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National Antarctic documents
National Antarctic documents
British note to Norway containing an assurance concerning British intentions as regards the region lying between the Australian Antarctic Territory and Coats Land
Royal decree endorsing a draft proclamation concerning Antarctica and providing for the regulation of the area claimed
United States note to Norway reserving all United States rights in the area of the Norwegian claim in Antarctica
Letter from the Norwegian Polar Institute to the Ministry of Industry concerning the naming of areas within the Norwegian claim
Argentine announcement of an exclusion zone around the Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island and South Sandwich Islands
Argentine statement criticising the British exclusion of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands from settlement proposals regarding the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands
Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council reporting of further British military action against the Argentine scientific base on the South Sandwich Islands and accusing the United Kingdom of violations of the cessation of hostilities (S/15241)
British note to the United Nations Security Council notifying the recovery by the United Kingdom of possession of the South Sandwich Islands (S/15246)
Argentine note to the United Nations Security Council contesting arguments in favour of the British claim to the South Sandwich Islands (S/15253)
Press article concerning Argentine note protesting British removal of Argentina's personnel and buildings at Deception Island
UK Foreign Office concerning letter to The Times "Ships in the Antarctic" on the use of naval vessels in Antarctica
Argentina, Decree 495, concerning recommendations adopted at the Tenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Washington
Press article reporting Argentine communique calling for the acceleration of negotiations over Islas Malvinas
Argentina, Law 22606 concerning the military governor of Islas Malvinas, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
Argentina, Decree 1057 concerning industrial development of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands
Argentina, Decree 2363 concerning organisation structure of the Ministry of External Relations and Worship,
Argentina, Decree concerning recommendations adopted at the Thirteenth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Buenos Aires
Chilean reservation of rights following establishment of Argentine shelter "Paso de los Andes" in Chilean Antarctic Territory; and Argentine reply
Chilean reservation of rights following issue of Argentine stamps showing Antarctic territory claimed by Chile, and Argentina's reply
Chilean note to Argentina reserving Chilean rights in connection with Argentine buildings at Margarita Bay, and Argentina's reply
Chilean notes to Argentina concerning maps depicting Chilean Antarctic territory and reserving Chile's rights, and Argentina's response
Argentine note accepting International Hydrographic Bureau limits of the South Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean
Argentina, Decree 916, establishing the National Institute and Museum of the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands
United Nations Resolution 3160 urging resolution of the sovereignty dispute between United Kingdom and Argentina over the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Argentina, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Acta Final de la Cuarta Reunion de Consulta de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores
Prime Minister, Australia (Bob Hawke) "Transcript of News Conference" concerning Antarctic environment initiative
Press article "La conference du traite de l'Antarctique: l'environment" Nouvelle Gazette; and related articles
Brazil, United Nations General Assembly, "A brief history of Brazil's interest and activities in Antarctica", Document A/39/583(Part II)
Colombia, Diario Oficial, Law 67 implementing the Antarctic Treaty; Decree 1690 of 1990 establishing an Antarctic commission
European Parliament, Committee on External Economic Relations, draft report on the economic significance of Antarctica
Federal Republic of Germany note the United States concerning the reunification of Germany, and US Secretary of State advice to Antarctic Treaty Parties
United States note concerning notification by Italy that it considers itself entitled to be recognised as a Consultative Party, and Italian information provided.
United Nations General Assembly, 18th session, Official Records of the General Assembly concerning independence for colonial countries and peoples
United Nations General Assembly, 33rd session, letters from the United Kingdom and Argentina concerning implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
United Nations General Assembly, 33rd session, Report of the Special Committee on the situation with regard to implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
United Nations General Assembly, 33rd session, Working paper by the Secretariat of the Committee on the situation with regard to the implementation of the declaration of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples concerning the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
Argentina, United Kingdom, Joint communique on negotiations concerning the future of the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands; and related press article
United Kingdom Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, South Georgia (Falkland Islands Dependencies)
US Department of State, White House statements concerning military activities at the Falkland Islands/Malvinas
US, Secretary of State and President, statements concerning the Falklands conflict; includes statement from the Organization of American States
Falklands/Malvinas conflict, Argentine note to the Twentieth Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Organisation of American States; and related statements and resolutions
United Nations Security Council and General Assembly, documents concerning the Falklands/Malvinas conflict, October 1982 to November 1983
"The South Atlantic Crisis: Background, Consequences, Documentation" US Department of State Bulletin
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