Showing 460 results
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Academie Diplomatique Internationale "Colloque sur l'Antarctique le traite 20ans apres Bilan et perspectives"

Andersen, Rolf Trolle "The operation of the Antarctic Treaty System" Aula de Estudios Antarticos, Madrid

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Analysis of the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities" (ASOC Information Paper 1988-4).

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Application for observer status to the Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "ASOC Report: XI Special Consultative Meeting to the Antarctic Treaty Second Session, Madrid"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition letter to members. Includes 1991-02-06 "ASOC report on the Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting on the Antarctic environment" and 1991-01-14 "Report on the Eighth UN debate on the Question of Antarctica"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Report of third session of XI Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, June 19-22 1991, Madrid Spain"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Report on the XVI Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Bonn, 1991"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Report on Third Session of XI Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Madrid"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Some solutions to problems with the liability provisions in the draft minerals convention" (ASOC Information Paper 1988-3)

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "The Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources — a management protocol is urgently needed" (CCAMLR-IX/NGO/1)

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Two Recent Studies on Driftnet Catch and By-Catch (Tasman Sea, South Pacific and North Pacific)" (CCAMLR-IX/NGO/2)

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, "Application for observer status to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting".

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, letter covering various documents, press articles, reports and newsletters sent to members

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, letter covering various documents, press articles, reports and newsletters sent to members

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, letter to members concerning the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty. Includes 1991-07-03 press release "US agrees to ban mining in Antarctica"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, media release "Antarctic ambiguity reflects secret diplomatic deal"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, newsletter concerning developments in environment protection. Includes list of ASOC documents for sale.

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, newsletter and information package concerning achievements in environment protection

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, newsletter and information package concerning developments in environment protection

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, "Permanent protection for Antarctica: a conservation convention is urgently needed" ASOC Information Paper No 2 (PREP ATCM XV/ASOC INF.2)

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, report concerning "Environmental consequences of construction and use of the airport at the French Antarctic base Dumont D'Urville"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, "Study of the environmental impact of the construction and operation of a scientific base at Dome C, Concorde Base".

Antarctic Project, "Statement of James N Barnes to the Senate Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space" concerning Antarctic environmental problems

Antarctica Project "Statement of James N Barnes to the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries concerning Antarctica mineral resource activities

ASOC information paper, Permanent protection for Antarctica: a conservation convention is urgently needed

Australia, cablegram concerning reference to Antarctica at United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Includes extracts of documents concerning Agenda 21.

Australia, Centre for International Economics "The law of the sea and exploitation of mineral resources of the ocean"

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade cablegram "Antarctica: Sri Lanka general debate statement"

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade cablegram "Law of the Sea Signing Ceremony: Antarctica"

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade "Environment: Australia's international agenda" newsletters

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade facsimile with United Nations General Assembly, Forty-Sixth session, Roll-Call, Plenary, Resolutions A and B concerning Antarctica

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Mission to the United Nations facsimile concerning "UNGA 49: First Committee: Antarctica". Attached documents include statement by Malaysia and statement by Japan on behalf of the States Parties to the Antarctic Treaty.

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Mission to the United Nations, facsimile concerning reply to the United Nations Secretary-General concerning Resolution 47/57

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Cablegram providing text of press release concerning statement by Senator Evans to United Nations General Assembly, Forty-sixth session "Australia defines challenges for United Nations"

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, facsimile concerning award of Goldman Environmental Prize to Bob Brown. Includes related letter to President George Bush and related press article "Brown meets Bush".

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mission to the United Nations facsimile concerning "UNGA 47 First Committee: Agenda Item 66: Question of Antarctica". Attached documents include: reporting cablegrams, roll call voting sheets, statement by Germany, statement by Malaysia.

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs cablegram "Media article" providing press reports concerning Jacques Cousteau expedition. Includes related press articles and calls by Cousteau to renounce territorial claims.

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs cablegram "UNGA 39: First Committee: Item 66: Antartica". Includes related cablegrams reporting statements by Chile and Malaysia.

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, Australian Mission to the United Nations "Statement by HE Mr Michael Costello, Permanent Representative of Australia, on behalf of States Parties to the Antarctic Treaty"

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, Australian Mission to the United Nations "Statement on Antarctica in the First Committee by the Permanent Representative Mr Richard Woolcott, AO"

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, Australian Mission to the United Nations, letter from the Chairman of the New York group of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties concerning draft resolution L.84 and related resolutions

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, Backgrounder "Challenge to Antarctic Treaty within United Nations"

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, Mission to the United Nations, facsimile concerning draft resolution and Malaysian statement to the United Nations General Assembly Forty-Seventh session

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, facsimile message concerning First Committee "Statement by H E Mr R A Woolcott on behalf of States Parties to the Antarctic Treaty". Includes his 1986-11-19 explanation of the vote.

Australia, Foreign Minister Bill Hayden "Foreign Minister's UN speech", Department of Foreign Affairs, Backgrounder

Australia, "Statement on Antarctic to the First Committee of the General Assembly by Australian Ambassador H E Mr Richard Woolcott"

Australian Conservation Foundation press release "Antarctic Treaty negotiations—determination needed from Australian and French Governments". Includes related press article.

Australian Conservation Foundation, briefing paper "Antarctica—the World Park and World Heritage options"

Australian Conservation Foundation, Policy Statement No 4 "Antarctica". Includes covering letter to Minister for Foreign Affairs and departmental reply.

Australian Mission to the United Nations, First Committee, Agenda Item 67 "Question of Antarctica, statement delivered by H E Dr Peter Wilenski, Permanent Representative of Australia to the United Nations on behalf of States Parties to the Antarctic Treaty". Includes related Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade news release.

Australian Mission to the United Nations, First Committee, Agenda Item 70 "Question of Antarctica delivered by H E Dr Peter Wilenski, Permanent Representative of Australia to the United Nations on behalf of States Parties to the Antarctic Treaty"

Australian Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mr Richard Woolcott, "The legitimacy of the United Nations Challenge to the Antarctic Treaty" Speaking notes for address in Kiel at 'Antarctic Challenge III'

Barbara Mitchell "The management of Antarctic mineral resources" International Institute for Environment and Development

Barnes, James "Protection of the environment in Antarctica: are present regimes enough?" symposium at the Nansen Institute, Oslo

Beck, Peter "Antarctica as a zone of peace: a strategic irrelevance? A historical and contemporary survey" Australian Institute of International Affairs, 16th National Conference, Hobart

Beck, Peter "Antarctica is no longer a pole apart from international affairs: a continent surrounded by advice" background paper for the Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security

Beeby, Christopher "The Antarctic Treaty System: Goals, Performance and Impact" symposium at the Nansen Institute, Oslo

Beltramino, Juan Carlos "International relations and international law in Antarctica: a geographical approach" Lecture at the Institut fur Volkerrechts and Internationale Beziehungen, Innsbruck

Beltramino, Juan Carlos "Las regiones Antartica y Subantartica. ensayo de delimitacion regional" Simposio Antartico de Buenos Aires

Beltramino, Juan Carlos "Recursos y medio ambiente en el sistema del Tratado Antártico" in Ambiente y Recursos Naturales

Beltramino, Juan Carlos "Sistema del Tratado Antartico su Normatizacion Funcional y Convencional" Seminario Regional de la International Law Association

Beltramino, Juan Carlos "The discoveries of Antarctica" Lecture at the Australian National University, Canberra

Bergin, Anthony "The politics of Antarctic minerals: the greening of while Australia" Australasian Political Studies Conference, Hobart

Billen, Gilles and Lancelot, Christiane "Le fonctionnement de l'ecosysteme marin Antarctique: un fragile equilibre" Conference on the Antarctic and the Environment: Future Prospects, Brussels

Blay, Sam "Australia and the Convention for the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities (CRAMRA): a commentary" Australian International Law Seminar, Canberra

Burgess, John R "The future of the Antarctic Treaty System" Paper delivered at International Geographic Conference, Sydney

Carlos Aramayo Alzerreca "Historia de la Antartida y Breve Historia de la Antartida" including a Bush reference to "Resolution of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies"

Chile "Intervencion del Representante de Chile, Embajador Fernando Zegers, en la Primera Comision, en el Tema Cuestion de la Antartica"

Chile, "Intervencion del Embajador Fernando Zegers en la Primaer Comision del XXXVIII Periodo Ordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas"
Results 1 to 100 of 460