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Photograph of George Wilson as a child
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-A-1
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Photograph of George Thomas Jamieson Wilson standing, and James Alexander Jamieson Wilson sitting
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-10
- Item
- 1952
Part of George Wilson Collection
Silver plated tankard, inscribed 'T.U.R.U.F.C., G.Wilson, in appreciation 1952'. On the base: Perfection E.P.N.S. A1
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-11
- Item
- 1966
Part of George Wilson Collection
Leadless pewter tankard, inscribed 'In appreciation T.U.R.U.F.C. 1966'. "Huntly", Silcraft Pty. Ltd., Melbourne
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-12
- Item
- 1967
Part of George Wilson Collection
Lead free Kirra pewter tankard, inscribed 'To the Guru from the 1967 Disciples'. Made by Pewter Products P/L, Melbourne, Australia
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-13
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- 1968
Part of George Wilson Collection
Super fine lead less pewter tankard, inscribed 'Presented to Mr George Wilson, Coach, by University Under 19 Premiers 1968'. Inscription on base: 'Good on you "George!" "Lang may your lum reek" (Scottish, literally translates to "Long may your chimney smoke!", signifying "may you live long"). Huntly. Made in Australia by Silcraft Pty. Ltd., Melbourne
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-14
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- 1975
Part of George Wilson Collection
Silver plated presentation bucket, inscribed 'The George Wilson Award for outstanding service to the Tasmanian Rugby Union. Presented on behalf of Australian Universities Rugby men by R.A.O. Martin and R.L. Newman as a token of the esteem and affection held for George Wilson over the period 1947-1975. Hobart Tasmania March 1975' On base: Kenson EP A1
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-15
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Leadless pewter tankard, with inscription 'T.U.R.U.F.C., Presented to George Wilson, in appreciation'. Huntly, Sllcraft Pty. Ltd., Melbourne
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-16
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- 1986
Part of George Wilson Collection
Green bottle of red wine, with cork in. Label reads: 'University Rugby Club Red 1986. George Wilson, the Club patron, with black and white photo, 1983 under. Cabernet Sauvignon. An elegant red for the true red man and Club supporter, eminently suitable for imminent consumption or short term cellaring
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Cloth badge of University Rugby Club
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-17
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Mounted cloth badge, red background in black frame, wording: University Rugby Club, Life Member, George Wilson
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-18
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Small green booklet, 18 pages. Title page: Football Rules. The following rules were sanctioned by a levee of the sixth, on the 28th of August, 1845, as the laws of football, played at Rugby School. Rugby: J. S. Crossley, Printer'
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Photograph of Rolleston House, Canterbury University College, 1926
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-19
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- 1926
Part of George Wilson Collection
Black and white, mounted photograph. 'Canterbury University College, Rolleston House, 1926'. By Standish & Preece, Photographers, 244 High Street, Christchurch
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-A-2
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Mounted wooden wall shield from A W Crisp & Co., 16 King's Parade, Cambridge. Unidentified. Four lions on red background
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Photograph of Lady Margaret Rugger Boat Day 1932
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-20
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- 1932
Part of George Wilson Collection
Black and white, framed photograph. 'Lady Margaret Rugger Boat Day 1932' by Stearn & Sons, Cambridge
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- Collection
- 1932 - 1980
Collection consists of rugby memorabilia and other material relating to the life and work of George Wilson, master of Hytten Hall, the University of Tasmania's first residential college
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Photograph of St John College Rugby XV
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-21
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- 1932 - 1933
Part of George Wilson Collection
Black and white, framed photograph. 'St. Johns Coll: Rugby XV 1932-3' by Stearn & Sons, Cambridge
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Photograph of Canterbury University College Football Club 1937
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-22
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- 1937
Part of George Wilson Collection
Black and white, framed photograph (no glass). 'Canterbury University College Football Club. Senior Team 1937. Joint Winners C.R.U. Senior Grade Competition, Winners Straker-Smith Cup and Japanese Football Trophy' by Standish & Preece, Photographers
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Photograph of Canterbury University College Football Club 1939
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-23
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- 1939
Part of George Wilson Collection
Black and white, framed photograph (no glass). 'Canterbury University College Football Club. Senior Team 1939. Winners C.R.U. Senior Grade Competition - Winners Payne Trophy' by Standish & Preece, Photographers
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Photograph of Canterbury University College Football Club 1940
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-24
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- 1940
Part of George Wilson Collection
Black and white, framed photograph (no glass). 'Canterbury University College Football Club. Senior Team 1940. Winners C.R.U. Senior Grade Competition' by Standish & Preece, Photographers
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-25
- Item
- 1932
Part of George Wilson Collection
Folder of 16 miscellaneous papers:
Heitiki Club 1931-1932 - list of members
2 entries from 'The Eagle' 1932
St John's College Rugby Union Football Club, Michaelmas Term, 1932
L.M.B.C. May races 1932, Bump Supper
Heitiki Club 1932-1933 - list of members
St John's College R.F.C. Annual dinner, 1933
St John's College Rugby Union, Football Club, Lent Term, 1933
Receipts x 2: May 1933, Nov 1934
Rugby Football, by A. E. Mitchell, 1945
University of Canterbury Rugby Football Club, Jubilee Magazine. Diamond Jubilee 1883-1958
The Skilball Trophy. Four Home Unions v Rest of Europe, April 1990
Annual Report 1990 - various papers
Rugby loan 1990 - various papers
Undated list of donations
How to play golf - 3 handwritten pages
Rugby bumph - handwritten notes
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-26
- Item
- 1930
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 69 miscellaneous objects including Orient Line passenger list, menus, travel brochures, tickets, receipts, concert programs, maps and theatre programs
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-27
- Item
- 1931
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains letters to family, most addressed to 'Dear Mum'. (See transcript supplied by George Wilson's daughter)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-28
- Item
- 1931
Part of George Wilson Collection
Letters to brother Don. (See transcript supplied by George Wilson's daughter)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-29
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- 1932
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 1 letter to his sister Mabel. (See transcript supplied by George Wilson's daughter)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-A-3
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Hytten Hall crest. Framed Latin motto "Virtute experiamur" (Let courage be thy test). Red and white shield with image of Viking ship, with 'Mr. G.T.J. Wilson' under.
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-30
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- 1932
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 3 letters (written in large capital letters) to his grandfather "Grandy" (Mr T. Jamieson). (See transcript supplied by George Wilson's daughter)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-31
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- 1931
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 9 envelopes addressed to 37 Cowper Street, Greymouth, New Zealand
George Wilson's daughter notes that he was ambidextrous
- envelopes written in flowing copperplate (right hand)
- envelopes written backward sloping (left hand)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-32
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- 1932
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 19 items: 15 small black and white photos of his travels (location on the back); black and white photo in cardboard mount of Wilson and Auckland friend Costello at Burns' birthplace in Alloway, Ayrshire dated 27th June 1933; Glasgow Empire ticket; drinks menu from Tavaratalo Stockmann; blank Russian form
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-33
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 1 letter dated May 22nd [1933], black and white photo of Notre Dame on letterhead, possibly from Otto?
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-34
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- 1934
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 2 letters from friend at Cambridge, Sandy Buchanan, dated 21.1.34 and 30th May 34
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-35
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- 1934
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 2 letters from friend "Nig" c/o N.Z. House, 415 The Strand, London - one undated, and June 19 1934
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
Envelopes addressed to George Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-36
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- 1931
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 8 envelopes for George Wilson at various addresses
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-C-37
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- 1933
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 3 newspaper cuttings from 'The Grey River Argus' of articles Wilson wrote about his travels in Europe.
- Wednesday, March 29, 1933: Letters from Cambridge, Barging About The Baltic, By G. T. Wilson, M.A.
- Monday, October 16, 1933: Europe, Greymouth Man's Impressions, Mr Geo. Wilson Interviewed (2 copies)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-D-38
- Item
- 1960
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 4 items:
Letter of appointment as Warden of Hytten Hall, and conditions
Letter re rent for Warden's Lodge
Black and white photograph of Hytten Hall students and Warden (1970s?)
Hyttite '74 (Hytten Hall students club magazine 1974)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-D-39
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- 1964
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 4 items:
Letter from Department of History
Report by the Commonwealth Advisory Committee on the teaching of Asian Languages and Cultures in Australia, August 1970
The Asian revolutions of the mid-twentieth century: an Australian perspective (public lecture by D A Low, May 1976)
Donation to Asian Studies Assoc of Tasmania
Letter re $5,000 donation to the Asian Studies Association of Tasmania
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-A-4
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Straight razor with black bakelite handle, engraved "Bengall". Cadman & Sons, Sheffield, England. In cardboard container 16.5 x 3 cm
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-D-40
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- 1967
Part of George Wilson Collection
Green and black cover, embossed in gold 'George's Gems 1967' - (Extracts from George's philosophy), 3 pages on General Philosophy, The Student Body, India and the British, Society in General, George's Class 1967; plus page of student autographs
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-D-41
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- 1974
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 4 items:
Occasional address to graduand assembly, April 1974 (4 drafts)
Cutting from University of Tasmania News, 22 November 1974 - George Wilson retires, by Tony Manley
Cutting from University of Tasmania News, 25 April 1975 - Wilson's Promontories
Letter from University of Tasmania Superannuation Board, 8 May 1978
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-D-42
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- 1957
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 13 items:
Cutting from Tasmanian Truth 25/5/1957 - headline: Suzanne Kemp's diary
The Orr Case: Bishop Flays University Council, statement issued April 18, 1963
Letter re Rolleston House Jubilee Reunion in 1969
The [Australian] Constitution, as altered to 31 December 1969
Letter from J Paton Boyd, New Zealand, October 28 1971
State, Church and School by C D Hardie, reprinted from The Australian Journal of Higher Education 4/2 (December 1971)
Jerusalem: Holy City of Three Religions, by Zwi Werblowsky
Movement for the Defence of Government Schools (Tasmania) - newsletter, August 1975
The Future of the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education, by G T Wilson and J L May (October, 1976)
University of Tasmania News, 12 May 1978
Graduate News, University of Tasmania, 21 November 1980 (includes edited book review)
Entire book review of Roy Chappell: Wellington Wings - an RAF Intelligence Officer in the Western Desert [undated]
Typescript of undated poem The Botanic Brawl (possibly referring to Horace Barber, foundation Professor Botany 1947-1963)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-E-43
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- 1974
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 10 items:
Marriage celebrant certificate, dated 4 March 1974
Information for civil marriage celebrants from Attorney-General's Department
Marriage Regulations (Amendment)
Marriage Counselling and Pre-Marital Education Approved Organizations - brochures from Attorney-General's Department
Letter from Minister for Justice, 5 September 1988, re concern at level of divorce in society
Letter from Association of Civil Marriage Celebrants of Victoria, 3 May 1989
Letter from Anglicare Marriage Education, 22nd April 1991
Undated list of Civil Marriage Celebrants - Tasmania
Consent form
Undated newspaper cutting - article by Martin Flanagan on Wilson's 'new-found vocation as a marriage celebrant'
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-E-44
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Album sleeves contain various colour wedding photographs - many lacking names and dates. Plus 7 loose photos and 6 'thank you' cards
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-F-45
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- 1919
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains
19 exam papers from New Zealand Education Department 1919-20 to 1925
University of New Zealand, Entrance Examination, 1929 (History)
4 blue University of New Zealand, Entrance Scholarships Examination, 1933 (English, French, History, Chemistry)
5 results cards from University of New Zealand (1925, 1926, 1927, 2 x 1928)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-F-46
- Item
- 1931
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 2 x Certificate of Date of Birth from New Zealand Registrar-General's Office, Wellington for George Thomas Jamieson Wilson, dated 29th day of April, 1931 and 25th day of June, 1937.
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-F-47
- Item
- 1949
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 2 passports for George Wilson:
British passport, dominion of New Zealand - stamped 12 Sep 1949
New Zealand passport - stamped 28 Aug 1980
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-F-48
- Item
- 1976
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 3 postcards:
Seychelles, from Surgeon Lieut. Scott Bell RAN, dated 5/7/76 - representing Australia in independence celebrations
Moorea, from Gerald & Maggie, dated 23 Aug 1976
Heraclion, from Gerald & Maggie, dated 24 Nov 1976 (Professor Gerald Firth was a UTAS colleague (Economics). The families were good friends and spent numerous Xmas lunches together)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-F-49
- Item
- 1935
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains 13 items:
Wilcox, Smith & Co.'s 1935-36 Postage & stamp album price list
Small red pass to Government House, Shillong, Assam dated 28.3.50
Newspaper cutting (undated) Uni. lecturer in L'ton tonight ... as part of the 1973 winter series of lectures
ANZAAS Conference, Hobart, 10-14 May, 1976 - name card 26
2 photocopied sheets - University of NZ BA, MA and newspaper cutting from Wellington Evening Post 1/11/49
Black & white photo of Wilson standing beside Max Angus portrait commissioned by Hytten Hall Old Scholars' Association 1974; purchased by University and hung in the Malcolm McRae tutorial room, Dept. of History, Humanities Building for many years; now hanging in the research room of Special & Rare Collections
CD of memorial service, Stanley Burbury Theatre on 6/6/91
Photocopy of cutting 4/3/91 - Asian Studies Assoc of Tasmania inviting nominations for inaugural George Wilson Prize
Invitation to George Wilson Presentation Dinner on Friday 22/5/92
Article 'George Wilson was here' by Madeline Milford in Alumni News June 2001
Typescript 'George Wilson, University of Tasmania, 1945-1974' by Elaine McKay (undated)
Black notebook 17 x 10 cm - empty except for entry on back page: Dr N.H. Rutledge, 22 Douglas St. New Town
Undated Christmas card from Mrs Hatsell (housekeeper at Hytten Hall)
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-A-5
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Framed colour illustration of shields of 22 Cambridge colleges
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-A-6
- Item
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
Silver cigarette case, etched pattern in red, navy and tan
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-A-7
- Item
- 1958
Part of George Wilson Collection
Leadless pewter tankard, engraved 'To George Wilson. From History III B 1958'. Made by Silcraft Pty. Ltd., Melbourne
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-8
- Item
- 1934
Part of George Wilson Collection
Silver plated trophy urn, inscribed 'S.T.R.U. First Premiers, Tasmanian University Rugby Club 1934'
M. P.Crisp (Capt)
J. M. Crisp
F. C. Mitchell
H. O. Westbrook
A. B. Hunt
K. O. Shatwell
I. Paull
J. McGrath
P. Unwin
H. M. Nicholls
J. E. Mullen
D. Anderson
J. McG. Hood
B. J. B. Morris
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/1-B-9
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- 1948
Part of George Wilson Collection
Sheffield pewter tankard, inscribed 'G. Wilson, Presented by T.U.R.C. 1948'. Made in England, Manor 2132
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- Series
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains miscellaneous objects
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- Series
- n.d.
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains realia relating to George Wilson's association with rugby
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- Series
- 1930
Part of George Wilson Collection
File includes letters and mementos from Wilson's post-grad travelling scholarship to study at Cambridge University 1931-1933
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- Series
- 1930
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains material relating to George Wilson's time at the University of Tasmania, 1945-1974
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- Series
- 1974
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains miscellaneous material relating to George Wilson's time as a marriage celebrant
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson
- Series
Part of George Wilson Collection
File contains personal papers of George Wilson
George Thomas Jamieson Wilson