Showing 15 results
Archival description2 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
Whaling barque "Derwent Hunter"
Whaling barque "Derwent Hunter"
Shipping agreement
Shipping agreement
Portland cement tests
Portland cement tests
Barque "Harriet McGregor"
Barque "Harriet McGregor"
Depth of water at New Wharf Extension
Depth of water at New Wharf Extension
Barque "Lufra"
Barque "Lufra"
Shipping consignments
Shipping consignments
Rail freight charges for goods shipped from London
Rail freight charges for goods shipped from London
Barque "Helen" refit
Barque "Helen" refit
Harry O'May scrapbook
Harry O'May scrapbook
Broughton Archive
Broughton Archive