Treaty between Ferdinand and Isabel of Castille with Alfonso V of Portugal and his son Juan
Papal Bull Inter Caetera (extract)
Treaty between Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and John of Portugal, concluded at Tordesillas (extract)
Chile, Royal letter patent granting Pedro de Mendoza the governorship of La Plata
Royal Letters Patent granting to Pedro Sancho de Hoz the governorship of areas south of the Strait of Magellan
Chile, Royal letters patent extending the governorship granted to Don Pedro de Valdivia
Chile, Royal letters patent appointing Adelantado Don Geronimo de Alderete governor of Chile
Chile, Royal letters patent appointing Francisco de Villagra governor of Chile
Chile, Act of foundation of the city of Mendoza
Account by Laurens Claess of a voyage to 64° south
Account of the southern sea and lands attached to the Royalty of Chile
Treaty between Great Britain and Spain (extracts)
Treaty of peace and friendship between Great Britain and Spain
Account by a Governor of Chile of its southern limits
Chile, Report on his diocese from the Bishop of Santiago to the Pope
Falkland Islands, Spanish seizure of English colony 1770
Reciprocal declarations between Great Britain and Spain signed at London and the Pardo
Report of taking possession of the Crozet Islands in the name of the King of France
Report of taking possession of the Kerguelen Islands in the name of the King of France
Great Britain, Admiralty instructions to Captain James Cook RN
Kerguelen Islands, report of taking possession of the islands for France
Great Britain, Account of Captain James Cook RN taking possession of South Georgia Island
Royal Decree by King Charles III. Letters patent appointing a superintending commissary over settlements in the bays of Sin Fondo and San Julian established to carry out whaling
Treaty between the Great Britain and Spain, Palace of San Lorenzo (extracts)
Norway, Royal decree on determination of territorial sea
Account of the discovery of South Shetland Islands
Great Britain, Account of William Smith, Master of the brig "Williams," taking possession of the South Shetland Islands on 16 October 1819
Great Britain, Account of E. Bransfield, master, RN, taking possession of King George Island, South Shetland Islands
Map of Antarctic Peninsula from Bertrand "Americans in Antarctica, 1775-1948"
Great Britain, Account of Captain George Powell of the schooner "Dove" taking possession of Coronation Island, South Orkney Islands
Discovery and taking possession of South Orkney Islands
United States, Declaration of President James Monroe
Order in Council making Van Diemen's Land a colony separate from New South Wales.
Commission of Lieutenant-General Ralph Darling as Governor of Van Diemen's Land
Proclamation announcing the creation of Van Diemen's Land and its dependencies as a separate colony.
Account of George Norris taking possession of Bouvet Island for Great Britain
Great Britain, Account of Captain Henry Foster RN taking possession of Hoseason Island
Decree of the Province of Buenos Aires concerning the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands and other islands adjacent to Cape Horn in the Atlantic Ocean
Decree of Buenos Aires appointing a military and political Commandant
Spanish rights to Magellanic Islands
British note to the Province of Buenos Aires protesting at the Decree of 10 June 1829
United States Congress, Public Statutes at Large, acts concerning Charles Wilkes and the United States Exploring Expedition, 1830 t0 1845
Account by Bernardo O'Higgins on the southern extent of Chile
Note of the United States Consul to Buenos Aires protesting asserted jurisdictions over American vessels fishing in the Falkland and other islands
Province of Buenos Aires proclamation confirming the use of force by the USS Lexington in the Malvinas (Falkland) Island against authorities of Buenos Aires
Great Britain, Account of John Biscoe, master of the ''Tula," taking possession of Graham Land
Note of the United States chargé d'affaires to Buenos Aires Chargé d'affaires concerning the seizure and detention of American fishing vessels in the Malvinas (extract)
American note to the Foreign Minister of the province of Buenos Aires giving details of the seizure and detention of American fishing vessels and crews
Circular of the Province of Buenos Aires to the provinces
Note of the United States chargé d'affaires giving detail of American objections to the seizure of American sealing ships in the Falkland Islands
Province of Buenos Aires note to the United States Chargé d'affaires asserting the province's right to detain American fishing vessels in the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands
Report of the political and military Commandant of the Malvinas following on Buenos Aires note of 20/6/1832 to American chargé
Decree of the General Cortés of the Kingdom of Spain
Account of the act of taking possession of Adélie Land for France
Public announcement of the discoveries of Commodore Dumont d'Urville in Adélie Land
Account of Sir James Clark Ross taking possession of Victoria Land
Account of Sir James Clark Ross taking possession of Franklin Island, Ross Sea
Letter from Sir James Ross regarding taking possession of South Victoria Land
Chile, Constitution
Great Britain, Account of Sir James Clark Ross taking possession of Cockburn Island and contiguous lands
Act to enable Her Majesty to provide for the Government on the Coast of Africa and in the Falkland Islands
British letters patent providing for the government of the Falkland Islands and the Dependencies
Chile, Act of Possession of the Straits of Magellan and its territory
Treaty of peace and friendship and recognition between the Republic of Chile and Her Majesty the Queen of Spain (extract)
Great Britain, Commission issued to the Governor of the Falkland Islands
Constitution of the Argentine Confederation
US06041977Act of Congress to authorise protection to be given to citizens
United States Congress, Public Statutes at Large, acts concerning discovery and exploitation of guano deposits
Treaty of recognition, peace and amity between Argentina and Spain
Constitution of the Argentine Nation
Treaty of recognition, peace and friendship between the Argentine Republic and Spain, signed at Madrid (extract)
Opinion of the law officers of the Crown regarding the removal of guano from islands
Letters patent constituting the office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony of Tasmania and its Dependencies
Article 111 of the Boundary Treaty between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile, Buenos Aires, 23 July 1881
Decree authorising an expedition to Tierra del Fuego
United Kingdom, Seal Fishery Ordinance, 1881
The arbitration history of the 1881 boundary treaty between Argentina and Chile
British Foreign Office report concerning Kerguelen Island, Island of Desolation, St Paul and Amsterdam Islands
Opinion of the law officers of the Crown regarding licenses to work unclaimed guano islands in the Pacific
Macquarie Island correspondence
Letter from New Zealand to Tasmania concerning the desire of New Zealand to obtain possession of Macquarie Island
Annexation of Macquarie Island
Account of the claim made by Professor Edgeworth David to the area of the South Magnetic Pole
Regulations prohibiting the killing of seals at Macquarie Island
Tierras Polares Argentinas. Propuesta Linck & Co
Proposed concession addressed by Linck & Ca. to the Argentine Congress over certain lands between 40° and 65°S latitude
United Kingdom, Letters Patent constituting the office of Governor of the Colony of the Falkland Islands and providing for the Government thereof
British laws providing for the government of the Falkland Islands and Dependencies
Ordinance regulating sealing etc. on the coasts, islands and territorial seas of Chile
British notes concerning the annexation by France of St Paul and Amsterdam Islands
British despatch from Buenos Aires concerning an application to the Argentine government for a concession over Antarctic territories
Procès-verbal of the act of taking possession for France of the Kerguelen Islands
Admiralty letter to British Foreign Office concerning South Georgia Island
British despatch from Buenos Aires concerning a possible application to the Argentine Government for a concession in respect of the South Shetland and South Georgia Islands (extract)
British despatch from Buenos Aires concerning the South Shetland Islands
Despatch from the Governor of the Falkland Islands to the British Ambassador at Buenos Aires
Colonial office letter to British Foreign Office concerning status of South Georgia
British Foreign office memorandum concerning South Georgia
Colonial office letter to British Foreign Office regarding ownership of South Georgia Island
British Foreign office memorandum concerning South Shetland, South Orkney and other islands