Affichage de 8492 résultats

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Transcript of RS 30/11

Transcript of original document - "Correspondence from James Boyd" (RS30/11) made by Susan Hood - Port Arthur Historic Site - March, 2021

Graham condenser (Inland Revenue)

Graham condenser (Inland Revenue). Used for standard Inland Revenue test and control methods by brewers etc, the Inland Revenue condenser employs the use of coolant flow outside the coil. This condenser is very efficient but must not be used for fast rates of distillation. It is particularly useful for removing condensable vapours from non-condensable gases. Description from

Thistle funnel - airlock

A thistle tube is a piece of laboratory glassware consisting of a shaft of tube, with a reservoir and funnel-like section at the top. Thistle tubes are typically used by chemists to add liquid to an existing system or apparatus. Thistle funnels are used to add small volumes of liquids to an exact position.

Specific gravity bottles

Specific gravity bottles determine liquid densities by measuring the difference between an empty and filled bottle and dividing by an equal volume of water to find the specific gravity of the substance. These bottles are also known as a density bottle or relative-density bottles.

Coiled condenser

Glass coiled condenser is used to cool and condense a gas back to a liquid, often as part of the process of chemical distillation

Soxhlet extractor - small

A Soxhlet extractor is laboratory equipment made of glass. Invented by Franz von Soxhlet in 1879. It has a flask, an extraction chamber, and a condenser. It can be used for solid-liquid extractions.

Thistle funnel - straight

A thistle tube is a piece of laboratory glassware consisting of a shaft of tube, with a reservoir and funnel-like section at the top. Thistle tubes are typically used by chemists to add liquid to an existing system or apparatus. Thistle funnels are used to add small volumes of liquids to an exact position.

Pressure equalising funnel

Used when liquids have to be introduced into vessels under vacuum. Also known as a dropping funnel which is a type of laboratory glassware used to transfer fluids. They are fitted with a stopcock which allows the flow to be controlled. Dropping funnels are useful for adding reagents slowly, i.e. drop-wise. This may be desirable when the quick addition of the reagent may result in side reactions, or if the reaction is too vigorous

Interview - part one

Part one of an interview with Peter Jones by Ben Ross from the . Recorded February 21st 2019

Peter D Jones


A retort is a device used for distillation or dry distillation of substances. It consists of a spherical vessel with a long downward-pointing neck. The liquid to be distilled is placed in the vessel and heated. The neck acts as a condenser, allowing the vapors to condense and flow along the neck to a collection vessel placed underneath

Soxhlet extractor - large

A Soxhlet extractor is laboratory equipment made of glass. Invented by Franz von Soxhlet in 1879. It has a flask, an extraction chamber, and a condenser. It can be used for solid-liquid extractions.

Fractionating column

A laboratory fractionating column is a piece of glassware used to separate vaporized mixtures of liquid compounds with close volatility.

Law building

Digital footage from University CCTV camera during the flood event of May 2018

University of Tasmania

Interview with Colin Dennison

  • Collection
  • 2018

Interview with Colin Dennison dated 25th August 2018. Interview conducted by Ben Ross ( concerning Colin’s lifetime of collecting photographs, postcards, stamps and other historical resources. Colin donated the collection to the University of Tasmania Library Special & Rare Collections.

Ben Ross

Ralph Middenway Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2019/2
  • Collection
  • c1950-2018

Collection consists of 12 unaccessioned boxes

Ralph Middenway

Engineering building

Digital footage from University CCTV camera during the flood event of May 2018

University of Tasmania

Law building-sped up

Digital footage from University CCTV camera during the flood event of May 2018

University of Tasmania

Marjorie Bligh Photograph Collection

  • Collection
  • 1910-2011

Collection consists of a series of digital photographs taken for an exhibition of Marjorie Bligh's work held at the University of Tasmania, Morris Miller Library in 2011. They include photographs of Marjorie's personal photograph collection and photographs of her handcrafts.

Marjorie Bligh

University Leaders

  • 2006

Publication -University leaders by Alexander, Alison. Includes photographs and biographies of the University of Tasmania’s Chancellors and Vice-Chancellors from the University's formation in 1890 to 2006.
Morris Miller-Rare-Book LG 715 .H6 A853 2006

Alison Alexander

Bacon Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2013/1
  • Collection
  • c1996-2004

Collection consists of ephemeral material collected by Jim Bacon during his time as Premier of Tasmania

James Alexander Bacon

Bill Bush published collection (loose-leaf volumes), Binder IV ©

"Antarctica and international law: a collection of inter-state and national documents" Binder 4, compiled by W M Bush (Oceana Publications, 2003). Comprises 35 booklets containing materials relevant to the Antarctic Treaty regime, Australia, Antarctic program operations, territories administration, etc, and a supplementary bibliography. By permission Oxford University Press, USA.

Bill Bush

Bill Bush published collection (loose-leaf volumes), Binder I ©

"Antarctica and international law: a collection of inter-state and national documents" Binder 1, compiled by W M Bush (Oceana Publications, 2003). Comprises booklets containing materials relevant to the Antarctic Treaty regime. By permission Oxford University Press, USA.

Bill Bush

Bill Bush published collection (loose-leaf volumes), Binder III ©

"Antarctica and international law: a collection of inter-state and national documents" Binder 3, compiled by W M Bush (Oceana Publications, 2003). Comprises 28 booklets containing materials relevant to the Antarctic Treaty regime, environment protection, mining and minerals, CRAMRA, fisheries and fishing, CCAMLR, and Australia. By permission Oxford University Press, USA.

Bill Bush

Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices : Honour Board

  • Collection
  • 2001

Three photographs of the Honour Board of Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices, located in hallway (Elizabeth Street entrance) Hobart Town Hall. Honour Board presented to Society by Mr F. G. Shepherd, QPM, JP. Historical notes : 1922 - 1994 dates/names confirmed by joint Society and University of Tasmania (History Department) research of available public records.
Photo credit. Mr. P. Baker. 12 December, 2000.

Tasmanian Society of Honorary Justices

Hal Wyatt Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS ITCCD 2017/3
  • Collection
  • 1950 - 2000

Hal Wyatt

University Studio Theatre - scrapbook

  • Collection
  • 1982-1999

Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings and theatre programs and posters from performances held in the Studio Theatre between 1982 and 1999. Some of the companies and organistions who featured at the theatre were: Salamaca Theatre Company,The Mummers Theatre Company, The Cygnet Peforming Arts group, Round Earth Company, The University's Conservatorium of Music, Breadline Theatre Company, Forum Music Theatre, The Performance Laboratory, The Old Nick Company, Apprentice Theatre, The Classics Society, The Hobart Raja Yoga Centre, the H.C Theatre Company, Misterioso Productions, Polygon Theatre & Launceston Repertory Society.

University Studio Theatre

Oates Collection

  • AU TAS UTAS SPARC 2022/3
  • Collection
  • 1951-1999

Collection consists of material produced and collected by Oates. Included are personal and professional papers , diaries, letters, research notes for publications and material relating to the "Singing Ship"

William Nicolle Oates

Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Tromsø) Information paper 114 "Information on Finnish legislation implementing the Protocol" (XXII ATCM/IP114) (Finland)

Inter-governmental document relevant to national environmental laws, compliance, Antarctic program administration. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Tromsø) Information paper 128 "The Swedish Expedition SWEDARP 97/98 to the Antarctica — logistic cooperation with Finland, Norway and South Africa" (XXII ATCM/IP128) (Sweden)

Inter-governmental document relevant to Antarctic program operations. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Tromsø) Information paper 110 "Implementation of the Madrid Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty in Finland" (XXII ATCM/IP110) (Finland)

Inter-governmental document relevant to national environmental laws, compliance, Antarctic program administration. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Tromsø) Information paper 24 Revision 1 "A Summary of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Audits/reviews and Related Documents Prepared for Activities in Antarctica" (XXII ATCM/IP24 Rev 1). Includes Revision 2 (XXII ATCM/IP24 Rev 2).

Inter-governmental document relevant to environment protection, environmental impact assessment, comprehensive environmental evaluations, initial environmental evaluations. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Tromsø) Information paper 94 "Proposal for a sub-agenda item on energy management in the Antarctic" (XXII ATCM/IP94) (ASOC)

Inter-governmental document relevant to fuel efficiency, alternative energy, solar energy, electricity generation, Antarctic program operations. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Tromsø) Information paper 38 "Measures adopted in compliance with the Protocol on Environmental Protection" (XXII ATCM/IP38) (Uruguay)

Inter-governmental document relevant to national environmental laws, compliance, Antarctic program administration. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Tromsø) Information paper 43 "Enforcement of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty" (XXII ATCM/IP43) (Chile)

Inter-governmental document relevant to national environmental laws, compliance, Antarctic program administration, jurisdiction. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Twenty-second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Tromsø) Information paper 59 "Report submitted by the Depositary Government of the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources" (XXII ATCM/IP59) (Australia)

Inter-governmental document relevant to CCAMLR activities and developments. Provides document and source information. Not on ATS web site.

Bill Bush

Résultats 1 à 100 sur 8492