The Life and Times of Sir Richard Dry
- AU TAS UTAS SPARC B1-3 (1/1-5)
- Item
- 1951
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript drafts of the publication "The Life and Times of Sir Richard Dry", O.B.M., Hobart
Alice Daisy Baker
The Life and Times of Sir Richard Dry
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript drafts of the publication "The Life and Times of Sir Richard Dry", O.B.M., Hobart
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Correspondence received 1936-1951. Personal and business letters to Mrs. A.D. Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Three copies of typescript of school broadcast titled "Women and Freedom" dated 6 April 1944 by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Norman Manor Life and Feudalism
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One typescript of school broadcast titled "Norman Manor Life and Feudalism" dated 22 June 1944 by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One typescript radio play for children written 1940 titled "The Cat and the Fiddle" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Miscellaneous personal papers including Christmas cards, photograph of little girl reading, copyright registration receipt (1928), Red Cross home nursing certificate (1939), embroidery transfer.
Alice Daisy Baker
Collection of published stories
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Copies of published stories sent to A.B.C. as suggestions for children's sessions by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Stott's Technical Correspondence College
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Stott's Technical Correspondence College dated 1938-9. Lessons in story writing. Eleven lessons with exercises by Mrs Baker and comments and some miscellaneous exercises in writing.
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Two copies of typescript of a radio play, 1938, title "The Star of Bethlehem" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One typescript radio play for children dated May 1938, titled "Cinderella" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Three copies of a typescript radio play for children titled "Aladdin", dated July 1938 by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a radio play 1938 title "The Rising of the Sun" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Two copies of typescript of a radio play 1938 title "Thunder in the Air" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Two copies of a typescript radio play for children dated June 1938, titled "Dick Whittington" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Two copies of a typescript radio play for children titled "Sleeping Beauty", dated August 1938 by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Manuscript of a radio play, 1938, title "The Gap in the Hedge" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Book of poems, dated 1935-1936, containing manuscripts and cuttings of published verse, giving date and name of publication.
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Collection of poems celebrating St. Bernadette, the discovery of the Darling River and the loss of the aircraft "Miss Hobart"
Alice Daisy Baker
Pine trees, the plantation at Brown's River
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Manuscript of a poem titled "Pine Trees, the plantation at Brown's River", 1934, as published in 'Tasmania Now and Then', J. Walch & Sons, Hobart
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Manuscript of a poem titled "Ruth"
Alice Daisy Baker
Guide to St. David's Cathedral, Hobart, 1842-1932
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One file titled "A Guide to St. David's Cathedral, Hobart, 1842-1932" by C.G Williams, Franklin, Huon Times print
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
A xerox copy of a book of stories and poems for children, including manuscripts and cuttings of published work
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Two bundles of manuscript, typescript and published collections of verse
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Manuscript and typescript of an historical novel titled "Tapestry" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a novel titled "Papermakers Ltd." by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Property" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Marriage by Deputy" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Flame" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "The Ideal Citizen" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Liberty" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Two copies of typescript children's serial titled "The Enchanted Mirror" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One typescript titled "Why I am a Catholic" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One typescript titled "The Offering of Suffering" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Unnamed and undated folder of loose typescript poems with list at front
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a musical comedy titled "A Little Music, Now - " by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a radio play 1938 title "Discovery" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "A Merchant of Muslin" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
An Incident in the Gold Rush 1851
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Manuscript of a work titled "An incident in the Gold Rush 1851" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Ordeal by Fire" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "More about Aluminium" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Memory" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Australia: A Company's Concession
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Australia: A Company's Concession" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One typescript radio play for children titled "Jack and the Bean-stalk" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Miscellaneous notes on Catholic religion
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Miscellaneous notes on Catholic religion by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
A collection of loose typescript poems titled "Heralds of Spring", with an incomplete list of poems at front
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Collection of poems titled "Original Verse" by members of the Lyceum Literary Circle. Includes 3 poems by Alice Daisy Baker: "Anthem to Tasmania", "The Village by the Sea (Brown's River)", "Mount Wellington"
Alice Daisy Baker
Research notes for The Life and Times of Sir Richard Dry
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Alice Daisy Baker's research notes for "The Life and Times of Sir Richard Dry", mainly arranged by subject but including copied extracts from general works.
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a novel titled "The Fortunate Land" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Two copies of typescript of a play titled "Arts and Crafts" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Two copies of typescript of a radio play 1938 title "In Search of a River" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a radio play 1938 title "Mistletoe Mischief" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Manuscript titled "A Little Rose-water - " by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Beaconsfield Gold" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Big Money" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Manuscript of a work titled "A Hundred Years Ago" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Hastening Inheritance" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
A Century Ago - Report of a Wedding in 1839
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "A Century Ago - Report of a Wedding in 1839" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Articles about early Hobart by Alice D Baker which were probably sent to a magazine for publication
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript children's serial titled "Green Jacket" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One typescript radio play for children titled "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One manuscript titled "Freedom of Conscience" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Miscellaneous typescript pages
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Incomplete miscellaneous typescript pages of plays and historical matters by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Miscellaneous papers and notes
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Miscellaneous papers and notes about literary and historical matters by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Collection of press cuttings, mainly relating to Tasmanian history
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Collection of manuscripts, typescripts and published poems, not indexed in B1/2(7). Not all complete.
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Manuscript and typescript of an historical novel titled "The Box of Paints", largely relating to Sir Richard Dry, by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a play titled "Captain Cook", third episode of a pageant by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Manuscript of a play titled "Cricket" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a radio play 1938 title "Gallipoli" (verse) by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
The Deception of Theodore Morton
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "The Deception of Theodore Morton" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Mad Hatter's Party" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
An Imaginary Conversation with a Celebrity
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "An Imaginary Conversation with a Celebrity" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Typescript of a work titled "Writing in Australia" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
One typescript children's story titled "The Sweet-Pea Family" by Alice D Baker
Alice Daisy Baker
Part of Alice Daisy Baker Collection
Xerox copy of an indexed book of press-cuttings, notes etc. about early history of Tasmania, incomplete
Alice Daisy Baker