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George Washington Walker
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Index : 2008/1
Index : 2008/1
Walker Family Papers
Walker Family Papers
Walker Family Papers 2007
Walker Family Papers 2007
Account book of Backhouse & Walker
Account book of Backhouse & Walker
George Washington Walker to Esther Stickney
George Washington Walker to Esther Stickney
George Washington Walker Collection
George Washington Walker Collection
Correspondence : Joseph Anderson, Norfolk Island
Correspondence : Joseph Anderson, Norfolk Island
Diary - South Africa to Van Diemen's Land
Diary - South Africa to Van Diemen's Land
Abstinence Society  in account with the  editor of Courier and Teetotal Advocate
Abstinence Society in account with the editor of Courier and Teetotal Advocate
Correspondence : Edward Curr
Correspondence : Edward Curr
Donation from Bicheno
Donation from Bicheno
Correspondence : Robert Clark, FLinders Island
Correspondence : Robert Clark, FLinders Island
Correspondence : William Comstive
Correspondence : William Comstive
Establishment of the Hobart Town Savings Bank
Establishment of the Hobart Town Savings Bank
Correspondence : Richard Collins, Manchester UK
Correspondence : Richard Collins, Manchester UK
Letter : Petition to the Lieutenant Governor
Letter : Petition to the Lieutenant Governor
Facts and figures on expenditure on hard liquor
Facts and figures on expenditure on hard liquor
Correspondence : James Boyd, Maria Island
Correspondence : James Boyd, Maria Island
Correspondence : Alexander Cairnduff, Maria Island
Correspondence : Alexander Cairnduff, Maria Island
Correspondence : Walker to J.S. Hampton
Correspondence : Walker to J.S. Hampton
Correspondence : James Boyd, Maria Island
Correspondence : James Boyd, Maria Island
Correspondence : James Bonwick, Victoria
Correspondence : James Bonwick, Victoria
Correspondence : Walker to Denison
Correspondence : Walker to Denison
High School of Hobart Town
High School of Hobart Town
Report of the Council of the High School of Hobart Town
Report of the Council of the High School of Hobart Town
Letter from Bicheno, Colonial Secretary's office
Letter from Bicheno, Colonial Secretary's office
Plan for the advocacy of the Total Abstinence Society  cause
Plan for the advocacy of the Total Abstinence Society cause
Correspondence : Andrew Clarke, Colonial Secretary's Office
Correspondence : Andrew Clarke, Colonial Secretary's Office
Report of the Council of the High School
Report of the Council of the High School
Letter and statement of account respecting the Temperance Halls transfer
Letter and statement of account respecting the Temperance Halls transfer
Education and Convict labour
Education and Convict labour
Minutes of meeting
Minutes of meeting
Letter to Sir William Denison
Letter to Sir William Denison
Letter to Philip Smith
Letter to Philip Smith
Constitution and Laws of the Van Diemen’s Land Liquor Law League
Constitution and Laws of the Van Diemen’s Land Liquor Law League
Van Diemen's Land Total Abstinence Society pledge
Van Diemen's Land Total Abstinence Society pledge
Correspondence : James Boyd, Port Arthur
Correspondence : James Boyd, Port Arthur
Copy of circular addressed to candidates at elections
Copy of circular addressed to candidates at elections
Circular addressed to licenced victuallers
Circular addressed to licenced victuallers
Copy of circular addressed to licenced victuallers
Copy of circular addressed to licenced victuallers
Letter from George Washington Walker  to  James Backhouse Walker
Letter from George Washington Walker to James Backhouse Walker
Remarks on a report to Sir Richard Bourke
Remarks on a report to Sir Richard Bourke
Letter from architect Edward Rowntree to George Washington Walker
Letter from architect Edward Rowntree to George Washington Walker
Obituaries of George Washington Walker, Tasmania
Obituaries of George Washington Walker, Tasmania
High School of Hobart Town : ledger book
High School of Hobart Town : ledger book
Government House and St David's Cathedral, Van Diemen's Land
Government House and St David's Cathedral, Van Diemen's Land
George Washington Walker
George Washington Walker
Rules of the Society
Rules of the Society
George Washington Walker
George Washington Walker
Index to scrap book  items held in LOR
Index to scrap book items held in LOR
Temperance Society
Temperance Society
Unidentified document
Unidentified document
Memorial to the Honourable the Legislative Council of Van Diemen's Land
Memorial to the Honourable the Legislative Council of Van Diemen's Land
Fundamental Principles of the Hobart Town Total Abstinence Society
Fundamental Principles of the Hobart Town Total Abstinence Society
Notes on holding an Abstinence Society meeting
Notes on holding an Abstinence Society meeting
Petition to the Legislative Council from the inhabitants of Green Ponds
Petition to the Legislative Council from the inhabitants of Green Ponds
George Washington Walker and the formation of the Temperance Society
George Washington Walker and the formation of the Temperance Society
Petition to the Legislative Council
Petition to the Legislative Council
Correspondence : Richard Dry
Correspondence : Richard Dry