First two books on Tasmanian geography : An Unrecorded Hobart Town Gazette : Part II
Index of Subjects & Places
Index to G3
Extract : June 1862 - March 1869
Index to UT460
Letter : Thomas Cotton to son, Francis Cotton, 1831
Letter Francis to Thomas Cotton
Letter Francis to Anna Maria Cotton 13th Jan 1868
Letter Francis Cotton to Anna Maria Cotton 19th Feb 1868
Anna Maria to Francis :1869
Howard Gurney Cotton and Edith Consulia Cotton
Letter : 1880
Letter from Thomas C. Sharp
Birth certificate : Anna Maria Tilney
Prospective buyers : Ponsonby Vale
Letter from Mrs Webb
Letter to JB Cotton from Alma Rachel Cotton
Index to W13
Index to C7- Story Collection
Norwegian note to the United Kingdom setting out in detail the grounds for the Norwegian claim to Bouvet Island
Norwegian provisional regulations forbidding the hunting of fur seals
United States note in reply to the Norwegian note concerning grounds for a claim to priority over the areas claimed or discovered during Amundsen's Antarctic expedition
Recommendation of the Ministry of Justice and Police in support of a bill for a law concerning Bouvet Island
British memorandum to Norway concerning the activities of the "Norvegia" in the Australian Antarctic sector
United States despatch from Oslo reporting progress of the "Norvegia" expedition
Royal decree providing for the administration of Bouvet Island
Royal proclamation placing Peter I Island under Norwegian sovereignty
British aide-memoire to Norway confirming the assurance concerning British intentions as regards the region lying between the Australian Antarctic Territory and Coats Land
German note to Norway reserving the position of the German Government with regard to the Norwegian claim in Antarctica
Chilean note to Norway reserving its rights to Antarctic territories claimed by Norway
Norwegian note to the United Kingdom agreeing to the western boundary of the Norwegian claim proposed by the United Kingdom