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Archival description
"Antarctic Resources: report of the informal meeting of experts, 30 May-June 1973" The Fridtjof Nansen Foundation at Polhøgda

Antarctic Treaty, approval of Recommendations adopted at the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings

Antarctic Treaty, Report of the Second Formal Session of the Special Consultative Meeting on Antarctic Mineral Resources, Bonn

Australia Liberal Party, extracts from party policy documents concerning the Antarctic minerals convention and the environment

Australia, Australian response to questionnaire concerning Liability Annex to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, "11th Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Opening statement by Alan Brown, Leader of the Australian Delegation" Viña del Mar, Chile

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Agreement with France on Antarctic; Joint statement on international environment issues agreed by Prime Minister Bob Hawke and Michel Rocard, Canberra

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, "Australia and the Antarctic environment" Fact Sheet

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Fact Sheet on Australia "Australia and the Antarctic environment" Fact Sheet No 50

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs Trade, news release "Ambassador for the Environment on three-nation mission"; and press article with interview of Sir Ninian Stephen "The Ambassador for Common Sense" The Bulletin

Australia, Environment Ambassador Sir Ninian Stephen, speech "Global change and Australia's international involvement" ANZAAS Congress

Australia, Foreign Affairs "Comments on moratorium and territorial scope provisions of draft Antarctic mineral resources regime"

Australia, Foreign Affairs, "Backgrounder", and general information on Antarctic minerals regime negotiations

Australia, Parliamentary debates, Senate Hansard, Notice of motion "Antarctica: convention on mineral resources"

Australia, Prime Minister Bob Hawke, "For media"; and "Transcript of interview with radio journalists, Sheraton, Brisbane"

Australia, Prime Minister Bob Hawke, speech at Sixteenth National Conference of the Australian Institute for International Affairs, "Antarctica's future: continuity or change?", Hobart

Australia, Prime Minister Bob Hawke, transcript of debate with Andrew Peacock, Leader of the Opposition, Sydney

Australia, Prime Minister Bob Hawke, Transcript of Joint News Conference with Senator the Hon Gareth Evans and Senator, the Hon Graham Richardson

Australia, Prime Minister Bob Hawke, Transcript of News Conference, Blair House, Washington, United States

Australia, Prime Minister Bob Hawke, Transcript of News Conference, Parliament House, Canberra; and transcripts of interviews with Foreign Minister Gareth Evans

Australia, Senator Robert Hill, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, speech on "Alternative directions in foreign policy", Australian Institute of International Affairs

Barnes, James "Let's save Antarctica!" NGO Letter to US President Carter from World Wildlife Fund and others

Beeby, Christopher "The Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities" address at International Bar Association

Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities, Report of the Chairman of the Drafting Committee

Declarations Argentina and Chile concerning Article 63 of the Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Resource Activities

Eighth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Paris) Meeting Paper 1 "Final report of the Eighth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (DOC/T-01-Rev.1)

Eighth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, meeting paper concerning the rules of procedure

Eighth Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, various documents including Agenda, DOC/INF/OI/REV2

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Viña del Mar) "Statement by the Representative of Japan"

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), information paper 3 "The conduct of Antarctic scientific research under a comprehensive environmental convention" (XI ATSCM/INFO 3) (Australia and France).

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), information paper 6 "Information on the activities of the first Antarctic expedition of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (XI ATSCM/INFO 6)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), information papers "General information, program, document lists and other organisation arrangements for the meeting" (XI ATSCM/INFO 1 and others)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), information papers providing the opening addresses by Meeting Chair and Heads of Delegations. (XI ATSCM/INFO 5, 7, 18, 22, 31, 32, 34, 46, 50, 51, 53, 53 Rev 1, 58)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), information papers (XI ATSCM/INFO 55 and 56) (Documents submitted by Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), non-paper "Article 4 - Secretariat" (Germany)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), non-paper "Index of documents" (Australia)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 1 paper "Article 4 Environmental principles" (XI ATSCM/WG 1/2)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 1 paper "Relationship to other parts of the Antarctic Treaty System" (XI ATSCM/WG 1/3) (CCAMLR)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 1 paper "The CCAMLR Secretariat" (XI ATSCM/WG 1/INFO 1) (CCAMLR)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 1 papers. XI ATSCM/WG 1/4 and XI ATSCM/WG 1/4 Rev.1. (Draft) Report of Working Group 1.

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 2 paper "Draft report of Working Group II" (XI ATSCM/WG2)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 2 paper 2 "Waste Management and Disposal" (XI ATSCM/WG2/2 and revision)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 2 paper "Codes of conduct for tourist and non-governmental activities in the Antarctic" (XI ATSCM/WG2/INFO/2) (Chile)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 2 paper "Cooperation in Antarctica" (XI ATSCM/WG2/6) (Sweden)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 2 paper "Fuel management" (XI ATSCM/WG2/4) (Australia)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 2 paper "Use of alternative energies to reduce the environmental impact in Antarctic" (XI ATSCM/WG2/5) (Italy)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 2 papers "(Draft) Instrument on Marine Pollution" (XI ATSCM/WG2/3, XI ATSCM/WG2/3/Rev.1 and XI ATSCM/WG2/3, Rev.2)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 2 papers "Preparation of an area-wide environmental impact assessment on tourism in Antarctic" (XI ATSCM/WG2/INFO/1) (The Netherlands)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), Working Group 2 papers. XI ATSCM/WG2/1 and ATSCM/WG2/Info3 - Agenda and list of documents"

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 1 "Indicative draft of a Convention for the Comprehensive Protection of the Antarctic Environment" (XI ATSCM/1) (Australia, Belgium, France and Italy)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 2 "Environmental impact assessment" (XI ATSCM/WP 2) (Norway)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 3 "Provisions for a Protocol supplementing the Antarctic Treaty" (XI ATSCM/3) (United Kingdom)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 4 "Proposal on geoscience data availability" (XI ATSCM/WP 4) (United States of America)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 4 "Protocol supplementing the Antarctic Treaty" (XI ATSCM/4) (United States)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 5 "Outline of a Protocol supplementing the Antarctic Treaty" (XI ATSCM/5) (Argentina, Norway, United Kingdom, United States of America and Uruguay)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 6 "Working Groups" (XI ATSCM/6) (draft and final)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 7 "Comprehensive measures for the protection of the Antarctic environment and dependent and associated ecosystems" (XI ATSCM/7) (India)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 8 "(Draft) Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty on Environmental Protection" (XI ATSCM/8)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper 9 "(Draft) Interim report of the XIth Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting" (XI ATSCM/9 and XI ATSCM/9 Rev.1)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, first session (Viña del Mar), working paper2 "Draft Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty on Environmental Protection" (XI ATSCM/2) (New Zealand)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid). Final Act of the Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting (signed)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid). Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (as adopted); with Annexes I, II, III and IV

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), non-papers. Statements and declarations made by Heads of Delegations on the adoption of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), working paper. Draft article 25, 26 and 27; and draft Schedule to the Protocol, Arbitration

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), working paper. Draft Final Act of the Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), working paper. Draft Final report of the Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), working paper. XI ATSCM/2/3/1 - Report of the chairman of the linguistic group

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), working paper. XI ATSCM/2/3/2 - (Draft) protocol on environmental protection to the Antarctic Treaty

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), working paper. XI ATSCM/2/3/3 - (Draft) Annex I to the protocol on environmental protection to the Antarctic Treaty (environmental impact assessment)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), working paper. XI ATSCM/2/3/4 - (Draft) Annex II to the protocol on environmental protection to the Antarctic Treaty (conservation of Antarctic fauna and flora)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), working paper. XI ATSCM/2/3/5 - (Draft) Annex III to the protocol on environmental protection to the Antarctic Treaty (waste disposal and waste management)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, fourth session (Madrid), working paper. XI ATSCM/2/3/6 - (Draft) Annex IV to the protocol on environmental protection to the Antarctic Treaty (prevention of marine pollution)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, information papers (XI ATSCM/INFO 40, 41, 45, 54) (submitted by Australia, Norway, CCAMLR and Chile)

Eleventh Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, second session (Madrid), background papers. (Re-issued documents from the 1990 first session of XI SATCM, Viña del Mar)
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