Chilean claims to Antarctica "El Canciller hará pública hoy la posicion de Chile sobre el domino de la Antartica" [The Chancellor will make public today the position of Chile on the domination of the Antarctic] La Hora
Chilean aide-mémoire seeking information concerning British claims to territory under the jurisdiction of the Governor of the Falkland Islands
Chilean act of inauguration of "Soberanía" base in the South Shetland Islands
Chilean account on the basis for its claim "La Antartida o territorio Chileno Antartico - Antecedentes históricos" [Antarctic Chilean territory - Historical background] La Prensa
Chilean account of the rejection of Indian proposals for the United Nations to consider Antarctica
Chile, "Texto Declaracion Fomulada por la Delegacion de Chile despues de la aprobacion por consenso en la Primera Comicion de la XXXVIII asamblea general de las Naciones unidas de un proyecto de resolucion sobre el tema 140 "Cuestion de la Antartica"
Chile, Supreme decree transferring the fishing concessions
Chile, Supreme decree no. 454 on the Antarctic responsibilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Chile, Supreme decree no. 223 regulating mineral exploration and exploitation in territorial waters
Chile, Supreme decree no. 1,340 for the order, safety and discipline on the vessels and along coastal waters of the Republic
Chile, Supreme decree no. 1,305 creating the Commission for Study and Planning of Technical-Scientific Activities, Oceanography and Antarctica
Chile, statement on the effects of certain provisions of the Antarctic Treaty
Chile, statement concerning the significance of the planned Polar Exposition at Bergen
Chile, Royal letters patent extending the governorship granted to Don Pedro de Valdivia
Chile, Royal letters patent appointing Francisco de Villagra governor of Chile
Chile, Royal letters patent appointing Adelantado Don Geronimo de Alderete governor of Chile
Chile, Royal letter patent granting Pedro de Mendoza the governorship of La Plata
Chile, report on ratification of the International Whaling Convention
Chile, Report on his diocese from the Bishop of Santiago to the Pope
Chile, Report on Antarctic matters for 1978
Chile, Report on an application for sealing and other purposes on uninhabited islands
Chile, Report of the Defence Department for a concession for sealing and other purposes
Chile, Provinces Antartica Chilena
Chile, Protocol of accession to the Santiago Declaration on the maritime zone 1955
Chile, "President Pinochet's visit to Antarctica - meetings of Antarctic Treaty signatories to discuss exploitation of resources
Chile, Presencia de Chile en la Antartica (1520-1984), information submitted to the United Nations
Chile, policy on Antarctic resources
Chile, "Intervencion del Embajador Fernando Zegers en la Primaer Comision del XXXVIII Periodo Ordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas"
Chile, Foreign Minister Silva Cimma's address to the Chilean Council for International Relations
Chile, Ecuador and Peru, joint declaration on the maritime zone
Chile, Decree-law no. 1627 concerning fishing
Chile, Decree no. 90 approving recommendations from the tenth and seventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings
Chile, Decree no. 884 repealing the Commission for Study and Planning of Technical Scientific Activities, Oceanography and Antarctica
Chile, Decree no. 76 creating a National Commission for the International Geophysical Year
Chile, Decree no. 751 regulating the establishment of fishing industries
Chile, Decree no. 70 of the Ministry of Finance authorising the existence of the company denominated "Sociedad Ballanera de Magallanes"
Chile, Decree no. 678 promulgating the Universal Postal Union (1964) and the Acts of the Sixteenth Congress of the Union
Chile, Decree no. 676 promulgating the General Treaty on Judicial Solution of Controversies
Chile, Decree no. 598 concerning the conference on the exploitation of the South Pacific
Chile, Decree no. 335 regulating fishing and hunting
Chile, Decree no. 314 approving the organic law for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Chile, Decree no. 307 amending Decree no. 102 altering the power of the Permanent Committee to issue licenses to exploit the resources of the South Pacific
Chile, Decree no. 296 approving the regulations on research, development and use of resources of the sea
Chile, Decree no. 266 on privileges for the fishing industry
Chile, Decree no. 215 regulating the order, safety of discipline on vessels in coastal waters
Chile, Decree no. 2,905 of the Ministry of Finance incorporating the Sociedad Ballenara de Magallanes
Chile, Decree no. 185 altering the structure of the Chilean Antarctic Commission