Scrip certificate for one hundred five shilling shares for the sum of two shillings and sixpence each, issued to E. Le Rossignol of New Town by the Savage River Silver Prospecting Company. Office of company: Miller's Chambers, Murray St., Hobart. Registered as a No Liability Company under "The Mining Companies Act, 1884". Issue number 55. Share numbers 7201-7300. Dated 23rd December 1891. Signed by the Director and the Manager.
Scrip certificate for twelve (12) five shilling shares for the sum of five shillings each, issued to E. Le Rossignol of New Town by the Savage River Silver Prospecting Company. Registered as a No Liability Company under "The Mining Companies Act, 1884". Issue number 1042. Share numbers 46,865 to 46,876. Office of company: Miller's Chambers, Murray St., Hobart. Dated 23rd December 1891. Signed by the Director and the Manager.
Scrip certificate for fifty shares from the South Oceana Silver Mining Co, No Liability, Zeehan, Tasmania, registered under the mining companies act 1884. Issues to Edward leRossignol of New Town. Dated 26th August 1891. Number of issue 236.
One scrip certificate issued by the North Tasman Gold Mining Company Registered, North Mount Cameron, Tasmania. Registered under "The mining Companies Limited Liability Act", 1869. The certificate certified that Edward le Rossignold is a member of the above named company and hold ten shares on each of which the sum of eleven shillings and threepence has been paid. Progressive number of shares 15242-15251. Number of issue 1014 . Three stamp duty stamps affixed. Blue one penny, red threepence and purple sixpence. All with an image of a platypus.
Scrip certificate for ten one pound shares for the sum of seventeen shillings each, issued to Edward Le Rossignol of New Town by The City Prospecting Association. Registered under "The Mining Companies' Act" 1884. Issue number 149. Share numbers 611 to 620. Dated 14th April 1888. Signed by two Directors and the Manager of the company.
Scrip certificate for ten five shilling shares for the sum of two shillings and sixpence, issued to E. Le Rossignol of Hobart by The Sunrise Prospecting Association. Registered as a No Liability Company under "The Mining Companies Act, 1884". Issue number 399. Share numbers 2401/10. Dated 5th April 1888. Signed by the Director and the Manager of the company.
Scrip certificate for twenty five one pound shares for the sum of thirteen shillings each issues to Edward le Rossignol of New Town by The Royal Mint Gold Mining Company, Reg. North Mount Cameron, Tasmania. Registered under "The Mining Companies Limited Liability Act, 1869. Issue number 516. Share numbers 156621-15686. Dated 22nd July 1881. Signed by the Directors and the Manager of the company. Attached are three stamp duty stamps - two red coloured stamps for one shilling and one blue coloured stamp for one penny. Both have an image of a platypus .
1 scrip certificate from the Godkin Silver Mining Company, No Liability, Whyte River, Tasmania. Twenty shares upon which the sum of twenty shillings per share has been paid. Progressive nos. of shares 3941-3960. No. of issue 1014. Dates 28th March 1890 and signed by the Director T Smart and the Manager Frank Penn-Smith. Printed by the Mercury Office
1 scrip certificate issued by the New Waverly Gold Mining Co. Lefroy, County of Dorset, Tasmania. Registered office 86 Collins Street Hobart. Fifty shares numbered 101-150 . Number of issue 889. Printed by the Mercury Office, Hobart.