Fait partie de Edward le Rossignol: Scrip certificates
Index to R9 - Edward le Rossignol: Scrip certificates
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Fait partie de Edward le Rossignol: Scrip certificates
Index to R9 - Edward le Rossignol: Scrip certificates
Savage River Silver Prospecting Company
Fait partie de Edward le Rossignol: Scrip certificates
Scrip certificate for one hundred five shilling shares for the sum of two shillings and sixpence each, issued to E. Le Rossignol of New Town by the Savage River Silver Prospecting Company. Office of company: Miller's Chambers, Murray St., Hobart. Registered as a No Liability Company under "The Mining Companies Act, 1884". Issue number 55. Share numbers 7201-7300. Dated 23rd December 1891. Signed by the Director and the Manager.
Savage River Silver Prospecting Company
Fait partie de Edward le Rossignol: Scrip certificates
Scrip certificate for twelve (12) five shilling shares for the sum of five shillings each, issued to E. Le Rossignol of New Town by the Savage River Silver Prospecting Company. Registered as a No Liability Company under "The Mining Companies Act, 1884". Issue number 1042. Share numbers 46,865 to 46,876. Office of company: Miller's Chambers, Murray St., Hobart. Dated 23rd December 1891. Signed by the Director and the Manager.
South Oceana Silver Mining Company
Fait partie de Edward le Rossignol: Scrip certificates
Scrip certificate for fifty shares from the South Oceana Silver Mining Co, No Liability, Zeehan, Tasmania, registered under the mining companies act 1884. Issues to Edward leRossignol of New Town. Dated 26th August 1891. Number of issue 236.
Fait partie de George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Index to P1 - George Musgrave Parker Papers
Dido the bushranger : the story of his capture
Fait partie de George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Unidentified newspaper clipping titled "Dido the Bushranger : the story of his capture" (by E.O.C) [Edward Octavius Cotton]
Edward Octavius Cotton
Fait partie de Andrew Inglis Clark Collection
Fait partie de Housekeeping accounts
Fait partie de London, Board of Trade : Notices to Mariners
Index to N2 - London, Board of Trade : Notices to Mariners
Fait partie de Robert Cosgrove Collection
William Peacock : shingles and nails
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Letter : Thomas Cotton to son, Francis Cotton
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Letter : Thomas Cotton to son, Francis Cotton, 1834
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Letter Thomas to Francis Cotton
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Letter Francis to Anna Maria Cotton 1st Jan 1868
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Personal account of God's goodness
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Francis Cotton's personal account of God's goodness to him, including his upbringing and his readmission to the Friends during Backhouse and Walker's mission.
Francis Cotton
To a sister on the protracted illness of her infant
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Dr George Fordyce Story Collection
Collection consists of personal papers, medical case notes and accounts, student notes and exercises, botanical papers which include some correspondence with Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller, copies of electoral returns etc.
George Fordyce Story
Bjarne Aagaard, summary of work
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Reference relevant to Norway, Norwegian whaler, whaling, exploration and discovery. Provides source information only.
Bill Bush
Norwegian note notifying the United States that Norway had claimed Bouvet Island
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Diplomatic communication relevant to territorial claims, sovereignty, Bouvet Island, Sub-Antarctic, exploration and discovery. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information and Bill Bush notes. (Published by Bush at NW12121928)
Bill Bush
Quote re Norwegian Antarctic stations
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Quote relevant to Norway, stations, sovereignty and effective occupation of territory. Provides source information only.
Bill Bush
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
National law relevant to Norwegian territorial claims, sovereignty, Norway, Bouvet Island, Sub-Antarctic and territories administration Provides copy of document or extract, with source information. (Published by Bush at NW27021930A)
Bill Bush
Royal resolution providing for the administration of Peter I Island
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
National law relevant to Norwegian territorial claims, sovereignty, Norway and territories administration. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information. (Published by Bush at NW13071933)
Bill Bush
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Diplomatic communication relevant to Norwegian territorial claims, sovereignty, the United Kingdom and Dronning Maud Land. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information and Bill Bush notes. (Published by Bush at NW23101934)
Bill Bush
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
National law relevant to Norwegian territorial claims, sovereignty, Norway, Dronning Maud Land and territories administration. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information and Bill Bush notes. (Published by Bush at NW14011939B)
Bill Bush
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Diplomatic communication relevant to territorial claims, sovereignty, Norway, Dronning Maud Land, the sector principle, maritime boundaries, and recognition of territory. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information and Bill Bush notes. (Published by Bush at NW16011939)
Bill Bush
Account of a claim for Norway of King Edward VII Land by Commander Prestrud
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Diplomatic communication relevant to territorial claims, sovereignty, the South Pole, Dronning Maud Land, exploration and discovery. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information. (Published by Bush at NW08121911)
Bill Bush
Fait partie de National Antarctic documents
Government document relevant to territorial claims, sovereignty, Norway, Dronning Maud Land, place names and territories administration. Provides copy of document or extract, with source information and Bill Bush notes. (Published by Bush at NW12031948)
Bill Bush
Fait partie de Andrew Downie Papers
Subpoena and notes of expense in case of sheep stolen from Thomas Wells when Downie was acting for John Raisley of Kimbolton Park, Hamilton. Also note relating rumours of sheep stealing 1826.
Andrew Downie
Fait partie de Daniel Ellis - convict record
Index to E1 - Daniel Ellis - convict record
Fait partie de Andrew Gatenby : Militia substitute certificate
Index to G7 - Andrew Gatenby : certificate
Fait partie de Fish caught at the Great Lake, Tasmania
Index to H1 - Fish caught at the Great Lake, Tasmania
Fait partie de Alfred Harrap & Son Collection
Index to H4 - Alfred Harrap & Son Collection
Fait partie de Henry Hellyer Diary
Illustration from Henry Hellyers diary - " A Diver was killed this afternoon by a stone thrown at it and after some persistence it was bought ashore. Beak a little convex, this birds measures 20 inches from tip to tip of wings ".
Fait partie de Henry Hellyer Diary
Illustration from Henry Hellyers diary - " Lopham camp showing tents, fallen trees and stumps ".
Fait partie de Henry Hellyer Diary
Illustration from Henry Hellyers diary - " Sketch of the map of Rocky Cape - sketch of coast looking eastward from the higher outer hill at Rocky Cape".
Fait partie de Knopwood Sermons
Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitles "On the love of our country"
Preached before the Honble Allen Hyde Gardner Cap HM ship Resolution of [illegible] – June 1801, Camp Sullivan Cove Van Diemen’s Land May 13 - 1804
137 Psalm – 5 verse If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
Robert Knopwood
Fait partie de Knopwood Sermons
Rev. Robert Knopwood sermon, On the love of our country 1801. Transcribed by Eliza Fox on 16/10/19.
Fait partie de Knopwood Sermons
Manuscript of sermon preached by Rev. Knopwood entitled “ A Condemned Sermon, Repentance and Conversion” 27th April 1821
Robert Knopwood
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Recommendation for grant of land in V.D.L.
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Letter of recommendation from the Colonial Secretary for a grant of land in V.D.L.
John Leake
Transcript of Letter: 16 May 1836
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Letter written by William Wood from Hawkridge, dated 20 May 1836 wishing an offer on the sale of his estate in March providing he is offered three pound per acre and the auctioning of the stock. Includes a sketch of the property
John Leake
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Letter written by William Wood from Hawkridge, Snakebanks dated 10 June 1838 regarding the membership of the committe for the Church of England Grammar school
John Leake
Transcript of Letter: 16 March
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Ttanscript of Letter: 15 December 1838
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Handwritten promissory note signed by William Wood, Hawksridge, dated 2 June 1840 for the sum of one hundred pounds, due September 5. Stamped in black ink The Commercial Bank Launceston No. 16137
John Leake
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Letter written by William Wood from Hawkridge dated 25 May 1842, regarding sending two acceptances which he hopes will be more correct and of how he is much annoyed by the rheumatism
John Leake
Transcript of Letter: 25 May 1842
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Transcript of Letter: 5 June 1842
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Letter written by William Wood from Hawkridge dated 26 June 1842 to Leake regarding his health, thanking him for his letter and when he should trim his grapevine
John Leake
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Letter written by William Wood from Hawkridge dated (?) 14 August 1842 regarding always making mistakes in acceptances, all afflicted with rheumatism, rations given out to servants and going to the ball.
John Leake
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Letter written by William Wood from Hawkridge dated 29 August 1842 regarding acceptance (enclosed), still busy ploughing and sowing
John Leake
Letter from Matt Seal: April 11 1893
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Humorous illustrated letter to Miss Dolly from a young friend, Matt. Seal, from Hobart, dated April 11 1893 regarding her enclosed blue ribbon
John Leake
Letter from Matt Seal: April 14 1893
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Humorous illustrated letter addressed to Miss Dolly from a young friend, Matt. Seal, from Hobart, dated April 14 1893 regarding the reward claimed by the old gentleman for the blue ribbon
John Leake
Letter from Matt Seal: June 5 1893
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Humorous illustrated letter to Miss Dolly from a young friend, Matt. Seal, from Hobart, dated June 5 1893 thanking her for button hole and a tie and how he wore them to the garden party where they were immensely admired.
John Leake
Letter from Matt Seal: March 3 1894
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Humorous illustrated letter to Miss Dolly from a young friend, Matt. Seal, written from Woorara, Buninyong, Victoria, dated March 4, 1894
John Leake
Letter from Matt Seal: April 29 1895
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Humorous illustrated letter to Miss Dolly from a young friend, Matt. Seal, written from Dunrobin, Casterton, Victoria, dated April 26, 1895, telling of fighting bushfires at Dunrobin and fly fishing and camping up and down the Glenelg River
John Leake
Letter from Matt Seal: July 18 1895
Fait partie de Leake Papers
Humorous illustrated letter to Miss Dolly from a young friend, Matt. Seal, written from Dunrobin, Casterton, Victoria, dated July 18, 1895, sorry he is taking so long to reply but hopes she will send him her newest photograph.
John Leake
Fait partie de Marshall and Terry Family Papers
Receipted account for 1 guinea paid to W.J. Ring for tuition of Master Ralph. Dated 1830
John Terry
Fait partie de Marshall and Terry Family Papers
Three black and white postcards of Askrigg, Yorkshire, England (probably c1910-1920)
Fait partie de William Knibb Morris Collection
Index to M13 - William Knibb Morris Collection
Fait partie de Royal Tasmania Regiment : 1st Battalion
Index to M20 - Royal Tasmania Regiment : 1st Battalion
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Transcript by of the letter to Walker from Lady Franklin regarding the opening the Ancanthe Museum
Diary - South Africa to Van Diemen's Land
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Handwritten journal of George Washington Walker of his voyage from South Africa to Van Diemen's Land and marriage to Sarah Benson Walker
George Washington Walker
Letter from Bicheno, Colonial Secretary's office
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Letter dated 30th November 1850 from the Colonial Secretary's office signed by James Ebenezer Bicheno regarding a grant of land at the south end of Collins Street Hobart to the Total Abstinence Society.
George Washington Walker
Plan for the advocacy of the Total Abstinence Society cause
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
List of gentleman and proposed dates for the plan for the advocacy of the Total Abstinence Society cause in connection with the V.D. Land T.A Society at the Prisoners Barracks, Hobart Town up to December 1851 on the second Friday evening in the month at 7 o’clock
George Washington Walker
Letter and statement of account respecting the Temperance Halls transfer
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Copy of a letter signed G.W. Walker and statement of account respecting the Temperance Halls and transfer to the V.D.L. Total Abstinence Society for the building fund
George Washington Walker
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Minutes of an overflow meeting held in promotion of National Temperance in the Infant School Room, Murray street on the evening of Thursday 6th July 1854. Address delivered by David Blair on the important subject of "National Temperance". George W Walker in the chair.
George Washington Walker
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Copy of an uncompleted petition from the inhabitants of Hobart Town and its vicinity to the Honourable the Legislative Council of Van Diemen's Land. Petitioners therefore pray that the 38th Section of the Licensing Act, commonly known as the " Sunday Clause" may not be repealed.
George Washington Walker
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Undated complaint by the finance committee of the Hobart Town Total Abstinence Society addressed to Mr J.B. Mather and Mr Geo. Bell, of suffering grievous moral wrong and slander from Geo. W Walker
George Washington Walker
Letter : Petition to the Lieutenant Governor
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Letter accompanying the petition to the Lieutenant Governor dated 20 August 1846 against the increase of Public Houses signed Theodore Bartley
George Washington Walker
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Cloth and cardboard pin holder in envelope with note "Made by Sarah Benson Walker"
Affectionate remembrance of Sarah Benson Mather
Fait partie de Walker Family Papers
Mourning card and printed texts for Sarah Benson Mather, second daughter of R. Andrew and Ann Mather, who died in Hobart Town, on the 12th of 3rd month ,1875 aged 28 years and 10 months. Sarah Benson Mather passed away in the early morning, just as the cocks began to crow. The text which heads these verses was deeply impressed on the minds around her.
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Index of names contained in the Cotton Papers including C7 - Story and DX20 - Mather
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Francis Cotton to assessors, dated 1865, that land valuations of Kelvedon and Grange too high
Francis Cotton
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Kelvedon - xerox copies of reports - Land Board records 1829 and 1836
Francis Cotton
1853-55: Journal of farming operations at Kelvedon
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
"Journal of farming operations at Kelvedon with other remarkable incidents" written by James Backhouse Cotton , 1853-1855
Francis Cotton
Fait partie de Cotton Family Papers
Farm journal for Kelvedon, January 1856 to February 1859. A journal recording farming activities at 'Kelvedon', the Cotton family's property near Swansea on the East Coast of Tasmania. George Fordyce Story lived with the Cottons at Kelvedon and contributed to their farming efforts. The journal contains monthly records for 1856 - 1859 describing the management of crops and livestock, as well as important family events. Kept by Edward Octavius cotton
Francis Cotton