Showing 651 results
Archival description
Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition "Commentary on Chairman Wolfrum's 3.5 Offering: Annex on environmental liability"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, "A new code of conduct on waste disposal: comments of ASOC to the SCAR Recommendations" ASOC Information Paper No 1. (ATCM XV/ASOC INF.1)

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, "Accidents in the Antarctic" ASOC Information Paper No 4. (PREP ATCM XV/ASOC INF.4)

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, draft "Report on the XIX Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting"

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, "Implications of Alaskan oil spill for the Antarctic" ASOC Information Paper No 1. (PREP ATCM XV/ASOC INF.1)

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, "Permanent protection for Antarctica: a conservation convention is urgently needed" ASOC Information Paper No 2. (PREP ATCM XV/ASOC INF.2)

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition, "Tourism in the Antarctic" ASOC Information Paper No 3. (PREP ATCM XV/ASOC INF.3)

Antarctic Treaty document, "Final report of the second special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" ANT/SCM3/10/Rev.1, and Australian closing speech CAMLR/71

Antarctic Treaty, Chairman's informal working paper on the privileges and immunities for a Treaty Secretariat

Antarctic Treaty, contact group on the Organizational Aspects of the Establishment of an Antarctic Treaty Secretariat

Antarctic Treaty, Legal Working Group, Chairman's draft of a seventh offering of an annex on environmental liability

Antarctic Treaty, Legal Working Group, Chairman's draft of an eighth offering of an annex on environmental liability

Antarctic Treaty, Legal Working Group, Chairman's first draft of a fourth offering of an annex on environmental liability

Antarctic Treaty, Legal Working Group, Chairman's second draft of a fourth offering of an annex on environmental liability

Antarctic Treaty, Legal Working Group, Chairman's seventh offering of an annex on environmental liability

Antarctic Treaty, Legal Working Group, Chairman's sixth offering of an annex on environmental liability

Antarctic Treaty, various documents concerning the Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and Preparatory Meeting, Brussels

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, News release "Antarctic meeting: Mr Hayden's statement" (Non-paper circulated at the meeting)

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, News release "Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (Non-paper circulated at the meeting)

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, News release "Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (Non-paper circulated at the meeting)

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, news release "Brazil and India become Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties" (non-paper circulated at the meeting)

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, News release "Twelfth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Preparatory Meeting"

Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs, "Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" Backgrounder

Australia, Ministerial statement on the Antarctic Marine Living Resources Preparatory Meeting, Hobart 1981

Australian and Chilean speeches at the opening of the Second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Canberra

Chilean report of the second Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Canberra, and the informal consultations in Berne, 1979

Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, Argentine legislation and instrument of accession.

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Kyoto) Non-paper "Index of documents" (Prepared by Australia)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Kyoto) Non-paper "Provisional draft of a time schedule"

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 14 "Site description for SSSI 25, Marine Plain, Vestfold Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land" (ATCM XVIII/INFO 14) (Australia)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 15 "Le tourisme en Terre-Adelie" (XVIII ATCM/INFO 15) (France)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 16 "Cooperation scientifique internationale en Antarctique" (ATCM XVIII/INFO 16) (France)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 17 "Aire specialement protegee de L' Antarctique Archipel de Pointe-Geologie" (ATCM XVIII/INFO 17) (France)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 20 "Report from the International Hydrographic Organisation" (ATCM XVIII/INFO 20) (IHO).

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 22 "ASOC Report" (ATCM XVIII/INFO 22) (ASOC).

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 4 "Provisional agenda of the XVIIIth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (ATCM XVIII/INFO 4)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 63 "Background Pollution in the Coastal Antarctic" (ATCM XVIII/INFO 63) (Russian Federation).

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper 87 "Provisional list of document distribution" (ATCM XVIII/INFO 87)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Information paper Revision 1 "List of participants" (ATCM XVIII IP/3 Rev. 1)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Working paper 11 Revision 1 "Agreed measures on tourism in Antarctica" (XVIII ATCM/WP 11 Rev.1) (Chile, France)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Working paper 32 "Issues relating to the exercise of jurisdiction in Antarctica" (XVIII ATCM/WP 32) (Uruguay)

Eighteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Kyoto, Working paper 32 Revision 1 "Issues relating to the exercise of jurisdiction in Antarctica" (XVIII ATCM/WP 32 Rev.1) (Uruguay)

Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Oslo) non-paper "List of documents of the meeting" (un-numbered document circulated at the meeting). [Includes similar list produced by Australia "Index of documents, English series"]

Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Oslo), Working paper 29 Revision 3 "Disposal of nuclear waste" (Australia, Belgium, Chile, New Zealand, Argentina, France) (ANT/29/Rev.3)

Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Oslo, Information paper 1 "General information for delegates" (ANT/INF/1), and other Information Papers (ANT/INF/2, ANT/INF/3, ANT/INF/3 Corr.12, ANT/INF/5)

Eighth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Oslo, Information paper 19 "Speech by Foreign Minister Knut Frydenlund at the opening of the 8th Consultative Meeting under the Antarctic Treaty, Oslo" (ANT/INF/19) (Norway)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires) Non-paper, List of documents (prepared by Australia)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires) various Working Papers and Information Papers

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires) Working paper 34 Addendum 2, providing words for the draft report of the meeting (ANT/XI/34/Add.2) (Argentina)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Information paper 1 "General information" (ANT/XI/INF.1)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Information paper 6 "'The development of Antarctic tourism" (ANT/XI/INF/6) (United Kingdom)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Non-paper "Draft report to plenary of the chairman of the Working Group on Agenda Items 13, 14 and 15"

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 1 "Provisional Agenda for the Eleventh Consultative Meeting" (ANT/XI/1)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 12 Revision 1 "Opening Statement by Mr Chusei Yamada, Representative of Japan" (ANT/XI/12/Rev.1) (Japan)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 13 "Opening Statement the Delegate of Norway, Mrs Karin Bruzelins" (ANT/XI/12/Rev.1) (Japan)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 14 Revision 1 "Opening statement by the Head of the delegation of New Zealand, Ambassador C D Beeby" (ANT/XI/14/Rev.1) (New Zealand)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 17 Revision 1 "Opening statement by the Head of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ambassador Hans Guenter Sulinima" (ANT/XI/17/Rev.1) (Federal Republic of Germany)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 2 Revision 1 "Lista de Participantes" (ANT/XI/2/Rev.1)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 28 "Proposal by the Delegation of Chile concerning a marine site of scientific interest in Chile Bay on Greenwich Island (South Shetland Islands)" (ANT/XI/28) (Chile). Includes related document (ANT/XI/28 bis)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 33 "The twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Antarctic Treaty and the functioning of the Antarctic Treaty system" (ANT/XI/33). Includes revised versions (ANT/XI/33/Rev.1 and ANT/XI/33/Rev.2)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 34 Revision 1 "Draft report of the Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (ANT/XI/34/Rev.1). Includes revised versions (ANT/XI/34/Rev.2, ANT/XI/34/Rev.3, ANT/XI/34/Add.1, ANT/XI/34/Add.2, ANT/XI/34/Add.3 and ANT/XI/34/Rev.4)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 4 Revision 1 "Draft Recommendation concerning the commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Antarctic Treaty" (ANT/XI/4/Rev.1) (Argentina)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 5 Revision 1 "Operation of the Antarctic system" (ANT/XI/5/Rev.1) (Chile)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Buenos Aires), Working paper 9 Revision 1 "Opening statement by the Head of the Delegation of Chile, Ambassador Fernando Zegers Santa Cruz" (ANT/XI/9/Rev.1) (Chile)

Eleventh Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Buenos Aires, Working paper 34 "The twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Antarctic Treaty and the functioning of the Antarctic Treaty System" (ANT/XI/34Add.2)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (Paris) Working paper 70 Revision 1 "Draft final report of the Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting" (XV ATCM/WP/70/Revision 1)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 1 "Hydrocarbons in the Antarctic environment" (XV ATCM/INF/1) (France)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 10 "Participation in the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission in the studies of the Southern Ocean" (XV ATCM/INF/10) (IOC)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 11 "List of documents of the VIII ATCM, Oslo, 9-20 June 1975" (XV ATCM/INF/11) (Norway)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 12 "Operation of the Antarctic Treaty System: reports" (XV ATCM/INF/12) (New Zealand)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 13 "Actividades de la Republica del Ecuador en la Antartica 1989-1990" (XV ATCM/INF/13) (Ecuador)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 14 "Finnish Antarctic research program" (XV ATCM/INF/14) (Finland). Includes related Information paper (XV ATCM/INF/14 Annex).

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 15 "Statement by the CCAMLR observer at the XVth ATCM" (XV ATCM/INF/15)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 16 "Correction to Antarctic Treaty Handbook, Part 1, General Measures, sixth edition, April 1989" (XV ATCM/INF/16)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 17 "Antarctica and global change" (XV ATCM/INF/17) (Australia)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 18 "Proposed designation of one historic site and one historic monument" (XV ATCM/INF/18) (United States)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 19 "Status of Antarctic Treaty recommendations" (XV ATCM/INF/19) (United States)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 2 "Role of Antarctic in understanding and monitoring global atmospheric changes, including to ozone layer" (XV ATCM/INF/2) (France)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 20 "Report of visits of the US Antarctic Inspection Team to Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Specially Protected Areas and Historic Monuments" (XV ATCM/INF/20) (United States)

Fifteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Paris, Information paper 21 "Antarctic inspection checklists" (XV ATCM/INF/21) (United States)
Results 1 to 100 of 651