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Andrew Inglis Clark Collection

  • Collection

Papers of A.I. Clark sr. include letters received from friends and colleagues, including American lawyers, a few papers relating to his legal practice, letters of appointment to political offices, papers relating to Australian federation and the Australian constitution and drafts of essays, speeches or articles on law, politics, philosophy and religion. Papers of A.I. Clark jr. include correspondence while serving in the army 1915 - 1919, correspondence with family and friends and family photographs, correspondence relating to his law practice and notes and articles on law, and notes on Tasmanian statutes and minutes of the editorial board on reprinting the Tasmanian Statutes (1935).

Andrew Inglis Clark

View of shop, B Bird Butcher with proprietor outside, Queenstown Tasmania

Image shows street scene with partial images of adjacent shops. B Bird Butcher's shop depicted, with man in apron standing in doorway, dog on footpath nearby, plus horse under saddle standing in road. Contains contemporaneous hand written text 'Toranado' (sic) Queenstown Oct 22 1918 - A shop in town. The Photographer's name is also on the image, in the same script 'Nankivell'. Toranado may refer to a storm experienced by the town in October 1918 and described as a tornado.

View of the All Nations Hotel, Zeehan, Tasmania

Image is likely sourced from a newspaper or publication as it shows title at the bottom: Roe's All Nations Hotel, Zeehan. It also identifies the photographer and states "Sands & McDougall Ltd Collotype". The view is very early as there are tree stumps in the foreground.


View of the Central Hotel, Zeehan, Tasmania

Image is an advertisement with the Hotel in the centre and text above and below providing the name, address, proprietor and telephone number. Image also records that the "Photo taken during stay of Royal Welsh Male Choir at the Hotel."

View of the Central Hotel, Zeehan, Tasmania

Image likely sourced from a newspaper or publication as it has a printed legend at the bottom stating that the "Photo taken during stay of Royal Welsh Male Choir at the Hotel." Label added later identifying the subject and date.

King River Gorge, Mt Lyell Railway

The image appears on a printed playing card (7 of Spades) with legend in text at the bottom. The cards were part of a tourism promotion campaign by the Northern Tasmanian Tourist Association, printed and distributed just after the Great War (World War I).

Acacia salicina

Coloured pencil drawing sketched by Olive Pink, Beltana, South Australia 17/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Acacia salicina

Olive Pink

Portulaca oleracea

Pencil drawing sketched by Olive Pink at Beltana, South Australia 18/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Portulaca oleracea

Olive Pink

Eremophila maculata

Watercolour painted by Olive Pink at Beltana, South Australia 19/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Eremophila maculata

Olive Pink

Fusanus acuminatum

Water colour on card painted by Olive Pink at Beltana, South Australia, 19/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Fusanus acuminatum - Quandong (Santulum acuminatum)

Olive Pink

Loranthus exocarpi

Water colour on paper painted by Olive Pink at Beltana, South Australia, 19/7/30 Identified by Olive Pink as Loranthus exocarpi

Olive Pink


Pencil drawing sketched by Olive Pink, Beltana, South Australia 19/7/30.

Olive Pink

Loranthus exocarpi

Coloured pencil sketched by Olive Pink, Warraweena, Beltana, South Australia 19/7/30 Identified by Olive Pink as Mistletoe Berry - Loranthus exocarpi

Olive Pink


Coloured pencil drawing sketched by Olive Pink - Warraweena, Beltana, South Australia 19/7/30.

Olive Pink


Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Callanna, South Australia, 20-21/7/30 - identified by Olive Pink as "plant about 2 to 3 inches high both at Beltana and Callanna"

Olive Pink


Pencil some coloured on card sketched by Olive Pink at Callanna Reservoir South Australia 20-21/7/30

Olive Pink

Lavatera plebeia

Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Callanna Reservoir, South Australia 20-21/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Lavatera plebeia

Olive Pink


Coloured pencil on dark card, sketched by Olive Pink at (Ry)Dam Callanna, South Australia 20-21/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Stenopetalum

Olive Pink

Vetch - Swainsona

Pencil, some coloured on card, sketched by Olive Pink "from" Meadows, South Australia 20/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Vetch - Swainsona

Olive Pink

Scaevola aemula

Coloured pencil on dark card, sketched by Olive Pink at Callanna, South Australia 20-21/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Scaevola aemula

Olive Pink

Swainsona procumbena

Coloured pencil on card, sketched by Olive Pink at Marree, South Australia, 22/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Swainsona procumbena

Olive Pink

Psoralea patens

Watercolour on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 5/8/30. Notes on paper - "plants grow to about 4ft high". note on flower details "twice actual size or more" Identified by Olive Pink as Psoralea patens.

Olive Pink


Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek , South Australia. (no date) notes on page "five long ones underneath five short on top then smaller leaves on to of these - rough sketch from nature (as far as arrangement went) five long 3 short and one almost long. Root about 3 inches long, white with little roots. Sunset shades (in mesembrianthemum foilage) and puce-petunia flowers" Identified by Olive Pink as Parachylia

Olive Pink


Watercolour on watercolour paper painted by Olive Pink at Wire Creek, Central Australia, 6/8/30 . Identified by Olive Pink as Clianthus

Olive Pink

Crolataria cunninghammi - seed pods

Coloured pencil on dark card sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Seed pods of Crolataria cunninghammi. Attached - on white paper watercolour of leaves and bud 10 x 7.5 cm

Olive Pink


Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 25/7/30 ( shrub about 4ft high) Identified by Olive Pink as Eremophila - medicinal. Attached - paper, small watercolour painted at Rodinga, Northern Territory, 18/9/30

Olive Pink


Coloured pencil and watercolour on card by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Calandrinia

Olive Pink


Coloured pencil sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia "arrived" 25/7/30, "near waterhole"

Olive Pink


Pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 25/7/30 "near cottages". Identified by Olive Pink as Watsonia

Olive Pink


Watercolour on paper, painted by Olive Pink, Edwards Creek, South Australia, 23/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Calandrinia

Olive Pink


Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia "near creek" 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Swainsona

Olive Pink


Watercolur on paper painted by Olive Pink, Edwards Creek, South Australia, 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Frankenia

Olive Pink


Watercolour on paper, painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 26/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Kochia

Olive Pink

Kochia tomentosa

Watercolour and coloured pencil on paper painted by Olive Pink, Edwards Creek, South Australia, 26/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Kochia tomentosa

Olive Pink


Watercolour on paper, painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 30/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Centaurea

Olive Pink

Solanum helipticum

Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 26/7/30. Identified by Olive pink as Solanum helipticum (ellipticum)

Olive Pink

Trichodesma zeylanicum

Watercolour and colured pencil on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia ?/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Trichodesma zeylanicum

Olive Pink

Myriocephalus stuartii

Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Billy Buttons, Myriocephalus stuartii

Olive Pink


Coloured pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia (no date). Identified by Olive Pink as Tribulus (Bindii)

Olive Pink

Trichodesma zeylanicum

Coloured pencil on card sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia ?/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Trichodesma zeylanicum

Olive Pink


Watercolour on card with some pencil painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 5/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Zygophyllum

Olive Pink

Helichrysum semi-papisum

Watercolour and coloured pencil on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 6/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Helichrysum semi-papisum

Olive Pink

Crotalaria dissitiflora

Watercolour on paper painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia, 13/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Crotalaria dissitiflora

Olive Pink

Clianthus speciosum

Watercolour on card painted by Olive Pink at Wire Creek, South Australia 25/7/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Clianthus speciosum

Olive Pink

Senecio gregoryi

Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 4/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Senecio gregoryi

Olive Pink


Watercolour on card with pencil, painted by Olive Pink at Edwards Creek, South Australia 1930. Identified by Olive Pink as Psoralea

Olive Pink


Pencil and watercolur on card sketched by Olive Pink at The Finke, Northern Territory 31/8-4/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Camel Weed, Senecio. "near the Rock of Ages" "Scent like (garden) honeysuckle"

Olive Pink


Watercolour and pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at the The Finke, Northern Territory 4/9/30. "natural size"

Olive Pink

Cassia sturtii

Pencil drawing on card with small water colour attached. Painted and sketched by Olive Pink at the Finke 31/8/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Cassia sturtii "usually 7 pairs of leaves on leaf stem - shrub about 3ft high"

Olive Pink


Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at the Finke, Northern Territory 4/9/30

Olive Pink

Eremophilia oldfieldii

Watercolour and pencil on paper, painted by Olive Pink at the Finke, Northern Territory 4/9/30. Identified by Olive Pink as Eremophilia oldfieldii

Olive Pink


Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Horseshoe Bend, Central Australia 13/9/30. "everlasting leaves drawn from faded specimen and from memory, flowers from nature" P6-5-1 drawn on other side of paper

Olive Pink

Warra Warra

Coloured pencil on paper sketched by Olive Pink at Horseshoe Bend, Central Australia 13/9/30. "and Rodinga" Identified by Olive Pink as Warra Warra (3ft high in places and many on one plant) 6-5-1a drawn on other side of paper

Olive Pink

Results 1 to 100 of 2748