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Interview with Professor J.A. Cardno

Interview with Professor J.A. Cardno, Psychology, UTAS. This recording forms part of a collection of interviews with UTAS staff, former staff and alumni students. The interviews were conducted by Mrs Hilary Webster, John Roberts and others as part of the University of Tasmania Centenary Committee Oral History Project chaired by Prof. Michael Roe, School of History 1978 - 1983

James Alexander Cardno

Interview - part one

Part one of an interview with Peter Jones by Ben Ross from the . Recorded February 21st 2019

Peter D Jones

Interview with Colin Dennison

  • Collection
  • 2018

Interview with Colin Dennison dated 25th August 2018. Interview conducted by Ben Ross ( concerning Colin’s lifetime of collecting photographs, postcards, stamps and other historical resources. Colin donated the collection to the University of Tasmania Library Special & Rare Collections.

Ben Ross

Interview with Mr Ken Dallas

Interview with Mr Ken Dallas , lecturer in Commerce at UTAS. This recording forms part of a collection of interviews with UTAS staff, former staff and alumni students. The interviews were conducted by Mrs Hilary Webster, John Roberts and others as part of the University of Tasmania Centenary Committee Oral History Project chaired by Prof. Michael Roe, School of History 1978 - 1983

Kenneth McKenzie Dallas

Interview with Claudio Alcorso

Interview with Claudio Alcorso. This recording forms part of a collection of interviews with UTAS staff, former staff and alumni students. The interviews were conducted by Mrs Hilary Webster, John Roberts and others as part of the University of Tasmania Centenary Committee Oral History Project chaired by Prof. Michael Roe, School of History 1978 - 1983

Claudio Alcorso

Interview with Dr Geoffrey Cheeseman

Interview with Dr Geoffrey Cheeseman, lecturer in Chemistry at UTAS. This recording forms part of a collection of interviews with UTAS staff, former staff and alumni students. The interviews were conducted by Mrs Hilary Webster, John Roberts and others as part of the University of Tasmania Centenary Committee Oral History Project chaired by Prof. Michael Roe, School of History 1978 - 1983

Geoffrey Cheeseman

Interview with Mrs Margaret Scott

Interview with Mrs Margaret Scott. This recording forms part of a collection of interviews with UTAS staff, former staff and alumni students. The interviews were conducted by Mrs Hilary Webster, John Roberts and others as part of the University of Tasmania Centenary Committee Oral History Project chaired by Prof. Michael Roe, School of History 1978 - 1983

Interview - part two

Part two of an interview with Peter Jones by Ben Ross from the . Recorded March 7th 2019

Peter D Jones