Colour photograph depicts red C Class steam locomotive, steaming on line approaching Relbia Station railway platform, near Launceston, between Western Junction and Inveresk. The words: ?CENTENARY TRAIN 1871-1971? emblazoned on front of boiler.
Colour photograph shows a woman seated on park bench outside main house at Brickendon, historic 465ha estate established and farmed by William Archer and descendants since 1824, who invited tourists to their property from the late 20th century.
Colour photograph of Aveling & Porter Limited steam roller, working on levelling flat area of gravel and sand opposite City Park, Launceston, off Cimitiere Street. Three motor vehicles visible in background.
Colour photograph. A man sits on grass near a bicycle close to the men’s bathing sheds on the banks of the Meander River at Deloraine, beneath railway bridge and a short distance from the Bass Highway that crosses the river on a road bridge further upstream.
Colour photograph shows how a belt is connected to drive wheel of a steam engine and a baler, at a demonstration held near central arena at Elphin Showground, Launceston, also set up for sheepdog trials
Colour photograph of dark bay or black horse in harness, with a black carriage at Launceston Show, 1972. Groom or driver also dressed in black. Other carriages in background.
Colour photograph shows two sightseers, man with camera hanging on strap around his neck and gloved woman carrying handbag, outside main house at Brickendon, historic 465ha estate established and farmed by William Archer and descendants since 1824, who invited tourists to their property from the late 20th century.
Colour photograph shows grey horse pulling a carriage with two occupants; another horse in harness standing nearby. Harness racing track at Elphin Showground in background.