Letter written by Frederick K. Astell a miner from Zeehan to his uncle, referring to a downfall in the share market, friends and family, the Waratah to Zeehan railway would be a boon to the coast if constructed, house on Argent Tram property, changes and building at Zeehan, Zeehan and Queen mines lodes good, working underground at Western, then underground boss at North East Dundas.
This collection is comprised of scrip certificates of shares issued to Edward le Rossignol of New Town in Tasmanian mines: Royal Mint Gold Mining Company, North Mount Cameron; Savage River Silver Prospecting Company; City Prospecting Association, West Coast; Sunrise Prospecting Association; Godkin Silver Mining Co., Whyte River Tasmania; New Waverly Gold Mining Co., Lefroy, Tasmania; South Oceana Silver Mining Co. , Zeehan.