Portugal, concluded at Tordesillas (extract)

Decree of the Province of Buenos Aires concerning the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and other islands adjacent to Cape Horn in the Atlantic Ocean

Treaty of recognition, peace and friendship between the Argentine Republic and Spain, signed at Madrid (extract)
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