This collection consists of the papers of George Marshalland his grandson George Douglas Marshall who married Beatrice Terry granddaughter of Ralph Terry, of Lachlan Mills, New Norfolk, Tasmania so some papers of the Terry family papers are also included. Also included are notes on family history and genealogy.
Draft of letter dated 24 September 1818 from John Terry, late of Redmire Mill, appointing his brother Ralph to receive money due on Lord Bolton's estate, with list of money laid out in expenses by John Terry 1809-1811. Note added in pencil of dates of birth of some members of the family, 1710-1878.
Account including various bills totalling ?1211.17.3, settling all demands between Samuel Terry and John Terry and signed by both parties. Dated 21 October 1819.
Certified copy of the record of baptism in the Chapelry of Bolton and Redmire, Co. York, England, of Ralph, son of John Terry, miller and Martha Terry, dated 5 March 1815.
Photograph of elderly bearded gentleman, wearing coat and waistcoat with watch chain, sitting in chair. This is a photographic copy of a photograph which had written at the bottom on a piece of white paper, attached: 'Yours sincerely James J. Terry, 10 December 1846'. However the photograph probably dates form the late 19th century and James John Terry son of Ralph Terry was probably born in 1846. (Possibly the apparent signature and date was faked as a joke?).
Notes on the genealogy of the Terry and Simmons families. Includes 3 photographs (picture postcards) of Askrigg, Yorkshire, England (probably c1910-20).
Probate of Will of David Marshall, died 16 September 1919 detailing that all real and personal estate be bequeathed to his son George Douglas Marshall of Flowerpot, Tasmania, farmer.
Including excerpt from deed of settlement of Prof. Thomas Thomson Jackson D.D. of St. Andrews, Scotland, with bequest to Helen Pillans Jackson, wife of David Marshall, died in Queensland 1896, and petition for settlement of the trust. A few of the papers are stuck inside a large green volume entitled A History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans & Highland Regiments, ed. Keltie, Edinburgh, 1875.
Baby's Record Book of Peter Godfrey Marshall born 1922, son of George Douglas and Beatrice (nee Terry) Marshall, went to Clemes College, 1928, married Mary Meston and died 1965.
True copy of 2 bills for £100 each delivered to his brother Ralph Terry, now residing at Forcett Mill, by John Terry. True copy dated 6 June 1818 signed John Terry & Ralph Terry