Combined index to The Royal Society Collection
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- 2022
Combined index to The Royal Society Collection
The Royal Society of Tasmania: Museum
Miscellaneous documents, visitor book and list of paintings
(Ross's) Hobart Town almanack and Van Diemen's Land annual
Includes a list of the 'Civil Establishment of Van Diemen's Land and its dependencies'; a list of the 'Military'; a list of 'Public Institutions'; a 'Return of convicts'; list and description of 'Newspapers and Journals published in Hobart Town'; an 'Index Plantarum, or an attempt towards a popular description of some of the most common and remarkable indigenous plants of Van Diemen's Land' [pp.61-114]; 'A shred of autobiography, containing various anecdotes, personal and historical, connected with these colonies' [by Jorgen Jorgensen - pp.115-180).
Includes also a 'Chronological view of events in Van Diemen's Land and other parts of the world, during the last two years'; an alphabetical 'Directory of the district of Hobart Town taken from the Jury List' ; a list of shipping arrivals and departures at Hobart for 1834; an essay on Circular Head by James Ross, addressed to Edward Curr Esq.
Annual first published in 1829 as 'Hobart Town Almanack' and continued until 1838 with variant titles: 'Van Diemen's Land Annual and Hobart Town Almanack', 'Ross's Van Diemen's Land Annual and Hobart-Town Almanack', 'Ross's Hobart Town Almanack, and Van Diemen's Land Annual', "Elliston's Hobart Town Almanack and Ross's Van Diemen's Land Annual'.
James Ross
The Derwent Star and Van Diemen's Land Intelligencer
The Derwent Star and Van Diemen's Land Intelligence, Hobarts first and short lived newspaper was first issued on 8 January 1810. This issue No. 7, 3 April 1810 gives an account of the recent death and funeral of David Collins, Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen's Land. Produced fortnightly by the government printer George Clark/Clarke, there were twelves issues published from 1810 to 1812.
George Clark
Diary of Rev. Robert Knopwood dated 1 January 1805 to 17 July 1808. The diary is headed 'Revd. Robert Knopwood, Chaplain, Hobart Town, Derwent River, Van Diemens Land'. It begins on Tuesday 1 January 1805, noting 'a general muster of all the prisoners in the colony it being New Years Day'. It is written in a neat hand, some words being abbreviated. Knopwood notes, for example, dining with the Governor and others , visiting the Government Farm, kangaroo shooting, fishing, the shortage of provisions in the colony, the weather, the arrival and departure of ships, occasionally christenings, etc. etc.
Some pages have been cut out leaving only the date (probably by R.K.)
Robert Knopwood
Combined index to The Royal Society of Tasmania manuscript deposit collection.