- Collection
- 1801-1829
Manuscripts of sermons preached by Rev. Knopwood in Tasmania dated 1801 - 1829
Robert Knopwood
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Manuscripts of sermons preached by Rev. Knopwood in Tasmania dated 1801 - 1829
Robert Knopwood
Part of Knopwood Sermons
Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitled "On the King's accession"
Robert Knopwood
Part of Knopwood Sermons
Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitles "On the love of our country"
Preached before the Honble Allen Hyde Gardner Cap HM ship Resolution of [illegible] – June 1801, Camp Sullivan Cove Van Diemen’s Land May 13 - 1804
137 Psalm – 5 verse If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
Robert Knopwood
Part of Knopwood Sermons
Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitled "Funeral sermon on H.R.H the Princess Charlotte of Wales"
Robert Knopwood
Part of Knopwood Sermons
Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitled "A sermon on the occasion of the death of his late majesty George the Third of blessed memory, preached at Hobart Town V.D. Land on Sunday the 17th September 1820"
Robert Knopwood
Part of Knopwood Sermons
Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitled “ A Condemned Sermon, Repentance and Conversion” 27th April 1821
Robert Knopwood
Part of Knopwood Sermons
Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitles "The state of the departed", 6th December 1829
Robert Knopwood
Collection consists of sermons, written by the Reverend Robert Knopwood from 1789 to 1838 in a large clear hand, each in a thin paper booklet.
Robert Knopwood
Knopwood Sermon: The Treacherous Nature of Flattery
Sermon written by The Reverent Robert Knopwood, dated 14 September 1828.
Title of the Sermon, 'The treacherous nature of flattery'. Preached at Clarence Plains.
Written manuscript in large clear hand.
Robert Knopwood
Miscellaneous papers of the Rev. Robert Knopwood including sermon "This is the condemnation", prayers, minutes, marriage register and a copy of Knopwoods diary kept by Knopwood from January 1801 to 22nd July 1802 aboard the H.M.S. Resolution
Robert Knopwood