- Item
- n.d.
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour of Leatherwood, Tasmania
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Watercolour of Leatherwood, Tasmania
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Sketch of a cockatoo on lined exercise paper with another sketch on the verso
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Indian ink sketch on card made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland. Captioned (Charlton Ed) for Sydney Mail
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
Indian ink with some colour sketch on tracing paper made by Olive Pink between 1940 and 1941. From a collection of sketches made in New South Wales, Tasmania and a few in Queensland.
Olive Pink
Part of Olive Pink Collection
1 black velvet beaded waistcoat/vest. Hand sewn in places
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of snow-capped mountains beside Lake St Clair
Aerial view of Mount Field West and Mount Mueller
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour aerial photograph of Mount Field West and Mount Mueller 1970
Man looking to Mount Marian from Mount Charles
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of man standing on ledge of Mount Charles looking towards Mount Marian. Man wearing brown felt hat, leather chaps and woollen shirt
Skiers on Mount Mawson plateau
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour aerial photograph of Mount Mawson ski field with skiers visible
Aerial view of northern end of Denison Range
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour aerial photograph of rocky peaks of Denison Range, partially covered in snow
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of man looking down Mount Wellington, with skis, from Milles Track
Snow and ice beneath grove of Pandanus trees
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of ice and snow cloaking the leaves and trunks of Pandanus and other Tasmanian highland rainforest plants
Skiing at Mount Field National Park
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of skiers at Mount Field National Park, 1968.
Snow plowing on road to Mount Wellington
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of Post Master General Department Jeep equipped with front-mounted and rear-mounted snowclearing implements moving snow and ice from road on Mount Wellington, 1960
Aerial photograph of mountains in Southern Tasmania
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour aerial photograph of snow-covered mountains in Southern Tasmania
Skier on summit of Mount Field West
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of snow skiier on Mount Field West
Sunset atop Naturalist Peak, 1973
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph sunset atop snow-capped Naturalist Peak
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour aerial photograph of Denison Range, capped in snow
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph, taken from eastern bank of Inglis River, depicts four yachts sailing, breakwater on opposite bank, with small child running in sand on foreground riverbank.
Hal Wyatt
Steam locomotive with head of steam
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of steam locomotive, pulling red carriage and freight wagon through railyard
Hal Wyatt
A5 Garratt steam locomotive at Conara Junction
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of A5 Garratt steam locomotive on tracks at Conara Junction. Graffiti visible on side of locomotive. Small boy wearing blue in foreground.
Hal Wyatt
Across the King River Valley 63
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of landscape, King River Valley, mountains, skeletal tree trunks, dotted on mountain foothills and heathland
Hal Wyatt
Auxiliary Ketch Lenna at Hobart Regatta 1957
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of the ketch Lenna, taken from shore of Derwent, at Hobart Regatta, 1957. Depicts two-masted ketch on Derwent River, with casuarina tree in foreground.
Hal Wyatt
Steam train arrives at Hobart Station
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of steam locomotive, with green livery, pulled into platform at Hobart Station, with passengers on platform.
Hal Wyatt
C class locomotive at Hobart Station platform
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows C Class steam locomotive with green livery, pulling red and cream carriages, at Hobart Station. Child looking out driver/engineer cabin window.
Hal Wyatt
Locomotives at Western Junction
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows two C Class steam locomotives with red livery, at Western Junction station, figures on platform, people in background taking photographs
Hal Wyatt
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows autumn foliage alongside the Lachlan River, near New Norfolk
Hal Wyatt
Demonstration of Aveling & Porter steam engine and grain harvest machine
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows man bagging barley at a threshing machine attached to Aveling & Porter steam engine at a vintage farm machinery demonstration, watched by dozens of people standing behind rope
Hal Wyatt
Derwent Hunter sailing off Sandy Bay
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of Derwent Hunter, sailing in Derwent River, off Sandy Bay, with other yachts under spinnaker in background.
Hal Wyatt
Man bagging grain at demonstration of Aveling & Porter steam engine and harvest machine
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows grain being bagged at a vintage farm machinery demonstration with Aveling & Porter steam engine attached by belt to grain processing machine, watched by dozens of people
Hal Wyatt
Belt-driven baling with steam engine
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows how a belt is connected to drive wheel of a steam engine and a baler, at a demonstration held near central arena at Elphin Showground, Launceston, also set up for sheepdog trials
Hal Wyatt
Bass Trader arriving in Emu Bay, 1962
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of cargo ship, Bass Trader, arriving at Port of Burnie, at Emu Bay, Round Hill in background of picture
Hal Wyatt
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of sandstone building with tin roof, geraniums blooming in front garden, Bath Inn, at Oatlands, Tasmania
Hal Wyatt
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of topiary bear alongside Midland Hwy, Tasmania
Hal Wyatt
Rendered stone house with extensive floral garden
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of stone house, rendered white with flowers in bloom in front garden, in front of verandah, old tin roof, on corner block
Hal Wyatt
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of yachts racing on Derwent River with cargo ships berthed at Port of Hobart in background; foothills on land are dry
Hal Wyatt
Paddock of lupins at Sassafras
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of blue lupins, flowering in a paddock at Sassafras. Picture taken from a driveway entrance with a sheep and cattle grid.
Hal Wyatt
Rocky shore to west of Boat Harbour
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of rocky shoreline west of Boat Harbour, taken 1952.
Hal Wyatt
Repair work on Tasman Bridge continues
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows site of repair work to Tasman Bridge, damaged by the crash of the ore carrier Lake Illawarra in January 1975; missing pylons being replaced
Hal Wyatt
Horse and carriage at Launceston Show 1972
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of dark bay or black horse in harness, with a black carriage at Launceston Show, 1972. Groom or driver also dressed in black. Other carriages in background.
Hal Wyatt
Bird’s eye view of Burnie wharf
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph, taken overhead, of three-masted ship berthed at pier on Burnie wharf, undated; timber stacked on concrete surface of wharf, motor vehicles parked on wharf; five smaller single-masted vessels and dinghies, also tied to nearby jetty.
Hal Wyatt
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph taken from Upper Burnie, looking north to Burnie waterfront on Emu Bay, with reclamation works at Port of Burnie; a ship berthed
Hal Wyatt
Rusting Burrell steam engine overgrown by hawthorn at Bridgewater 1970
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows a Chas Burrell and Sons steam engine, abandoned and rusting, in a paddock, partially overgrown by runaway hawthorn hedge, in fruit, at Bridgewater. The maker’s name plate is partially visible on the front of the boiler. Visible at top right of photograph is western gantry of vertical lift roadway of Bridgewater bridge on eastern shore of Derwent River, where Bridgewater bridge and causeway joins towns of Bridgewater and Granton.
Hal Wyatt
Downstream at Butlers Gorge Power Station
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of waterways beyond Butlers Gorge Power Station, Lake King William and Clark Dam on the Hydro Electric Commission’s Derwent Scheme.
Hal Wyatt
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of the stone base of the Callington Mill at Oatlands, a windmill originally built 1837, which fell into disuse through 20th century and was partially dismantled.
Hal Wyatt
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of red painted railway carriage hooked up behind wagon laden with cut and split timber in a railway siding at Deloraine. Two men standing beside the carriage (with DB10 painted on the side), one man wearing hat, studying a viewfinder camera, the other is looking up the track.
Hal Wyatt
Cascade Brewery building in front of snow-capped mountain
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of Cascade Brewery with snow-capped Mount Wellington in background.
Hal Wyatt
Centenary train stops at Westbury
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of schoolchildren and sightseers crowding onto the track and climbing onto another train to look at the passing Centenary Train, pulled by two steam locomotives on the Tasmanian Government Railways line, at Westbury Station.
Hal Wyatt
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Hal Wyatt
Sandstone church building in late winter
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph showing exterior front porch of sandstone church building, with tin roof, and flowering plum in blossom in foreground.
Hal Wyatt
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of spring or stream in heathland
Hal Wyatt
Coastal scrub at Brickmakers Bay 1965
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows coastal scrub at Brickmakers Bay, near Port Latta and Cowrie Point between Wynyard and Stanley, photograph taken 1965.
Hal Wyatt
Steam train emerging from northern portal of Rhyndaston Tunnel
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows steam locomotive with yellow passenger carriage emerging from northern portal of Rhyndaston Tunnel near Colebrook, Tasmania.
Hal Wyatt
Commercial Hotel Richmond 1970
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph shows street view of Commercial Hotel, Richmond, a double-storey sandstone structure with decorative ironwork on the veranda posts, taken in 1970
Hal Wyatt
Construction of Tasman Bridge 1961
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph taken from Derwent River shows construction of Tasman Bridge, 1961, shows scaffolding and crane gantry in place near shoreline.
Hal Wyatt
Clouds over Mount Jukes at Crotty 1970
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph depicts sun peeking through cloud at Mount Jukes near Crotty.
Hal Wyatt
Derwent Hunter and Premier at Hobart docks
Part of Hal Wyatt Collection
Colour photograph of sailing boats, Derwent Hunter and Premier, moored at Hobart docks, near Queen’s Pier,
Hal Wyatt
Procession at Claremont military camp
Detail Camp under construction
A collection of buildings identified as Detail Camp, part of the Claremont military camp.
Men (some in uniform) peeling potatoes, seated around mental tubs. Tents and rough tin sheds visible in background.
Large group of people photographed outside portion of the Cadbury building. Photograph slightly damaged at edge.
Large two storey cement building, part of Cadbury factory.
Cement clad building forming part of Cadbury factory.
Large cement tank being sprayed with water by man holding high pressure fire hose.
Internal Courtyard, Cadbury Factory
View of road through an internal courtyard, surrounded by multi-storied factory buildings on Cadbury site.
High Pressure Hose, Cadbury Factory
Large cement tank being sprayed with water by man holding high pressure fire hose.
Penitentiary Building , Sarah Island
Part of George Musgrave Parker : Correspondence and research records
Sarah Island was also known by many in the late twentieth century as Settlement Island and the brick and stone penitentiary building was thought to have been constructed in 1828. Cabinet card
George Musgrave Parker
View of the Post Office, Queenstown, Tasmania
Part of Images of West Coast Tasmania
Image contains text identifying the subject. Possibly originally a post card.
Tower on Roof, Cadbury Factory
Man standing on edge of cement tower on top of a building, forming part of Cadbury site. Mount Direction in background.
Panorama showing cement tower and chimney stack on top of building forming part of Cadbury site, with view of Derwent River in distance.
Erection of several large cylinders at Cadbury factory.
Soldiers at Claremont Military Camp
Soldiers in uniform in field, Tents and buildings of Claremont Military camp and hospital also visible. Photograph annotated The Hospital. Photograph by Beattie's Studios.
Clearing with gum trees at side, with long tin roofed building in distance.
Cricket game in progress, Cadbury Factory.
Cadbury Factory and River from Air
Aerial view of Cadbury factory and surrounding area. Photograph taken by J J N Barnett. Photograph annotated A4 A2.
Men playing golf
Cleared land with man holding a shovel, bulldozer at side.
Cleared land with hills in background
Cleared land with hills and water behind.
Large clearing, Mt. Wellington in background
Cleared land with Mt. Wellington behind.
Bulldozer clearing land, pine trees around edge of plot.
Cleared land with hills behind
Cleared land with golf course and wooded hills behind.
Single storey industrial building with glass frontage on roadside. Sign on door gives opening hours.
Glass fronted building, viewed from street
Single-storey industrial building with glass frontage on roadside. Verandah and gates across driveway to left of building.
Cadbury site with snow covered Mt. Wellington
Cadbury site with Berriedale and Glenorchy mid-ground. Snow covered Mount Wellington in distance.
Mr Lloyd speaks at Cadbury farewell luncheon
Mr JPD Lloyd at Mr Paul Cadbury's farewell luncheon, 20th October 1965 at Claremont Golf Club.
Representatives Conference, Cadbury 1922
Representatives Conference 1922. Left to right. Back: JC Tankard, JF Jeffrey, JP Wilson, JH Cooper, VC Smith, JE Cooper, DC Vernon, H Hives, JP Whitworth, WH Clark. Front: JA Ersjine, J Coley, WH Palmer, EA Clarke, N Benson, WH Lees, S Lees, W Cooper, WA Cadbury.
Representatives Conference Garden Party at Thos. E. Coopers residence “Chigwell”
Representatives Conference Garden Party at Thos. E. Coopers residence “Chigwell” Left to right. Back: JP Wilson, HE Theobold, J Cooley, DC Vernon, A Hackett, W Lees, N Benson, JC Tankard, F Erskine, AE Lodge, S Lees, JP Whitworth, WH Palmer, H Hives, JH Cooper, JT Jeffrey, (.) Front: EH Colleyshaw, Mrs Colleyshaw, Mrs Clarke, Mrs W Cooper, Miss Joy Cadbury, D. Cooper, William Cadbury, Mrs Cadbury, TE Cooper, Mrs TE Cooper, Miss Gallimore. Seated: WH clarke, Miss Russell, Miss Joyce Cooper, Mrs HV McKernn, Miss H Cooper, Mrs Coley, VC Smith. 1922?
Marketing Conference, Cadbury 1949
Marketing Conference, Cadbury July 1949
Mr BC Johnston at Marketing Conference, Cadbury 1949
BC Johnston. Marketing Conference, Cadbury July 1949.
HV McKernan attending social function, 1949
HV McKernan (with cue) and members of the Marketing Conference July 1949.
Attendees of Marketing Conference
Attendees of Marketing Conference July 1949.
AG Whitlam, Marketing Conference July 1949
AG Whitlam taking a cigarette break from the Marketing Conference July 1949. Cadbury clock tower can be seen in background.
Directors ‘A’ Staff & State & Sales Managers. Claremont March 12th, 1951
Directors ‘A’ Staff & State & Sales Managers. Photographed Claremont March 12th, 1951. Left to right. Back: VA Benjafield, DR Campbell, JWC Wyett, Miss DA Wyly, KWG Mason, WA Smith, BA Wells. Middle: A Watts, DS Newman (Victoria) AH Seaton (S.Aus.) BC Johnston (Queensland) EF McDade (NSW) I van Assche (W. Aus) WA Hopkins (Tasmania) Front: VG Burley, JPD Lloyd, VC Smith, HV Mckernan.
Sales Managers Conference Claremont March 16th-19th, 1953
Sales Managers Conference Claremont March 16th-19th, 1953. Taken outside at Social Hall, Derwent River in background. Left to right. Back: RM Conway, TO Kelly, MG Wells, JWC Wyett, AB Eastaugh, DR Atkins, RB Thistlethwayte, WA Hopkins. Front: DS Newman, AH Seaton, EF McDade, HV McKernan, BC Johnston, I van Assche.
Sales Conference Attendees, Claremont March 15th 1954
1954 Sales Conference March 15th, Claremont. Left to right. Standing: TO Kelly, MG Wells, BC Johnston, DR Atkins, AB Eastaugh, JWC Wyett, WA Hopkins, RB Thistlethwayte, RM Conway. Seated: I van Assche, EF McDade, JPD Lloyd, HV McKernan, DS Newman, AH Seaton.
Senior Representatives Conference Claremont 11th-15th October, 1954
Senior Representatives Conference Claremont 11th-15th October, 1954. Left to right. Standing: RM Conway, AB Eastaugh, DC Whiter, RV Palesy, WE Tilburn, MG Wells, RW Oxley, DR Atkins. Sitting: FW Thomas, FA Pollard, JWC Wyett, HV McKernan, WA Hopkins, NF Mitchell. Derwent River in background.
Group photograph, South Australian Conference
Group photograph, South Australian conference. Information available for front row only: F. Stock, R.B. Fisher, J.W.C. Wyett, A.H. Seaton, H. V. McKernan, W.A. Hopkins, M. G. Wells, L.S. Coker. Date of conference annotated on ball 1960.
ASM's Conference February 1961
ASM's Conference February 1961. Back: TO Kelly, FA Pollard, EM Firth, MG Wells, RB Thistlethwayte, RV Palesy, DR Atkins, DC Whiter, G Blay, NF Mitchell. Centre: RM Conway, DE McEnvoy, HG Partridge, M Glanville, FW Thomas, GJ Budd, JP Quayle. Front: AB Eastaugh, I van Assche, WA Hopkins, AH Seaton, HV Mckernan, BC Johnston, JWC Wyett, DS Newman.